The Black and White Grille in Spencer is in my rotation of restaurants that we go to and order out from, and their menu is huge and amazing. I can’t say enough good things about it. They also have ice cream.
If you want to support them after reading this blog (which you should), tell them that Turtleboy sent you when you order. Fight cancel culture with love and support for those being cancelled.
Spencer is one town over from Leicester, the home of Ron Tarentino, the Auburn Police Officer who was murdered by a career criminal during a traffic stop in 2016. Like many local businesses in the area the Black and White have been huge supporters of the Tarentino family since that horrible, tragic day that those of us around here remember all too well. They are unapologetic about showing their support for their local hometown hero.
Some of the shirts worn by servers even feature the thin blue line symbol to honor Ron Tarentino and his family.
This is Rachel Garay, a teacher in Franklin.
She has sacrificed nothing for her community, because unlike Ron Tarentino she has refused to go into work during the pandemic because she’s afraid of a virus. Contrast that cowardice with what every police officer has done by going into work before and after the pandemic, and you understand who the real heroes in our community are.
Rachel grew up in the almost entirely white community of Hopedale before moving to the only slightly less white town of Milford, and now teaches in the almost entirely white town of Franklin. But she married a black man, and she constantly reminds you of it on her Facebook page.
“Reverse racism isn’t real.”
You’re absolutely right. It’s just called racism. Like when the Wellesley Public Schools ban entire races of kids (white only) from attending school sanctioned events. That’s racism, not reverse racism.
“Have you ever been called the n word.”
No, because that makes no sense. I have been called “white bread,” “white boy,” “cracker ass bitch,” and other terms of endearment growing up in the Worcester Public Schools as a racial minority though.
“Have you ever been afraid to leave your house with your family because of your race.”
I had some friends who lived on Shelby Street back in the day, and to get there we had to go through Plumley Village. And if you weren’t Puerto Rican driving through there on a hot summer day, good luck.
Anyway, I know these things because unlike Rachel Garay I grew up in a diverse, multicultural society that taught me a lot about people of different races. Turns out they’re just like regular people and we don’t have to treat them like delicate porcelain dolls who need white people to protect them.
Rachel recently went out to eat at the Black and White Grille (somehow, it’s way out of the way from Milford) and ended up leaving them a bad review because one of the servers wore a shirt honoring Ron Tarentino.
These are the traumatic shirts she’s referring to.
They made T-shirts for Ron’s 5k run a few years back and everyone loved them so they made another batch for the staff and some customers. The owner is a police officer himself, and none of his employees are forced to wear the shirt.
Her friends all comforted her for the trauma of having to be served a meal of food by someone in a shirt she doesn’t like.
“So sorry this happened to you guys.”
She got to eat the best club sandwich I’ve ever had.
Thots and shares.
She was upset with her husband for not being as upset as she was.
“I ask him why he doesn’t get upset all the time.”
Imagine treating your husband like a token who’s supposed to be offended by a shirt honoring a murdered police officer? Ron Tarentino was a human being. He left behind a wife and three sons. Spenser Tarentino gave one of the most tear jerking eulogies you will ever see at his funeral.
Remember, all those people complaining above OBJECT to the fact that the restaurant is honoring this family. They think Ron Tarentino was a racist because he was a cop, and that it’s preferable that the Black and White honor George Floyd instead. That’s how evil they are.
How DARE you honor a guy from the town over who sacrificed his life for the community! You’re only allowed to say that black lives matter, unless it’s a black cop like David Dorn, or any of the thousands of black people murdered every week in this country. The only black lives that matter are the ones who die while resisting arrest, or who accidentally get shot because their boyfriends opened fire on the police. She left the same review on Yelp.
And she encouraged others who never stepped foot in this business to do the same. One of them was her coworker at Annie Sullivan Middle School, 6th grade science teacher Carol Allen.
“Making your employees wear Blue Lives Matter shirt is racism, pure and simple.”
No, it’s not. Racism is assuming that an entire race of people hats the police and needs white women to save them from their protection. Carol Allen is a racist, so it’s not surprising that she would support remote learning for her students, given that remote learning disproportionately hurts students of color. She seemed to recognize that in a June post.
But then a few weeks later she was demanding that this racist policy be implemented, because she is a racist white woman.
