was This is Meg Glazer from Hingham.
Her and her husband Murray are the owners of Glacon Contracting, she’s a well known and active member of the town democratic party, and she is one of the most selfish Karens on earth.
In a Facebook group the other day a resident posted about what the town was gonna do about trick or treating, which is insane because there’s no reason kids shouldn’t be able to trick or treat.
They wear masks, it’s outside, and if you don’t wanna give candy out then you don’t have to. There is literally zero logic behind not letting kids enjoy this holiday, aside from pure selfishness on the part of adults.
But that’s exactly what Meg Glazer is, which is why she expressed her desire to have Halloween cancelled this year because she’s high risk. But it’s not just enough that she doesn’t participate, she also had to shit on everyone else’s crotch fruits in the process.
How dare you parents allow your crotch fruits to congregate without masks on during play dates! They should smother themselves so that Beatrice here can hide from a virus, that probably has very little chance of killing her geriatric ass either.
She’s also been watching you adults get into cars with other nan-familial adults WITHOUT MASKS ON!!! And don’t for one second think she didn’t see you walking with your husband down the street without one on. She’s everywhere, and she’s always watching!
The sad part is she actually believes this stuff. I’ve seen her type before and they are so pathetic. All you can do is laugh at them. I’ll be going for a jog in the woods and see someone walking the other direction. They literally walk 10 feet into the shrubbery, cover their face, and look the other way. This is the world that doctors like Tony Fauci believe is a healthy world to live in.
What makes people like her so terrible and selfish is that they’ve lived their lives, and now they expect children to sacrifice to protect them. Fuck that. A society that punishes children in order to protect the elderly is not a society I wanna live in. How many Halloweens did she miss as a kid? How many senior years of high school did she have robbed from her? None. But now she’s brainwashed herself with fear porn and she demands that your “little spreaders” miss some of the funnest days of their lives because she has an irrational fear of a virus.
Fuck off.
But here’s the thing that makes her even worse. While your kids have to give up outdoor events that they like in order to protect her, she’s out and about knocking on doors and campaigning for Joe Biden in a state he has a 1,000% chance of winning by double digits, WITHOUT A MASK ON!!!
You can’t script this level of cuntery.
Meanwhile her lawn is covered in BLM and political yard signs, including a sign nailed to a tree that says, “Make America Great Again Deport Donald Trump.”
Coincidentally she’s also quite anti-organized labor, which is weird for a democrat, because at the end of the day she owns a contracting company and the last thing she wants to do is pay her American employees a fair wage when illegal immigrants will work for much cheaper.
Don’t let these monsters cancel Halloween. They’ve already stolen so much from your kids. If your town “cancels” Halloween then start a Facebook group, get a list of houses that will be handing out candy, and have Halloween anyway. Don’t let evil witches like this control you and your family.
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93 Comment(s)
The blue beret is worn to show that she is not only woke, not only a 10th Degree Karenic Kunt but also a qualified member of the Democrat “Special” Forces.
Her church’s bulletin reads more like a manifesto from something to the left of moms demand action.
Very strong emphasis on social justice. They even have feelgood field trips to roxbury.
DO NOT egg or TP their house on halloween.
That’s a rookie move and you’ll get jammed up.
What I don’t understand is why these miserable old people never move to a 55 plus community where there are no kids. There’s plenty of them, but no, they stay or move to neighborhoods with kids and teens and spend their time complaining about them and aggravating them. It’s a fucking neighborhood you old bitch. You don’t like living near the fire department then why the fuck do you? Is someone forcing you to live there? Or do you just thrive on reasons to complain. Clearly you are not liked, so move!
Coming in HOT!
Whisky Whisky East…Clear the LZ!
Chrcknout massbic dot org she is listed as a board member for this lobbying group whose whole mission is to replace her union neighbors with illegal aliens. Truely an evil woman.
Wtf happened to Hingham? How did the town end up with all these lowlife pedo faggots and globalists?
Oh Meggy, are you reading? The hypocrisy, the hypocrisy…
Just your typical hypocrite MA liberal.
Imagine oral sex on her. I needed to puke. Thanks
The village (idiot) vocalist has spoken and your gonna listen and like it! “F”off! Your so damn intelligent and cautious, yet you set yourself up for a trick from the treaters this Halloween. No reason to shit on children because of your dillusional state of mind!!
Which one of these kids is doing their own thing? I love how there are 4 or 5 jerks standing around with large BIDEN signs and there’s Fat…. sorry, normally sized challenged Meg with a large MEG for council sign. I mean REALLY?? Are you such a loser that you have to bring your own fucking sign with YOUR name on it to a Biden rally??? She must be uber popular amongst the other losers out there. Hahahaha
I bet she was part of that committee over the summer that were triggered and against the thin blue line flags being flown on the town’s firetrucks. No I don’t bet…I KNOW!
I’m going to trebuchet a Diseased pig on to her front porch.
Sorry but I simply cannot get past Liberty Pole. What in the holy hell is going on out there with these names?
Is it like the Festivus Pole? Were more normal sounding names taken?
Inquiring minds want to know
These people are phonies
Two fat drunken assholes
They don’t have one negroe or wetback working in their shitty little construction company
Fat old women with men’s haircuts should stay off social media. What the fuck is that on her head? 1958 called it wants the hat back.
What is that thing? Is she from Turkey or something?
I think it’s a Jewish thing. I saw two ladies wearing them at temple this morning.
