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The South Carolina cop story has been all the rage lately. We realize that lots of reasonable turtle riders think the cop should be fired, and that’s fine. We don’t all have to agree. We’ve gotten a shit ton of hate mail about it, but that’s what you do when you offer an opinion that not everyone agrees with. Regardless, I think we can all agree it’s not the teacher’s fault, right? Oh wait, what’s that? You’re telling me RBG and the hippie patrol is blaming the African-American teacher?
Hey teachers – a man who led an illegal blockade of Kelley Square and jumped on a tractor trailer truck to scare the shit out of the driver
a man who brags about getting unemployment for two years straight while spending money freely
a man who will skullfuck your parents if he doesn’t agree with your opinion
a man who you paid $1,500 in taxes to go to a poetry slam in Oakland
A man whose general philosophy in life is, “fuck everyone who is successful because I am a 40 year old slob who can’t get his shit together so I protest how unfair life is instead”
This man just told you how to do your job. You know what’s funny? He has more influence than you. This man got paychecks from Mosaic and speaks at City Council meetings. He affects policy. Let that sink in.
I think we can all agree that the no matter what you think of the cop, this one isn’t on the teacher right? How many students do high school teachers see every day? Like 100? And they’re supposed to magically know who is having a bad day and who isn’t? And then they’re supposed to take that information and use it to decide who to enforce rules on. If you’re having a bad day and you’re down in the dumps, then rules don’t apply to you until you’re feeling better. Makes sense!!!
Like I said, a lot of people we know and respect think the cop was in the wrong. Everyone here disagrees with that, but that’s fine. We don’t all have to agree all the time. People didn’t like our takes on Major Godin at North High or about our recent blog on the appropriateness of using blackface on Halloween.
We’re still friends though. Because in America it’s OK if we agree to disagree. That’s what separates us from the hippies. CNN anchor Don Lemon is a frequent target of the hippies because he’s a black man who isn’t nearly belligerent enough to gain the hippies’ approval. With the SC story his take was – let’s wait until all the facts came out. For that he’s being branded as an Uncle Tom and the hippies are demanding that he be fired:
Hey hippies – this is what fascism looks like. We don’t agree with you, therefore you can’t be on the air. Despite the fact that Don Lemon is clearly a left-leaning anchor who doesn’t want to rush to judgement, it’s not good enough.
P.S. I almost feel bad for how dumb RGB can be sometimes. Check this out:
HAHAHAHHA. This poor, poor guy. District 4 is Sarai Rivera’s district. We joke all the time about how Kevin Ksen is gonna load up the rape van, give bums donuts, and have them vote Sarai. Because it’s generally assumed that a fake pastor like Sarai Rivera has to use deceit to get elected. That obviously went way above poor RGB’s head, and now he wants us investigated for voter fraud. Pray for RGB.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
19 Comment(s)
I’m in agreement the officer was justified to remove her, but overzealous with force. BUT, just because her mother died is ABSOLUTELY no reason to be disruptive to the classroom. Just another example of the entitlement mentality at work. If your that upset, stay the fk home you slob.
What’s the matter fuck stick, getting nervous?
Next time should add “and a Perverted Deviant” to your name. But just as predicted:
Cue in the sickening homophobic innuendos because that is all sick fucks like yourself knows in your feeble minded little disgusting existence.
You make my point every time Jeffrey Neal!
Looks like Jeffy’s father (?), also an attorney, ran afoul of the law down in Sturbridge. In today’s T&G. Look it up.
Hahaha… You only think you know who I am, based on a random IP address and a screen name attached to an anonymous Yahoo account. I assure you, my online commenting is not attached to any entity bearing my actual name. Only amateurs and morons are found out so easily. I do keep waiting, though, for one of you Turtles to pull a nutty on Attorney Neal, just for the entertainment value of watching it blow up in your face.
Nice try Jiffy. It’s called deflection. It will not work for you. We all who you are, what you look like, where you live and how much of an asshole you are.
So I’d give it a rest if I was unfortunate enough to be you.
Sounds like a threat, my dear friend. You know so much? Come get me. Remember though, I could kill you with my bare hands.
Spurts needs to take a squirt cause I think it went over his head to smh
Danny, sounds like you’ve got a hankering for a taste of FYFF. LOL
spurts continues to support the TB site and drives up TB’s $ …. with all his clicks and visits …. LOL
So, why all the whining if I’m good for business, fellas?
Jeff that’s the only legitimate counter you’ve ever made.
RBG is correct. Jason Joseph, having moved to Grafton in February, will be committing voter fraud if he votes in Worcester. I’m not surprised to Clarence Woods Emerson, a.k.a. AyKay, a.k.a. Turtleboy, encouraging that. What would one expect from an individual who endorses and supports police brutality in our schools? Turtles are clearly near the bottom of the evolutionary chain.
Shut Up
As the joke was explained to Jeffy and it STILL flew over his head.
Dude, just how dense are you?
ACORN was voter fraud. LOL
Why is this bum even given a forum? He adds no value to society.
This is why so many people do not support the lengthy “safety net”. Has this bum ever worked a honest day ?