But she attempts to mask her white supremacy by attacking other white people like former Phantom Gourmet CEO Dave Andelman for making satirical Facebook posts about supporting police and being allowed to reopen their businesses.
Plus she wants to force him to have a “black film festival” at his movie theater in order to pay reparations for the harm he caused with his Facebook posts.
She doesn’t know any black people, but she knows someone who’s married to a black guy, so she’ll have to use that.
But it’s all just performative outrage from a racist white woman looking to deflect from her own racism.
Jessica Pink is a Westwood Middle School teacher who left a one star review for a business she’s never stepped foot in as well.
Because destroying small businesses who have suffered for the last year during the pandemic while teachers got paid their full salary to work from home is fun and games to her.
Jessica is so white she makes Abercrombie look like FUBU. She is also a suspected white supremacist, who attended Bridgewater State and appears to have pledged a sorority that doesn’t allow black women to join.
Jessica teaches in the almost entirely white town of Westwood and coaches field hockey in the even more entirely white town of Hopedale.
But she will take offense on behalf of black people she’s never spoken to before.
Since Jessica thinks it’s fun and games to attack random businesses she was told not to like, I’m sure she won’t object if turtle riders do the same to her Metro West Storm Field Hockey Club, whose Facebook page can be accessed by clicking here.
Anyway, Ron Tarentino went to work every day knowing he could be shot and killed by a career criminal like Jorge Zambrano. Police officers in Rutland, Boston, and Taunton have caught COVID on the job and died from it. But they keep going to work anyway because they are essential. Not Rachel Garay though. She’s a coward, not a hero. Here she is complaining about people who expect her to go to work and educate their children so that their parents can go to work and pay their bills too.
“Are some people’s lives so expendable.”
Yes, his name was Ron Tarentino. To you his life was expendable and honoring his sacrifice means your business should be destroyed. But to the owners of the Black and White his life was not expendable and they believe he should always be remembered. We agree with them.
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
116 Comment(s)
Ummmm yeah, despite you using your social media platform to tell me to try and destroy a teenage girls field hockey team tryouts I think I’m going to have to say no on that one.
p.s. You’re an angry little bitch to even suggest that, why don’t you man up and kill yourself like you promised?
If Jessica lost 50 pounds, I’d throw my hog in her trough. Maybe she would be less bitchy and crabby too. Win/Win. Now get hit the gym and call when you’ve melted off that extra lard.
Pretty enough, nice rack – probably a bit cushy around the tushy. But I would.
Is this a joke? The best part is the posts to Rachael how sorry people are she had to deal w/ such a wretched, Horrid, beyond belief experience at the restaurant……that being witnessing staff wearing shirts supporting a friend. If THATS the worst thing that has happened to her even that DAY she’s lucky! It’s laughable! It’s OK Rach, I know you must be traumatized and it’s going to really hit your wallet with all the therapy you will have to have to get over such a mind blowing experience! Idiot!
Remember Bill Burr’s SNL monologue? This woman is a prime example of he was talking about.
This ugly wench needs to be more concerned about REAL issues not imaginary ones. Such as that big ass gap in between her front teeth. Go get some braces at age 45. Please. It would be an upgrade. And you dont have to get behind the BLM movement. Why dont you teach gym class like you want to and cut your hair? You eat enough female faculty ass for those fake reviews you earned that whistle.
And these three stooges are probably the first ones to call in a “suspicious vehicle.” So glad I left the school system! They ONLY discriminate against job titles these days.
ive heard that hitler sent communist teachers to auschwitz. dude was so based.
Hey now, those broads from the Black and White look pretty good. A bit older than I usually like them, granted, but those ponytails could use some sniffing. How good is the service? Could I get one of them to change my diaper in the men’s room after I fill up on this might fine looking food?
Dude! Too far!
I hear mixed race couples are doing well at York Beach this year. In fact, Ye Olde Bed and Breakfast is offering mixed race couples a free night stay. Enjoy.
It looks like the Yelp review was removed.
Bullshit virtue signaling tee shirts by restaurant to sell a few more orders of fries.
Don’t fall for crap like this sheeple.
Trump 2024!!!!!
“….Form Mob To Destroy…”
LOL, slight hyperbole
Alternate headline: “A Few Women Criticize Restaurant’s Tee Shirts”
Three “seek to be offended” broads have to leave 1-star review for a restaurant likely struggling through the pandemic? So for your alternative headline add: “and seek to harm innocent business.” (Despite 2-out-the-3 having never been there). Fixed it for you.
