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Some of the Turtleboy counterrevolutionaries point to the fact that we put screen shots of dumb things people say on Facebook and put them on our blogs.
At first I thought, “maybe they have a point.” Then I realized that “legitimate” media sites like the Telegram and Gazette, Deadspin, the Boston Globe…pretty much EVERYONE does the same exact thing. Think about it – what did Clive do when he “outed” Turtleboy. He was trying to publicly shame someone for selling ad space on our site. What was the purpose of that besides public shaming?
I think a lesson that can be learned here is that if you have something spectacularly moronic to say, write it down in your diary instead of on your Facebook. The Internet is not your diary.
With that said a reader sent us some screen shots from a girl from Charlton named Sam Dumas who is a student at American University in Washington. Here’s what she wrote about the Baltimore riots:
LOL. Here’s what we’re dealing with with Sam Dumas:
If that isn’t the face of someone who understands what it’s like to be poor and black in America, then I don’t know what is. She is definitely in a position to call other white people racist. Everyone knows that freshmen in college know WAY more about the world than everyone else. After all, college life is real, and rational professors like Sonya Conner are the smartest people on earth. With that said, lets have Sam Dumas drop some hot knowledgeable takes on us…
Do you have white guilt? Well you probably should. Because only wicked smart college freshmen who grew up in lilly white communities know about how important it is to constantly get this white burden off your chest:
Here I was starting off sentences with “I’m not racist,” but little did I know that this in fact qualifies me as a racist. After all, a white girl from Charlton said so.
I wonder if she likes Turtleboy Sports?
The fact that Sam Dumas is saying our blog is racist and sexist, basically tells you everything you need to know about people who think are blogs are racist and sexist. Just remember – if you think our blogs are racist and sexist, then you most likely think rioting and looting is an appropriate way to show your displeasure in a democracy.
And surprise, surprise, she supports the Kelley Square criminals
If you don’t speak Twitter, what happened here is she posted the announcement that these criminals were being brought to court, and then sarcastically said, “ah yes so proud.” As in, she’s not proud of her home county for prosecuting these dangerous criminals. Because she thinks what they’re doing is legitimate. Because she’s a freshmen in college and knows more about the world than you do.
The thing about being in college is that you’re in a parallel universe. I went to Clark, so I realize this better than anyone. In college you are taught that in the real world you will get paid for sitting around and talking about how you’re going to change the world. You’re taught to be a free spirit, do whatever you want without consequences, and most importantly you are indoctrinated over and over again that white men are serial rapist oppressors.
Then you make that first trip home for Christmas break and you’re back in reality. Apparently there is more to life than going to classes, drinking beers, and sleeping in. For people like Sam Dumas this can be a culture shock:
But Mommy and Daddy – don’t you know about institutional racism? Why are you so obsessed with working, and paying for my overpriced education at American University? I have so many cool things about racism that I learned. Why aren’t you listening to me? Don’t you know that one semester in college means I know more about the world than you do?
Oh yea, and when you leave Charlton for the first time in your life you automatically turn smarter than everyone else from your hometown. After all, people who don’t travel 500 miles south are racist townies!!
Oh yea, and if you’re a straight white guy who is “cisgender” (new buzzword for when you have a penis and you agree that it belongs to you) then you better get out of her face
You see that cisgender guys? You gotta work for Sam Dumas, cuz she don’t want no scrubs.
Well that’s debatable. Obviously Sam Dumas is a classy young woman, and as a feminist, she has very specific demands for the kind of guy who appeals to her
Thank God I have the off campus meal plan.
I wonder what she wants to be when she grows up? Because kids these days should probably be careful about what they put on the Internet. After all, a quick Google search a prospective employer basically brings up everything about you. Let’s check out her bio from when she was featured in the feministo website “HerCampus”
Oh good, a lawyer. Just what we need. A lawyer who thinks it’s OK to assault police officers, burn down someone’s business/livelihood, and force the government to call in the national guard. I’m sure tweets like this will help her get into law school:
Well that’s lovely. We say all the time that were a feminist blog because that’s exactly what we are. Ya see, feminism is supposed to be about equality. But when you go to college you are taught to be a “feministo”. This means that you should cut your hair, neglect your armpits, hate men, and write things online about your never ending search for felatio. But they’re not the real feminists anymore than they are the real civil rights movement. They’re just morons with too much time on their hands. Some are just better about keeping the dumb things in their head off the Internet.
