Westfield Rapist Nathan Lami Destroys Faith in Humanity

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Just days after reporting about Free-Range parenting, comes a reason to ignore all that and lock up your kids forever. Nathan Lami 33, of Westfield, Mass. pleaded guilty to seven counts of child rape, four counts of posing a child in the nude, two counts of indecent assault and battery on person 14 or older and a count each of reckless endangerment of a child and possessing child pornography. He has already been in jail awaiting trial, but now that he has been found guilty he has been sentenced to 2 days in jail. The day he goes back, and the next day when they find his body. Honestly, you’re reading this and you either just laughed knowingly, or you are offended and think that’s in bad taste because I don’t know all the facts. Well, the only facts are grown man rapes underage girl A LOT.

In case you’re wondering what this soon-to-be human prison pinata looks like, take a gander


This guy rapes so much, he doesn’t even have time to wear a shirt.  This wannabe-clown at your next kid’s birthday party has over 200 friends on Facebook too. And thye say things like this


Oh it’s a nightmare? You can’t believe it? Well guess who else can’t believe this nightmare… The victim & this guy’s daughter. Oh yeah, my bad, did I neglect to mention this guy has a daughter who is now wishing her mom had just swiped left on his Tinder pic. This little girl has to grow up and explain why her daddy thought it was ok to give little girls free mustache rides…

This psycho was supposed to be babysitting this girl and ended up cutting her with a scalpel, followed by licking up the blood. If you’re reading this & thinking of raping anytime soon, just make good use of Nate “Childbait” Lami’s scalpel.


I wish there was some sort of positive lesson to take out of this, but unfortunately it just completely destroys my previous argument in favor of free range parenting & the concept of trusting your neighbors. Maybe if you look up this guy on Facebook and let him know how you feel, his “friends” will think twice about their friendships. That’s a silver lining right?

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14 Comment(s)
  • Too loud to be silent
    April 19, 2020 at 2:07 pm

    The post that was in this article was made by his sister. I knew the family when I was little. His sister, Caitlin, was my best friend. He was doing disgusting things even back then around. He molested his sister so I don’t know why she is defending him. I never actually saw proof of him doing that but I saw enough weird stuff and her behavior about it to know it had happened many times before. He tried doing stuff to me but I left and ran home. I was not at all surprised when I found out about this. There has always been something seriously wrong with this guy even back then when he was a teenager. I can’t believe it took this long for him to be caught considering he’s done this many times before.

  • Jackie
    January 19, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    I was bound and raped by this sick man.
    His whole family was in the westfield housing authority apartment.
    When I heard of this I called the Westfield police station to tell them I was recently raped as well and the DETECTIVE said “He’s a good guy.” I immedately hung up.
    I was friends with his then girlfriend Mandi thru my friend.
    This man needs to be chemically castrated or castrated period.
    He gets locked up for only 2 days!!!???
    I hope this sick “True Sex God” dies a horrible death.

  • areyoukidding
    March 17, 2015 at 9:34 pm

    First of all , as someone who knows nate and his family quite well i can say this , i am positive that this is not his only victim and if i were to see him after this he would not be a living person anymore , the author of this is a fucking moron simply because they really dont know whats going on and really needs to do some fucking research

  • unknown
    March 12, 2015 at 11:38 pm

    This moron can go and bash his sister because she misses her family member and post a picture of a girl dressed like a Zombie… then you go to the Turtleboy Facebook page and their second profile picture is an old green guy fucking a fake turtle. The author of this article is a trouble making pussy. They’ll post shit about others, yet use a fake name.

  • nuna
    March 12, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    This person is rediculous. Most of the informantion is wrong. Also how dare you bring in his poor family? Of corse she misses her brother, he is still the person who she grew up with and protected her, taught her to ride a bike, and countless other things brothers do. How could they know what he was going to do. Bringing his daughter in to it is uncalled for too. Dont you think everyone who loved him is hurrting? That they dont feel guilty enough? Yes the poor girl and her family is hurting and its unforgivable but they lost a son, brother, and friend. Both families deserve respect and not to have thier pain broadcast over the internet because people are dicks. And bringing random friends into it? Come on. The people who repost this are just as bad. They need to get a life and relize theyre just hurting the innocient because they have nothing better to do.

  • unknown
    March 12, 2015 at 8:08 pm

    First of all, if you’re going to trash talk someone get the story straight. Let’s start with his name. His name is Nathaniel, not Nathan. Second, do not involve people that have nothing to do with the situation. They did not tell NATHANIEL to do what he did, that was all him. Keep his family, former friends and anybody who just knew him as an aquaintance out of this. Maybe you should go back to school for journalism or something before posting shit in publover.

  • concerned
    March 12, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    Just need to take a second to defend the “zombie”. That girl has the biggest heart of anyone I know. Dedicating her life to help animal rescues, trying to start her own business, etc. The guy yes, is a piece of shit. But not right to steal a photo from a Halloween pub crawl that was a Westfield, Ma fundraising event and think she dresses up as a zombie on a daily basis. How many people’s Facebook friends are “real” friends? How many of those Facebook Friends do you speak to daily? Post as many pictures of the kid as you want because he’s a sick waste of a human. Not fair dragging someone who may not have had seen this person in years and making her feel violated and slandered as being like him.

  • anonomys
    March 12, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    Well obviously you can read because you just spit back the news story that mass live reported but you didn’t pay close attention as the sentencing isn’t until tomorrow according to the real news story. Maybe you should let the news reporters report the news and find something better to do with your time. I am not disagreeing that Nate has always been a creep for as long as I have known him (over 20 years) but you don’t notice when your the same age. Maybe you could think about the victim and her family and not write more online about a horrible experience that she had and probably wants to forget. Get a hobby besides fake news caster.

  • Dan starodomsky
    March 12, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    I knew “of” him in school when I was young…..I’m not young anymore. Nate better hope that I don’t catch a charge because if he’s not in p.c. then he won’t have a nice time if I’m around. So sorry for anyone he had hurt. Really I’m sorry.

  • andrew
    March 12, 2015 at 11:22 am

    Maybe he has done wrong but there’s no reason to be slandering his fucking family what if your family member did wrong would you want to be slandered who ever wrote this is a piece of shit and a pussy for hiding behind an article and you obviously don’t kno facts get a life and stop fucking with others

    • Unknown
      March 12, 2015 at 12:44 pm

      It is only slander if it isn’t true, He admitted to it so it’s true. I’ve known him for a very long time and I always knew something was up with him, but he was always the nicest person to me personally so I would of never of thought he was would of done this until he said he did it himself. So no one is slandering him. He admitted it, there for he is GUILTY. And if it true he only got 2 days I’m sorry that is just flat out WRONG. He needs to get WAY more time then that.

      • anonomys
        March 12, 2015 at 2:02 pm

        It is slander when you bring a text from his family members into it and then comment on them

        • Wabbitt
          March 12, 2015 at 2:49 pm

          That’s not a text, it’s a Facebook message. So… it’s true. Hence it isn’t slanderous.

  • anonymous
    March 12, 2015 at 7:47 am

    Yea…Unfortunately I’ve known this guy most of my life. He has always been super creepy and has always liked young girls. Also, he has always been and certainly will forever be known as the SCUM of Westfield. Man, I could go on and on about how creepy he is. Eeewwww….

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