C’mon man, everyone know 3 white chicks and 2 guys who identify as white chicks equals a mob.
Just like 4 poo-air-toe ricans or 4 blacks equals a gang!
Get with the times
Everyone is in the wrong here.
WTF does a cop have to do with french fries?
Maybe the cop ate their frequently with his family. Maybe he was a nice guy who cared about his community
Maybe the shirts make them feel Better.
Only wrong is some arrogant snob nosed b!tch trying to cancel a hardworking family business because supporting a fallen family man through quiet, peaceful solidarity.
Didn’t the Black & White used to advertise on TB?
Rachel graduated from Uxbridge High School in 1998. Her and her bitch ass friend Jessica were 2 of the biggest cunts back then and it seems like nothing has changed.
Keep up the great work TB!
Holy shit, I graduated 10 years before her but look 10 years younger. Time has not been kind to the gap-toothed gutless wonder!
Shit, just for seeing this, makes we want to go to this place… sounds like a great business.. that sandwich looks bomb too… def on my places to go list now thanks Turtleboy… people should support this business.
Do it, it’s so good. comfort food at a great price served by real people.
Say Moe……………That Dave Andelman got thrown under the bus for no reason. The Phantom Gourmet is great and should head to the B&W and do a double whammy show on this dame. Remember when I got black ink all over your face and Larry took a knee and said “Mammy !”
Is even whiter than Westwood? I don’t think Turtleboy has a clue where either of them are.
I’m so sick of reading stories like this about angry, woke cunts.
If we ever get back to normal, make removing teacher’s unions the first thing on your to-do list or else the schools will never be about education, only marxist indoctrination.
Blue lives matter more than your Rachel. I think we both know what you should do.
Rachel I hope you actually see this. I wake up 4-5 days out of the week, seeing that first text message that my husband is alive and didn’t get hurt or killed in a city where shootings actually happen. How can you possibly judge an entire profession off the actions of a select few? Police officers out their lives on the line for us everyday. They deal with more nonsense than you do in a controlled classroom environment. You are bias and judgmental and a disgusting human inside and out. Shame on you for insulting and shaming a restaurant supporting a fallen police officer who made the ultimate sacrifice. You let me know the next time you need to respond to a domestic call when people are violent, drunk. Arrive on scene when somebody is armed and won’t drop their gun. Answer 911 calls. You are disgusting Rachel shame on you. Love the North Shore Police wife, and a nurse who unlike you actually goes to work
Three miserable ugly fucking useless cunts!
Miss me yet?
Jorge Zambrano was a good boy, a very good boy.
If Rachel crossed her legs, she wouldn’t have gottten the odor of raw sewerage. Can’t be the first time she or her hubby has gotten a whiff of the stench coming from the axe wound between her legs she calls a C U Next Tuesday.
Black Dicks matter
Who else would marry a bucktooth beaver?
You have to be an absolute pc of shit to leave a one star review for a place you didn’t enter. Thank you TB we need to shame these ignorant monsters.
Spencer is full of racist white folk that read the KKK newspaper.
Boston Globe?
I live in Spencer and I can tell you that the overwhelming majority of people in town are down to earth and don’t read the KKK newspaper. With Spencer being one of the few remaining solid middle class suburbs in the state, it’s home to plenty of moderate/conservative folks who don’t give a fuck about being WOKE. Trust me, we have our fair share of trashy characters that squat in downtown Spencer, but most of the townsfolk are decent and would give you the shirt off their back if needed. So before you run your fat fucking mouth, ask someone who lives there.
See you at our next klan meeting.
Spencer is actually rural, not a suburb of Worcester. The only true suburbs of Worcester are Shrewsbury, Auburn, Millbury, and to a lesser-extent Holden. A suburb, by definition, is a small version of a city bordering the big city. There isn’t much in Leicester, Paxton, Boylston, and W. Boylston, despite bordering Worcester.
My name was supposed to be “Anthony’, but my gap-toothed, muthafuckin Mom kept whistling Dixie when she said it, so here I am, yo!
Liberalism is a mental disorder and social media is a cancer.
No wonder the fucking country is dying.
And as always,
Even Gostowski could split those teeth
Rachel – assuming you’re reading this – you look like an over-stuffed sausage. Gross.