93 Comment(s)
This is still my favorite article on the internet…
God Bless turtleboy
I had anal sex with Sam Dumas. Brown eyes matter.
I do not support the defamation of this apparent misguided / disillusioned young lady but this was my one of recent posts; “And what is wrong with using the word Thug to describe a coat-tail ridding group of individuals that take advantage of what was supposed to be a peaceful protest for citizens to vent their issues against government? This is the one and only thing Obama got right when describing these criminals in Baltimore. Thugs are exactly what that group of mostly disillusioned teens / 20 somethings who they were conducting themselves, as we saw in many instances in our country recently, and literally blew the whole message about the alleged legitimacy of oppression and grievances against those less fortunate and struggling opposing the local, state and federal government in particular law enforcement. You “Thugs” fucked that whole thing up. Congratu-fucking-lations. Nice job and I hope your free stolen Samsung HD TV that you looted has a great fucking picture because in the BIG picture that was one step forward and ten steps back. This ruins the whole anti-whateverthefuck you’re bitching about’s creditability.”
had to spell that wrong for it to post. Amazing. Thank God you got f i r e d. You are a disgusting excuse for a man.
Sam is a good kid. Her parents are in my opinion the best a kid could ask for. Her family had a girl from Brooklyn come every summer. She’s not racist. She’s a college freshman with an opinion. Like that’s something new? Luckily, you don’t have a vindictive former t e ac her following every tweet you make.
You may not think she is a racist, but she announces to the whole world in her tweets that her parents are racist! That’s a pretty disturbing accusation from a child in such a public forum.
Like I commented earlier, I’d pull the plug on that particular education model. Maybe give the option of working full-time and commutting locally to take night classes. That way my she gets a dose of reality and the working world, still gets educated, and the money saved toward education would be used a little smarter.
It would be a cold day in hell before I send my child off to college only to have them publicly call their parents a racist, and then continue bankrolling that non-sense after risking harm to the parents good reputation.
Oh yeah, the best parent’s that she could ever have.
They pay for her college hundreds of miles away so that she can come home and belittle them in a public fashion.
Their money is still green though, right?
I had opinion’s too. But if I or any of my siblings acted in such a manner on my parent’s dime and they found out, I’d be going to a community college somewhere else closer to home or taking out personal loans.
Guess that means I just had wretched parents, correct?
Turtleboy must have flagged key words to not be posted. wow. you are a pussy.
so much for freedom of speech.
Do tell.
I do find funny the concept of a hypothetical mother calling someone a pussy.
You took the words right out of my keyboard!!!!
I love all the hypocrites here who are bashing TB for having an opinion on someone who has an opinion. All these kids are clearly too stupid to realize they are contradicting themselves. Fucking idiots.
The people complaining are all obviously young. These coddled little kids have some misconceptions about the real world. Free speech isn’t limited to yourself and people who agree with you. You have a right to an opinion, but other people also have a right to an opinion even if it’s different than your own. Calling some one out for being an idiot is NOT bullying. The over use of the word bullying is the first hint that are still in high school or just recently graduated. EVERYTHING is considered bullying now-a-days. And last reposting what some one wrote on a public forum (Twitter/FB are public) is not stalking. Not even close. If you don’t want to be called out for being a fucking moron DON’T POST STUPID SHIT. Simple as that
Fact: Reposting things that a person puts out on a public social media platform is not bullying.
Fact: All of the nudniks complaining about this girl being publicly shamed are card carrying members of the Butthurt Brigade. They have no problem with demonizing white people just for being born white, and they have no problem with demonizing the police, the majority of whom are in public service because they want to serve.
Fact: Turtleboy is an American hero.
Opinion: Dumbass Dumas isn’t half bad looking. She should wise up and she might have a bright future.
So you morons defending Sam – if your so concerned then why don’t you convince her to stop posting stupid shit on the PUBLIC internet PUBLIC. PUBLIC = for all to see for eternity.
As soon as she did, she opened herself up to this ridicule. While admittedly some of these attacks are wrong, you have to be pretty ignorant in this day and age to post something like, “eating pussy for 1.5 min” and “not enough dick in central mass” to not expect a world of hurt to rain down on your world. Sheer ignorance. Particularly when saying something stupid like endowing what the savages in Baltimore are doing….
