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Big drug bust in the lovely town of Webster yesterday:
First of all, the fact that this many drug dealers could operate their businesses without any sort of violence is a testament to what has happened to the town of Webster and that one part of Dudley by the French River, which is basically Webster Jr. I’ve seen Breaking Bad AND The Wire before. You can’t have this many drug dealers doing business in the same place simultaneously without some bloodshed. Unless of course you serve a hungry, hungry market, which obviously is the case in this situation.
And this cast of winners make up some of the most Webster people you will ever see:
Good God.
Then there’s this epic mugshot:
I’m not gonna lie, my first guess would’ve been child diddler. No way that guy was ever getting out of Webster.
Then there’s this guy:
This stud:
And this guy, who is probably the most Webster looking man you will ever see:
And my favorite:
At this point Turtleboy has zero tolerance for drug dealers. We’re in the midst of a heroin and opiate epidemic right now. No matter where you live in Massachusetts there is easily accessible heroin right around the corner from you. And probably 90% of the people reading this knows someone who is addicted. And don’t give me that Rand Paul bullshit about legalizing all drugs. Heroin serves no purpose except to kill people. Yes, the people who are buying this crap obviously are responsible for themselves, but drug dealers profiting off of the physical demise of human beings are the lowest of the low.
If you’re selling weed, that’s one thing. No one cares about weed anymore. Weed doesn’t ruin people’s lives. But heroin is specifically designed to be addictive and it’s a million times more dangerous. People actually die from heroin. No one ever dies from weed. Zero sympathy for heroin dealers. Lock em up and throw away the key. Set the tone that this shit isn’t gonna be tolerated around here no more. Because I’m sick of seeing normal people throw their lives away because they can’t say no to heroin.
Oh yea, and their enablers should probably stop talking too:
Hey Ronnie, Turtleboy has compassion. He has compassion for the people who are injecting these toxins into their body. He has no compassion to the people who give it to them and take their money. And please Jenny, tell me more about how selling drugs isn’t trashy. Because when I see this face:
All I can think of is “classy.”
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19 Comment(s)
The giant demand for heroin was caused by the government crackdown on opioid prescriptions. This drove addicts of pure, safe, known potency oxy into the streets for impure, unsafe and unknown strength heroin. There’s the explosion in the market and the explosion in overdoses.
So the government solution? Crackdown more on the oxy…what do you suspect will be the result of that? Even more death.
The cat is out of the bag with oxy addictions. We can just pull the plug on that without more addicts dying in the streets.
I have 2 years clean from the shit… Get these people off the st they are killing people just to make a quick buck
That Paige girl was just arrested (in the last year) for what I’m pretty sure was the same thing. Mug shot looks the same too.
Studies have shown that most low-level dealers like the ones shown here are addicts themselves. Selling dope is their way of financing their own habit. They are not the ones you should be railing against. They need treatment. Once heroin really gets ahold of you, you can no longer support your habit with a job, in fact, you become unemployable, as your every move is dictated by your habit. So, with all due respect, I would say don’t demonize these people.
Check the birth certificates…almost each were born and bred in the WOO or adjoining towns. Your sheriff Lew and, Judge Letemfree in Dudley and the Worcester Prison Warden have decided its best to ship all this crap to an outpost on the state line…Webster. Better to collect them all in one place at the end of the bus line…much like Fitchburg’s Corrections Center Office of horrors. It’s really just the Woo passing its joyus pleasures all over the county. Thanks Worcester!!!
These clowns got nothin’ on Nick Nolte
The first girl, Paige, is smoking hot!!! xoxox model material 10/10, the last girl makes me want to wash myself, and pick off the crust.
Unfortunately some people have used herion so long that they can’t make it through a day without it. If all the dealers just disappeared then the users would just find something else to feel good enough to get through the day. It’s a vicious cycle and I don’t wish addiction on anyone. I’m an addict and I guarantee that you or anyone else would never know it. I don’t use to get high I’m sure I did when it all started but now I only use to feel normal. Until they find something like an antidepressant or the like that makes it possible for me to function on a daily basis I will continue to do as I do. I don’t steal I don’t cheat and I don’t lie. I work a full time job and I’m very good at what I do. There definitely are people who steal and do whatever they can to support their habit and it’s unfortunate that they have to live that way but I understand. I don’t shoot up but I’m still an addict. I don’t like being hooked on this shit but I am and it is what it is. As far as dealers go I’ve met some nasty people that don’t give a shit about the people they deal with and I won’t deal with them. I’ve also met people that do care about who they sell to and actually care about their people because they know how it really is to be an addict. I could go on for hours but I’m not gonna. After all its thanksgiving and I’ve got my family to spend time with today. Say a quick prayer for those that are addicts, those that have diseases, those that are fighting for our country and those that lost it all for our country. Happy Thanksgiving.
I’ll say a prayer for you, craz, but if you don’t get into treatment/Narcotics Anonymous, you won’t be around much longer. You say you’re good at your job – then the world needs you around to do that job. Your family needs you and loves you. There’s a whole bunch of places you can go to get help. Go. Today. Please.
Singapore, one of the most advanced and crime free and successful countries in the world, has a pretty clear policy on how to deal with heroin dealers. And as a result they basically have no heroin “problem”. Maybe the US and MA should open their eyes.
And no Sarai, RBG, Mosaic, et al, it is not “racist” to prosecute drug dealers. Period.
Why would it be racist….
Where are the neck tatoos?
I know the first girl. She’s a decent kid, but her boyfriend (next to last) is a Grade A scumbag. I guarantee the drugs in their apartment are his, and she’s just dumb enough to stay with him.
Thank you, but she’s not dumb. Sadly, it’s love.
Love has a way of making people do stupid shit.
Been there.
If she loves him she will leave him. I learned the hard way. Heroin kills…it destroys your brain, leaves your heart cold, dcf be knocking at your front door and the police at your back door. If you are a good person you will also lose your job and your friends and reputation too bc everything he does people will assume she does too…
I mean, they are dealers that deal to use, it’s not like they are type of entrepreneurial drug lords or even a motivated unit like in movies… Because of this I don’t find the lack of violence surprising like in your assessment.
Regardless, happy they are caught and hope they don’t get back out too quick.
The first girl is a Webster 12! A 6.5 in the real world, but a 12 in Webster!
$30 on the street today. A few years of that dope shit and the price will be a pack of butts from the 7/11