These SJW cunts need to fuck ALL the way off.
Toots, the great thing about social media is that we get to see you for the whiny self-important twats you are. What you have yet to realize is what goes around, comes around.
by white token wokeism is the height of arrogance and short sightedness. We support BLM therefore all law enforcement is bad. Crime does not exist and enforcement of laws is unnecessary. That is their stance, as if good and furthermore murdered cops do not deserve recognition.
One will see great educators being recognized. One will never see poor educators and indoctrinators vilified. Sheltered in an existence of selfish, self-serving, woke political hooliganism these “educators” attack with an acute failure to that which they fail to understand. The murder by criminals of innocent law enforcement providers is wrong and dare one say hideous and incomprehensible.
Perhaps it is time to defame, berate, and disparage the entirety of the education system. To wit, give them a taste of their own medicine. The shame bell rings for thee. Especially these cunts.
These public school teacher union member types are some of the most disgusting members of society. And they try to play it off as “they are the good ones” just because they’re teachers. Do not get me wrong some teachers are really cool and give a shit about education- these cunts, and they are mostly women, Karens if you will, are total pieces of dog shit.
Work harder or study and get a better job to send your kids to private school or have your wife home school them, the Ron Paul home school program is cool, because it encourages your child to start their own business. VS public schools forcing radical leftist shit down your kids throat as has demonstrated here on the blog dozens of times.
The trolls are trying to impersonate me so I’ll be back in a week or so.
id love to go greek with those purple shirt bitches. luv, al
I live in Spencer and l love the Black & White and what they stand for. The food is excellent. Those ugly ass hoes east of 495 can stay in their communist neck of the woods. What the fuck are they doing out here anyway? The restaurant shouldn’t worry since Spencer and the most of the surrounding area actually support the police.
Sounds to me she had an agenda from the moment they left Milford. Why did she take the family north from Sturbridge Village up to Spencer to eat and not just get back on Mass Pike headed back to 495 ? Were they going to continue on red light Rte 9 into Worcester and spend hours to get home ?
Definitely had an agenda. There are more than enough decent places to eat in Sturbridge, Auburn and then Worcester. Why drive 15 miles out of the way to go to a comfort food place like B&W? Sounds to me like a set up. On a side note, I believe they actually were there because she is spot on with the horrific sewerage smell behind the parking lot
These dirty cunts and their cuckold husbands need to be run through wood chippers and forgot about. Bring an ice pic to a local school and work on their tires. If they catch you go for the eyes
Black and white chick on the left has perfect ass, just sayin.
Spencer, who knew ?
Another white chick who loves black pipe what a disgrace. Dad must be proud, munchie from the city of.Irish meatloafs is coming to your hillbilly town with a nice section of pipe you can enjoy and it’s white so dad can kiss you on the cheek after without being fucking disgusted with his daughter !!
Mike LeRoux, WTF are you talking about? Even Diz xan’t decipher that….
Munchie – good dude! Fat cock too
Worcester, MA – Just three months after Jorge Zambrano finished his seven-year prison sentence for cocaine trafficking, he was stopped by Worcester police, who suspected him of selling drugs from his car.
“What’s your problem?” Zambrano yelled at officers, his hands raised. He was arrested on charges of carrying a dangerous weapon, a folding knife, and driving without a license.
Two months later, in April 2014, court records show a similar incident.
“Why are you [expletive] with us?” Zambrano screamed as police tried to question him. He was charged with disorderly conduct and carrying a knife.
The arrest records reveal a pattern of hostility toward police, one that culminated tragically last month when Zambrano allegedly killed Auburn police officer Ronald Tarentino during a routine traffic stop.
New details of the incidents, culled from a review of Zambrano’s extensive criminal history, also reaffirm a second pattern — Zambrano’s volatile behavior, no matter how persistent, did not result in jail time.
In perhaps the most glaring example, Zambrano struggled so fiercely during an arrest in February for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend that it took four officers to subdue him, police said. Later, in his cell, he cried and repeatedly punched himself in the head.
But the next day, Judge Andrew Mandell set bail at just $500, rejecting a prosecutor’s request to keep him in jail because he was already facing charges for allegedly assaulting a police officer the month before.
“The guy is spinning out of control, what are we waiting for?” said Boston attorney Leonard Kesten, who regularly represents police officers. “I think they should have had him evaluated before he was released.”