Stay classy Sam… NOT!
These butthurt people are all Sam
This article is complete garbage. You’re trashing on somebody just for having different opinions than you and the fact that you stalked the shit out of her twitter is disturbing. While I don’t necessarily agree with some of the stuff she posts, its beyond fucked up to broadcast her personal information across the internet and to slander her just because she doesnt like your blog. Plenty of accounts post tweets way more dramatic than the stuff she does and that fact that you’re targeting her specifically is beyond creepy. Leave her alone and take down this pathetic excuse of an article.
Sounds like Slammin’ Sammy sent her white, upper middle-class, college freshman, girl squad to fight her battles for her.
Slammin’ Sammy….I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
That fact that you literally stalked her accounts is seriously crossing the line, being someone who grew up with her this is creepy to read since everything is so wrong. Get the facts straight. It’s leading people to assume things about her that aren’t even close to true.
Like assuming she’s a whore cuz she posts online how a guy doesn’t lick her pussy long enough, or there’s not enough dick in central mass, or that she’s not ready to leave DC cuz she didn’t get nearly enough dick while she was there? If my daughter was talking like this and posting stuff like this online, then I’d give people my PERMISSION to shame her & all her slutty glory!
Wow first of all, these comments are horrible. All of you are condemning this girl who is just speaking her opinion. She is 19 and most of you are probably all, actually no, all of you are low life’s who have nothing better to do than write nasty things about someone. Second, she has the right to express her opinion. Third, isn’t it creepy that you took screen shots of her Twitter profiles? Like you actually took the time to search her profiles. Instead of ruining someone’s life, you should probably do something better
We are just speaking our opinion…just like her.
This article is disgusting and the fact that you had the audacity to even publish this because someone has an opinion. Regardless of age you have no right to publicly bash anyone person for having a different opinion. Sam is a wonderful, caring, and mature woman who has her shit together (unlike the author of this “article”). None of this is news worthy and I am almost as disappointed in all these disturbing comments. Keep your sick fantasies and misconceptions of central mass off of this feed.
Misconceptions of Central Mass? The only one who made comments about Central Mass was her.
“Sam is a wonderful, caring, and mature woman who has her shit together…”
She maybe wonderful, but any caring person does not publically support the savages and their violence over the police.
“None of this is news worthy and I am almost as disappointed in all these disturbing comments. Keep your sick fantasies and misconceptions of central mass off of this feed.”
Newsflash: Clearly Sammie baby is the one with some sick fantasies and misconceptions of central mass. If my kid was more concerned about posting her trysts for the world to see that guys are not licking her long enough and the horror of coming back to Central Mass because there “isn’t enough dick”, and that the people likely bankrolling her escapades are racist, I’d pull the plug on funding the pursuit of education in D.C. because she’s not mature enough to be away from home without acting irresponsible. She’d be back in MA working during the day and taking night classes at QCC or she’d be paying the bill herself.
Regardless of age you have no right to publicly bash anyone person for having a different opinion.
Of course you do. Of course you have the right to say that someone’s opinions are stupid, or misinformed or poorly constructed or not thought out. Every opinion is not a unique beautiful snowflake with worth just because a human being deigned to put it out there. Some opinions are just dumb. You can have the opinion that Hitler was a good dude. Perfectly fine for you to have that opinion in a free society, but the second you put that opinion out there to other human beings (and broadcasting your opinions on the internet is putting it out there to the majority of the entire human race), they have the right to tell you you’re wrong. If everyone just sat back and agreed with each other all the time…the world would be a pretty boring place.
This is disgusting. And not Sam. The fact that this entire article was written to degrade a young woman who is barely out of highschool, who simply tweets what comes to mind like the rest of us, is pathetic. I don’t know who the writer of this article is (I have an idea who it may be) but he/she should feel ashamed that they STALKED a young girl’s Twitter and Facebook to write a tabloid article. She does not deserve to be assaulted by people who she doesn’t know online… This is bullying in its purest form. Sam is only exercising her free speech… While the writer of this article is purposely digging into a situation that does not need to be dug into. What everyone should be focusing on is THE SITUATION IN BALTIMORE. Not the tweets of a young girl, and CERTAINLY should not be blatantly harassing a young girl.
