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We like to share good news about Spencer, Webster, and Southbridge whenever we can, since those are the three towns that seem to make it onto Turtleboy more than any others. And the fact that three Webster cops saved two people from a burning building today is as good a reason as any:
WCVB: Police officers dragged two people out of a burning building in Webster on Monday afternoon, Fire Chief Brian Hickey said.
Hickey said the two police officers were the first at arrive to the burning multifamily building at 39 Granite St., after the 911 call around 12:43 p.m. He said they pulled a man and a woman out of the fire in what he described as a “dramatic rescue.”
Hickey said the woman who was saved by the officers is in serious condition and the man also suffered some injuries. Both officers were taken to the hospital for treatment because of smoke inhalation.
The three-alarm fire caused devastating damage to the exterior of the building, burning all the way up through the roof. It appears the flames scorched all three floors of the structure.
Remember in March when some buttnut was trying to make a name for himself by “catching” a Webster cop who he thought parked “illegally” in a “handicapped spot.” Here’s the video:
Where is that little peon now? Oh yea, that’s right, people like him and the rest of the mainstream media are only interested in making cops the bad guys. They’re not there when they save an old lady’s life. My favorite part about that video is that the cop was not parked in a handicapped spot, and he was getting food for prisoners. Ya know, because Webster Police Station holding cells don’t have gourmet cooks on staff. The best part of course is that the guy wasn’t really parked in a handicapped spot, because McDonald’s had painted over the handicapped sign, only to see part of it washed away by all the snow from last winter. As you can see, they clearly moved the handicapped spot two spots over:
Stupid facts!!!
Big shoutout to Officers James Young Sr, Robert Larochelle, and Spencer Donovan. Remember these three guys the next time some dooshnozzle tells you how terrible cops are. They saw a burning building and ran INSIDE of it to save some strangers from a lower income part of town. Of course no one will talk about this because the cops didn’t shoot a guy actively resisting arrest or charging at them. But we will. Because we value the police and all they do for the community.
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2 Comment(s)
Office Young gave my husband and me our license to carry! He is stern, but fair. This was just a few blocks from me and I don’t know when it was put out, but when I got home my entire street smelled like bad firewood. Officers in Webster are amazing men, not sure if there is a woman or not. I don’t have run ins with them enough.
Officer Young Sr, Officer Suss, Lt. Shaw, all amazing men who are great to work with and easy to talk to. Thank you for showing how great Webster can be.
Sincerely, a former Worcester resident who thinks Webster is better
This was right down the street from me. Rumor has it that the elderly woman fell asleep with a candle burning.
The building in question is set back from the road, almost behind another house. Given the proximity, it’s only through the tireless efforts of the Webster Fire Department that it didn’t spread to other buildings. So big up to our largely volunteer FD and our professional PD. They have a rough time in a town like Webster and don’t get nearly enough credit.