Zambrano, 35, was killed during a shootout with police in Oxford, about 18 hours after police say he shot and killed Tarentino. The stolen gun, a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson, used to kill Tarentino was found near Zambrano’s body, authorities say.
Five knives, plastic bags containing white powder, and a scale were found in Zambrano’s car, according to recently unsealed court records.
Zambrano, who had a history of assaults against police officers, had been arrested six times this year and violated his probation on several occasions, potential red flags that have raised questions about how he was allowed to remain on the streets.
The trial court and the Worcester district attorney’s office are reviewing how his criminal cases were handled. The court’s preliminary review indicated that no procedures were violated.
Many legal specialists said it’s unfair to assign blame in the Zambrano case, given the difficulty in predicting who poses a risk of lethal violence.
“I don’t think anyone could have predicted that by releasing this man he would have committed such a violent crime,” said Randy Gioia, deputy chief counsel of the public defender division of the Committee for Public Counsel Services. “It doesn’t strike me that it’s an unusual case that was crying out for someone to be held.”
Worcester lawyer Anthony Scola, who began representing Zambrano in February, said that “in hindsight you’d say you would do everything differently.”
But in each of Zambrano’s cases, Scola said, there were extenuating circumstances. That led to a joint recommendation in March by prosecutors and Scola, adopted by Mandell, that Zambrano should undergo a mental health evaluation and treatment rather than return to jail for assaulting the police officer in January and several other charges.
He was sentenced to a year’s probation, which he soon violated by testing positive for cocaine. Still, he remained free.
“When do you give up on people?” Scola asked.
Scola noted that Zambrano’s convictions since he got out of prison in 2013 were misdemeanors, and none involved a gun. His only felony charges, for carrying a folding knife, were dismissed by prosecutors.
Yet it remains unclear why Worcester prosecutors recommended the probation sentence just weeks after they had asked for Zambrano’s bail to be revoked. The district attorney’s office said it would “withhold any comment on these cases until that review is completed.”
After the February arrest for suspected assault, prosecutors should have considered requesting a dangerousness hearing, Kesten said. That would have allowed them to hold Zambrano without bail for several days, followed by a hearing to determine whether he posed a threat to public safety.
“It’s on probation and the district attorney to identify the ones who deserve a closer look,” Kesten said. “It’s not on the judge.”
Attorney Edward Ryan Jr., a former prosecutor and Massachusetts Bar Association president, said Zambrano’s case did not warrant a dangerousness hearing.
His girlfriend denied that he hit her, he noted, and he was ultimately not charged with assaulting or threatening the police officers.
“Any good prosecutor is unlikely to have requested a dangerousness hearing on the facts presented in that case,” Ryan said.
Yet Zambrano’s behavior in the February incident, particularly in light of his criminal history, “to me is a red flag,” Kesten said. According to a witness, he punched his girlfriend in the face, knocking her to the ground, then struggled with police, who used chemical spray to arrest him.
In the cruiser, Zambrano kicked and screamed and “stated several times how he can take all of us on and just wait until the handcuffs come off,” according to a police report.
At his arraignment, prosecutors noted Zambrano’s history of resisting arrest and assaulting police officers, and specifically cited his January arrest on a charge of assaulting a Worcester officer. Scola, his lawyer, told Mandell that Zambrano had “a mistrust of police.”
Mandell voiced concern about Zambrano’s record, saying “a lot of police ought to have to worry about him,” according to a recording of the hearing. Yet without explanation, he granted Scola’s request to set bail at $500.
Seven weeks later, another Worcester County prosecutor recommended that Zambrano be placed on probation for the January assault, in which he allegedly tried to pull a police officer into his car with a pit bull inside. Zambrano’s lawyer said he was asleep in his car and was startled when police checked on him.
The prosecutor, who was not identified on the recording, told the court the officer “explained to me that the situation was intense, but he recognizes that the defendant probably needs more help than jail time.”
Mandell chided Zambrano, saying that the bulk of his stops by police had been for driving without a license.
“You know you’re not supposed to be driving and you’re doing it, so you’re doing this to yourself,” he said.
Zambrano pleaded guilty to assault and battery on a police officer and a variety of other charges, resolving several of his cases. In sentencing him to a year’s probation, Mandell warned Zambrano that he would face 2½ years in jail if he violated the terms.