Sam is a wonderful person with one of the kindest hearts out there. She is beautiful and a great friend. All of you ignorant pick know nothing g about her except what the creepy ass hole who stalked her social media and screen shotted it said. What she says online is never directed toward one specific person. It’s not slander and a pathetic cry for help like this article was. Since this ass clown wrote this she has been receiving threats for having an opinion and they should be ashamed of themselves. You are a disgusting “human”.
Sorry your little girl is a woman. she is out of high school and into the real world. she now can get dick when she pleases and speak her mind in public forums. You cannot tell men how long to eat your pussy and still be an “innocent little girl” who we shouldn’t have people discussing the things she puts out for the internet to see. Sorry, pal, she is an adult.
To the people who wrote this article,
YOU ARE JUST AS IGNORANT FOR MAKING FUN OF THIS GIRL ONLINE. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. Oh and fuck this blog
Does everyone include the blogger? And the people commenting? Because it sounds to me like you only want the people who agree with you to have an opinion.
Free speech you say….
Oh, also, if you’re going to “blog” at least use GRAMMAR CHECK and SPELL CHECK. They work wonders for helping you to not look like and uneducated fool. Best of Luck to you getting a higher education that might be able to teach you how to use these two tools. They’re really simple… just look for the red and/or blue sqwiggly underlines- they tell you where you’re dumb is showing through and you can cover it up really quickly before posting an article.
Hey there brightbox… Ya got a couple of typos in your post there…. Just sayin’….
Hmmmm, let’s grammar/spell check YOUR post sweet cheeks:
Oh, also, if you’re going to “blog” at least use GRAMMAR CHECK and SPELL CHECK. They work wonders for helping you to not look like and (should be “an”, not “and”) uneducated fool. Best of Luck to you getting a higher education that might be able to teach you how to use these two tools. They’re really simple… just look for the red and/or blue sqwiggly (squiggly is the correct spelling….you’d know this by the red squiggly line that you so nicely pointed out) underlines- they tell you where you’re (correct spelling is “your”) dumb is showing through and you can cover it up really quickly before posting an article.
Before you start bashing someone for their grammar/spelling, you should probably make sure you don’t have any mistakes of your own. Dumbass.
If she’s still in Central MA, I can help her out!
Still its her opinion. For you to use not only her full name, but also photographs of her is a little ridiculous. Stalking her twitter and releaseing her hometown and place of study is outrageous. Fuck you turtleboy.
Posting the stuff she did on an Internet site that the public can view openly is like going to a town common or out in front of the post office and yelling all that drivel for everyone to hear. The millennials, especially the younger ones, just don’t get it about privacy on social media and how it negatively impacts them. They’ve always had an abundance of technology, while older generations (X and older) use technology as more of a tool.
But, their social media ignorance does make for some comedy. Talk about out of touch.
Mentally unstable, you say? C’mon!
She deleted her twitter now. You big bully
Aww… you mean she got called on her bullshit and, rather than defend her position, she took her bat and ball and ran home? The poor thing.
This is so not newsworthy it hurts. I was wondering why you were talking about her until I realized she insulted your blog… You know what they say about any publicity.. This was kinda a waste of time. Sweet smear campaign, I guess?
This girl is my Ex. She is very mentally unstable, and I say this not as a bash, but because I care for her well being, and have hopes people will take this into account when they judge her. I also am wondering why no one is running the article the Washington Post came out with that used 5 separate, data source/statistic agencies to quantify the % of individuals killed by police annually. This used government ,non-government and third party independent sources to illustrate, with populations disparities, the actual number of deaths by police and it came out vastly showing “causation” and “Hispanic” deaths.
For the record when you cling to one social construct, IE, All police are bad, you’re literally continuing the same thing you’re trying to stop, the over categorization of individuals into vague characters that all share the same traits.
Also, I’m sorry but you’re not going to become a Civil Rights Lawyer by getting your undergrad in sociology. You’re also not very good at an online identity seeing how any person with civil sense would not hire you.
You’re so vein that you probably think that “There’s no good dick in central Massachusetts” tweet was about you.
I hate to be “That guy,” but… how was she?
You know what is racist? Paying taxes.
There, I said it, now my white guilt absolves me of ever having to pay another ed cent to a racist government that creates racist police forces.
Sam Dumas for Woo Diversity Officer!
Lets take all that cash we pay to the racist cis cops and firefighters and give it to this font of wisdom.
