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Just when you thought everyone in the NFL was against Tom Brady, Denver Broncos running back CJ Anderson unleashed this today on the Instagram machine:
CJ Anderson just made me cry and I’m not afraid to admit it. Tom Brady is the most classy superstar in the history of color television. And all we’ve seen for the last year is player after player dump on him or elect not to say anything, which is basically the same thing. Then CJ Anderson comes out of nowhere and reminds us that some people still get it. Some people have common sense. Some people aren’t blinded by their own butthurt.
Maybe it’s because he plays for the only team in the league who gives Brady a game every time they see him, or maybe it’s because he’s just a stand up guy. Whatever it is, we need this guy on our team and we need him yesterday. Can you imagine how PERFECTLY he would fit into this offense. He’s basically the same player as Dion Lewis, and if you recall, that guy was pretty freaking good when he was healthy.
I still want him to lose in the Super Bowl because he plays with Peyton Manning. But I just can’t hate someone who has this much class. Make no mistake about it, CJ Anderson was the main reason they won that game on Sunday. His 30 yard run in the 4th quarter set them up for a field goal which would prove to be the game clincher. Because when your quarterback is a 39 year old man who can’t take HGH anymore, someone has to step up and carry the team.
Unfortunately for CJ Anderson he plays the most expendable position in the league. This year he was a fantasy football darling he took a big steamy dump all over the morons who drafted him in the first round. His job is to run through holes that are there and get the shit kicked out of him until he loses a tenth of a second on his 40 time and the Broncos chuck him to the curb and replace him with a 5th round pick out of Western Michigan.
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1 Comment(s)
It is most refreshing to see and read men and women in professional sports respecting their adversaries rather than trash talking as apposed to: “You suck because you smell!”, “You are a cheater because you win too much and the footballs lack air”, Your wife is a super model and mine has only one eyeball so you SUCK”, and finally – “All those rings will ruin your the cartilage in your fingers so you suck and I don’t.”