But in April, Zambrano tested positive for cocaine twice and suboxone once, and admitted to using both drugs on another occasion, according to court records. Still, he remained free.
A probation officer was working with Zambrano to obtain MassHealth coverage and had referred him to a mental health clinic “to get that process going,” the Probation Department said. Zambrano had completed an intake interview on May 10, and a full evaluation was scheduled for mid-May.
Scola said Zambrano had “impulse control problems,” but was unaware whether he had been diagnosed with any specific mental health condition. Zambrano’s girlfriend recently told him Zambrano had been taking medication and that it had recently been changed.
Bernard Fitzgerald, a retired chief probation officer in Dorchester District Court, said tracking offenders with mental health issues has “always been a problem.”
When offenders are ordered to enter mental health counseling, there is no uniform policy on where they must go, or what sanctions are imposed if they miss a session, he said. Probation officers cannot send someone to prison, even for a serious infraction.
“The probation officer can recommend incarceration, but the judge has to go along with that,” he said.
In Zambrano’s case, probation notified the court of his violations, but had not recommended he go to jail, according to court records.
On May 16, Zambrano was stopped in Worcester by a state trooper who ran the plates on his SUV and discovered they were registered to a different vehicle. He was arrested without incident and charged with driving with a suspended license.
Judge Janet McGuiggan released him on personal recognizance and told him to return to court June 9 with a lawyer.
“That’s perfect,” Zambrano said. “Thank you so much.”
Six days later, Zambrano was back behind the wheel. Shortly after midnight, Tarentino pulled him over, again because his plates didn’t match the registration. Zambrano allegedly pulled out a gun and fired five shots.
What’s a girl gotta be in Massholeland, to getta job as a Teacher?
Does she gotta be an SJW wannabe ho?
Does she gotta be a big fat douchebag whale of a cunt, who likes the big roll ‘a tar paper?…..OR
Does she gotta be a transsexual, transvestite, or confused motha fucker bitch of a ho, who only likes her pussy licked by another ho bitch, with ANTIFA or BLM ties?
Can’t a normal white girl, who likes normal sex, and normal stuff, get a job as a School Teacher in Massachusetts?
Or do they all gotta go to places like Spencer and Bridgewater from their School Districts in Mansfield, or Westwood, or Franklin, to show they are Woke, wannabe, BLM (Black Lovin Morons), who hate cops?
Hello everyone.
I’m Bob the School Psychologist.
Rachel is a fine teacher, the only thing I notice usual about the children in her classroom, is they keep asking me when we are in private, What does BBC stands for.
Ms Rachel says to them in class, that she goes home everyday and gets BBC.
I have no idea why they would ask me that.
hi Bob, I looked in Rachel’s file. It makes no reference to BBC.
Does anyone know what she means, when talking about BBC.
BBC means British Broadcasting Company , I love watching the BBC that Graham Norton is very funny. But he speaks weirdly for some reason.
He speaks funny, because he’s Irish and Irish folk are 100% drunk when at work, I should know.
He speaks funny because he’s Gay sorry a Fag.
So this Norton dude, is on the BBC while Gay, Irish and Drunk that is so fucked up.
Here’s the history for newbies and liberals who think “history doesn’t matter”.
Auburn police officer Ron Tarentino was shot in the back by Jorge Zambrano in May 2016. Zambrano was a career criminal. There is the usual litany of violence and drug dealing. One report says he is an illegal alien. But thanks to Maura Healey, “It isn’t illegal to be illegal.”
Zambrano was out because, according to the DA, “Prison wasn’t working for Zambrano, and so he was offered a year’s probation with regular drug tests and mental health evaluations.” This is Massachusetts, so authorities coddle the criminals, and regulate the law abiding.
In 2019, Ron Tarantino III joined the Auburn Police Department.
Rachel Garay says: “Once you do Black…you NEVER go back!” She rides Big Black Dick for a credit score because uncooked weiner
is what she hates. She wants the metroid gene seed to fertilize her crotch!!
the real story: Rachel and Jessica are peeved that they never looked as good in black leggings as the staff at B&W. it is cattiness, pure and simple.
Gap Toofed Karen.
Had no date for the prom.
neither did i which was the perfect opportunity to get into the girls locker room and blast hot ropes across the girls lockers mmmmmmm but i was 48 at the time, good times
what a fucking puss on this coal-burning lowlife white trash bitch/cunt/whore
C’mon Man!