This should be considered bullying seeing as this whole entire page is you bashing on a freshman in college for her beliefs. She has a right to her own opinion as do you and I think it’s very immature that you need to hide behind this blog to bully people that have done no wrong to you. If you’re who I think you are then you need to delete this blog because you’re just embarrassing yourself more and more. Have a little respect for yourself and for others especially when they were your student a year ago(lol). Just because you ruined your own life in a day does not mean that you can ruin Sams when she has worked so hard to get where she is today.
Nice! Mystery and intrigue. Will secret identities be revealed?!!
She’s worked real hard, to upgrade from that central mass dick.
Honestly fuck you. You don’t know who she is so shut up
I don’t know who she is, but I can tell you’re a cunt.
J is trying to break out of the friend zone
She portrays herself as a whore!!!!! That’s exactly who/what she is!
Worked hard by scraping by at bay path learning to color on people’s faces?
You people entertain me
She didn’t go to bay path ass hole
What does the friendzone feel like asshole
That makes no sense retard
All Turtleboy did was repost what she posted herself
It’s good to see this website is more concerned with the tweets of a college freshman speaking off the top of her head than the violence faced to both officers and protestors in Baltimore or anywhere for that matter.
Samantha will have no problem being someone’s boss someday and pointing this world towards a better future , it disgusts me to see the absolute bigotry of the people following this website
That’s the point, she’s talking off the top of her head, in a public setting, for all to see.
First of all, what bigotry?
Second of all, so people are only allowed to spend any time or focus any energies on really important things? We aren’t allowed a momentary diversion to mock a silly, dumb kid for some silly, dumb comments?
Stephen’s trying to break out of the friend zone
Sounds like Steve is one of those cis men working hard for her love. Make sure to bring a stopwatch when you go muff diving.
If she keeps posting stuff like this online, she’s going to be lucky if she can get a job at Wendy’s, never mind ever being anyone’s ‘boss.’
I wonder if she pronounces her last name “Dum-ass”?
LOL. She must have graduated with my daughter last year.
Poor thing – she need to know that the Wall comes up fast and hard, and at the rate she’s going she’ll be lucky if she doesn’t kill herself when she smacks face first into it.
Hope she likes cats.
So wait, I’m supposed to do that for 1.5 mins?!? I’ve just been going with the old Tootsie Pop three licks!
I would love to tongue-punch this chick’s fart box!
Too fucking funny.
ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a classic one.
That awkward Thanksgiving moment when her dad asks “white or dark meat?”
Sounds like she’ll take any meat that licks her pussy for more than a minute and a half.
Short, dark hair. Kind of bohemian. Probably doesn’t shave her vajayjay. Yeah I’m not too proud to admit that I’d suffocate myself between her legs.
Man, she is sexy though!
Sometimes I type some mean, nasty, ignorant shit online. Then I delete it and don’t post it. Because I realize it will be online, somewhere, forever. Sam has not learned this kind of self-restraint yet, and as such, her employment opportunities have dwindled to basically working for the coming together collective. I hope her parents don’t mind paying for the six figures of debt she is accruing.
I came home from my first semester and found a job for Winter Break.
What a concept, eh?
Where do I start…. First and foremost. CHARLTON! Her parents are more than likely related! At a young age she probably had some sort of interaction with a farm animal. Until she was 21 she had never actually SEEN a black person! How much dick could she get hanging out at Dresser Hill Farms? Of course she went to Bay Path for Cosmetology… I mean, look at her, right! Them fucking cow-farmin’ country boys shoulda’ taught her how to ride the bull!
This is probably the most ignorant thing I’ve read and everything you said in this comment of yours isn’t even remotely close to being true lol.
funny but got all your facts wrong .
Are you stupid
This has to be a parody account. There’s no way someone is such a perfect stereotype of “obnoxious college freshman that believes everything a professor tells her and parrots it back at people”
Not gonna lie would glaze that face like a donut hole then drop her off in GBV at 2am in the morning and ask her to explain racisim to me after that walk back.
You win…..lol
The first step towards equality starts with Sam admitting that she was equally as satisfied with my 1.5 min performance as I was.
Its too bad shes so dumb. Shes kinda cute…. Kinda.
Moral of the story: dont mess with turtleboy ?
She is the Perfect storm
And here I was thinking I was the only one still pissed off at Colonialism!