Isn’t Spencer the town, that 25 years ago, didn’t support it’s own Police Department, when the Board of Selectmen refused to reappoint the entire Police Department, from the Chief, down to the very last Police Officer, and everyone in between?
The Selectmen were responding to what they considered insubordination, when a Police Officer arrested the son of one of the Selectmen.
When Junior called daddy from the Police Station, daddy tried to get junior “unarrested”, but the arresting officer wouldn’t do it. So up the chain of command went daddy, speaking to the Sgt. on duty at the time of the arrest, and when the Sgt. wouldn’t unarrest junior, the selectman spoke to the Chief, who at the time was named Shamshack. Chief Shamshack had been a cop on a real department in the Boston area, prior to becoming Chief in the tiny, political burg of Spencer. When the Chief told the inquiring Selectman it would be illegal for him to do so, he was told, by the Selectman, that annual appointments of police officers, by the BOS was coming up soon, and they would remember this incident, which they did, and summarily discharged ALL the Spencer Police Officers. The State Police patrolled the town for a period of time, until such time as the BOS could advertise for Police Officers in the Boston Globe, and hire enough officers to once again man the police station, and patrol the town.
Teachers are the biggest losers to come out of this pandemic.
Whiny, entitled, thinking they are “the Chosen” and only they can do Gods work. All the while doing generational damage to the very constituents they vowed to serve AND their taxpaying parents.
Hopefully there will be an explosion of private schooling.
World needs more ugly bartenders.
Fuck every teacher. Kill them all and let God sort out the good ones who will find their way to the new privates in the next life.
You think she got that huge gap in her teeth from her husband, or was it from the basketball ball team in college?
Do you think she got her dentist to make that gap in her teeth so she could “fit in” with her husband’s family?
Bitch shut the fuck up. You’re ugly as sin and a fat fuck to boot, literally! Your husband only married you because your a fat white bitch!
How is blue lives matter racist when there are cops of every race?
And get the fuck out of here with you have never experienced racism bullshit.
I bet your husbands family was just overjoyed when he told them he was marrying a white bitch! So over joyed the told him ” dont cho be marryin dat whyte devil bitch” “boi she gun do a numbea on yo azz if she divorce yue”
Bitch I’m white and I’ve experienced racism my entire life! So unless you kept your self locked in the house your entire life, bitch you lying out that gap toof. You insufferable pig bitch! And why is your cunt clan throwing up gang signs? That’s cultural appropriation hoe!
Rachel Garay shut ur dam mouth bitch
I’m obsessed with Matt Dizio, I can’t stop posting about him, look at me!!!!!
Did I do that right?
Rachel, we don’t want your kind in Spencer anyway, stay where you are.
Jessica is a lesbian, so her opinion doesn’t matter in the least.
And Carol, well just look at her, she has “I voted for Liz Warren” written all over her face.
Next time you’re out this way, just keep fucking going (to Smith College)
Fuck social media.
Fuck this ugly, self-loathing, fake-self-important “woke” bitch. So you married a black guy. Oh how very generous of you. Yay. And now you just want to be left alone, to live your lives in peace like everybody else…right?
Yet here we are. Because of YOU.
And while we’re at it, fuck the guy who invented the cellphone camera…everyone’s a fucking star .
Enough already.
Why does EVERYTHING disproportionately affect POC.
They are all good people and have to bear the brunt of everything in society.
But that would require being responsible. So nix that idea. So chimp on.
I had always respected teachers until their political views ruined their profession. They’re constant whining and looking down their noses at people who don’t agree with them has made them a complete joke. These three ugly cunts should have their social media reported for trying to ruin a business because they had a different opinion. Fuck you and stop using your black husband as a prop. He deserves better
I thought I’d seen it all but these fugly, miserable and just plain repulsive women the cake.
Who gives a F that she married whoever? I married outside my race too and it’s not even a thought. My kids are technically “biracial” but who cares? I dont expect anyone to care. Sick people. They can only be tenured teachers cause they would never last or make it in corporate or in a real job. LOSERS! ALL OF THEM! And our kids have to deal with these deranged individuals. It’s not fair.
Only looked at the pictures, would fuck both the waitresses long before her.
The sorority is what the Omega Moos?
“Go Greek” so this sorority loves anal? Bet they love clams to.
What is it. This is not Pornhub. But yet you scroll the posted articles with your joysticks in your hand.
Fantasizing about what you would like to do with the women pictured in these articles. What a bunch of sick fucks.
Do you just sit there all day eating Cheetos and jerkoff?
It’s equal opportunity. I’m jerking off to David Andelman. I want to gobble his cock and take his cummies
I prepared a hot bowl of clam chowder for you it has a special orange cheeto seasoning.
fuck cheetos I like the well done cheezits
Wow there sure are a lot of wankers on this site.
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The Sorority is spelled EAT, as in eating pizza and ice cream, eating each others pussies and b holes.
If it was chesna ok but not this officer he didn’t commit a genocide it Iraq.
Some day karma is going to give you a good slap
Lay ‘me all off! Shut this shit show down!
They must be discriminating against White kids. There’s no way they can shut off the virtue signaling once class begins. Racist pigs!
I suck black loads becsuse no decent white man wants me.
I pretend thst blacks dont chimp out and that epidemic black on whitee violent crime fails to exist.
I loves me black cock up my ample rectum
I hope Rachel Garay had a salad she could use it
BTW I bet she has a “hate has no home ” sign in her front yard
she probably has the virtue-signaling trifecta of signs…
Hate has no home here!
Black Lives Matter!
BYEDon/Biden Sign
Or go for the grand slam -the coexist bumper sticker
You forgot the hope sign and the one that says they believe in science (lmfao when, when it suits them) and that no one is illegal.
Dont forget these are the same dogooders who were buying cops dinner and giving them gift cards for food just a day before George of the Jungle overdosed on fentanyl.
George of the jungle nine months and a few days sober! may the devil torture his soul. O that’s right he didnt have one to begin with!
All in the whitest towns. Ask them why don’t they live in Brockton instead of Wellesley or Westwood ??? You can get more for your buck . We all know why deep down inside why these Social Justice Warriors live in those uppity towns. Let’s be real
I thought it was just a joke how everyone says sp!c tormentor/matt dizio works at Target, but I’m pretty sure I just saw him there if he is the dude with a long mangy beard and a shaved head he was wearing a black mask with a skull face on it literally stocking shelves LMMFAO I almost busted out laughing literally had to hold it in hahahah what a fucking loser
Yup, that was him in his full glory.
ST has been working at target since it opened like 18 years ago and still never advanced past shelf stocker lol. Even the literal retards they hire get advancements promotions there
I can confirm the Spic Tormentor/Matt Dizio/Jimmy Atchinson/Mark Gibbson was diligently putting away the beauty products at Target today. He was indeed decked out in a really bad ass skull mask. Most people can’t pull those off but it looked good on him.
Next time give him a shout out he likes the recognition after all he is kinda a big deal being the captain of the wrestling team or maybe you heard about his party 20 something years ago. If you haven’t heard he’ll tell you all about it.
Rachel was the fat girl in the corner at party at the end of the night . Guys would have to be black out. Drunk to fuck that whale. She has no self esteem so she fuck anyone ….Rachel never got call back from guys .to embarrass they hook up with that fat pig …
She likes the big bamboo!
Carole Allen your fucking ugly lonely cunt …does your husband get $5 solar hookers in Brockton
How fukked in the head must someone be to believe that honoring fallen members of Law Enforcement is somehow a bad idea? Morons…
I call total bullshit. I am white, I have experienced racism, I have been afraid to go out with my white family to certain areas. More to the point- what in HOLY HELL makes you think you and your zombie crew are justified in trying to financially destroy a family business and not expect retaliation? Especially in this time of media saturation? I’m thinking humiliating your family and yourself won’t be worth it in the long run. Over a shirt. What a loser you are.
Being called cracker or honkey is ok. If you turned it the other way you would be racist and your career would be over. Unreal country we live in. The
So, Rachel enjoys the roll of tar paper? That’s her choice. The only thing that could make this story better would be of the owners of the restaurant gave a big FUCK YOU and changed the name of the place to the White Grill. Cunts like these should be forced to walk at 2am on Blue Hill Ave and see if they are still sucking up to the brothas.
These vapid twats need to do something useful…..and get the fuck back to work!!!
You were NOT first. LOLOLOL!
The Black & White is arguably the best restaurant around here. Fuck these skanks.
Yeah, is the culinary capital that is Spencer, MA.