Its called a “french beret” and she’s out at a fancy French restaurant, so she feels the need to dress in french fashion because she is a shallow image obsessed dipshit from hingham and wants to appear cultured… But I bet she would flip the fuck out if a white man ever wore a sombero to a mexican restaraunt.
I’m megs neighbor and sadly she should resign from her post and get some help
Every time I run into her she has a strong odor of alcohol on her breath
She gets nasty when under the influence
Biden supporters.
’nuff said.
I worked with Murray Glazer at a Boston construction company for a number of years
A chronic alcoholic
Now after to seeing the thing he’s married to I can understand
At her age even if she gets it the mortality rate is less than 1%. In fact the vaccine will probably initially be available to people over 75 years old. But obesity does cause complications.
Her husband Murray glazer worked for Peabody construction out of Braintree
He was fired for embezzlement
murray glazer
(781) 875-1949
28 LIBERTY POLE RD, Hingham, MA 02043 Edit
I’d give this fat white bitch a Cleveland steamer after an all you can eat buffet at Tyrones soul food shack
But I think she’d enjoy it
Hi – I’m Meg’s barber and I have been giving her a boys regular for 33 years. Once every 2 months I give her that sexy haircut to make sure Murray doesn’t stray and once a year I trim her hedgerow “downstairs”.
By the way she’s a terrible tipper…go figure!
Fuck off Meg!
Hey Meg, you crotchety old bitch. Here’s a thought, mind your own fucking business and get off of social media. You spent all that time writing that stupid shit about kids outside playing and Halloween. Why do you fucking care if they aren’t near you. Your also a liar since you have no mask on in the picture! Guess what kids aren’t wearing masks in public school because there is no fucking school you dim wit. You don’t want to participate in Halloween then keep your light off asshole it’s that simple. No one wants your shitty candy corn anyway. Stay out of everyone’s business and keep your close minded bullshit to yourself you angry, horrible human. If I were a kid or a teenager I’d have some eggs ready for you though. No one wants to hear you rant and no one agrees with you bitch.
How dare you! I’ll have you know I give out home made brownies covered in cat hair.
Calling all teenager boys. Egg this house.
I’m glad to hear some of my neighbors think the way I do. I am a liberty pole guy and the whole time I thought this guy was the problem. He’s just a pussy. His wife is the problem. I’m not sure if they’re drunks or not, wouldn’t doubt it. All I know is nobody likes them. Get the hell out of the pole, nobody wants you around. Peddle you’re creepy shit somewhere else.
Hey Meg if you support BLM why dont you move to Brockton or Roxbury so you can rub elbows with these apes
You know walk the walk you fat bitch
How’s your alcoholic husband ?
He even got barred for life from Sullys tap because he passed out and shit himself in the back booth
I totally agree Mr. Mayor. Hingham is full of hypocrites with their BLM and gay flags. Total joke. The only reason they moved to Hingham was to get away from the lowlifes. Walk the walk, move to a more diverse town.
These creeps, Meg and Murray, need to move on. They live in a family neighborhood and the people Of the neighborhood are not comfortable with them around their children.Please leave.
No I couldn’t live amongst them I just want to throw my support from a far distance. Please don’t come to my town or move near me,, but yes I support you! It’s called woke and hell I I’m in cause I’m all woke. No I don’t have any real friends that are black but I feel your pain.
Meg is my neighbor
Her and her husband Murray are alcoholics
He’s got a half assed home remodeling business and has been sued numerous times for shoddy work
She’s a real drunk busy body cunt
Meghan being over 65 isn’t going to get you dead from COVID
But being a big fat tub if shit like you and your dildoe husband will
These stupid Democrat scumbags have lost their flipping mind! 25th Amendment but not necessarily targeting Trump? I’m just catch up today but wholly fuck, the moderator sends a message to that Scaramouch douche asking how to at Trump AND then says he was hacked and THEN deletes his Twitter account? Nothing to see here. I swear, despite the stupid Biden is up 89% polls daily, he must be on the way to a Reagan-like landslide. I don’t know if we’ll ever top the screaming lesbo from 2016 viral video but damn, we may have many contenders.
Meg is a great woman and a trusted friend. To call he a name like that in a headline is way out of line and totally uncalled for. All simply because she has different opinions and values than you. Disgusting.
It seems all of you on this blog are the ones with issues. Frankly most of these comments are despicable, and that is putting it nicely. I can’t believe hate sites like this are even allowed, its absolute filth.
Joe the only thing despicable is the horrendous blow job your mother gave me
You motherfucker! Fuck you. How about that Joe? Oh, didn’t hear me loud enough, let me say it again…fuck you! I know this house and I know these fucking people. I think these two old wrinkled dickheads are….
Baby killers
Child molesters
Cop killers
Supporters of domestic terror is
Hey Joe, want to know why? Because that’s what you fuck up demoncrats believe in. Yeah meg wheeler. What a cunt just got recognized along with horse gums Joan messechino for being pro choice. Oh and joe there is a bill in my fucking state house that is for “late term abortion” and I both joan and meg support that shit. That’s straight up infanticide you pig! Yeah, try to defend it fuck face. It’s not a clump of cells joe that’s a sentient being and it’s a helpless child you fucking murderer. Guess what joe you libs want to have sex with kids. You fucking do. Ole meg glazer and her fat ass old fuck husband probably whack it to kids. Because your side says it’s okay for an 11 yr old boy to dress in drag like a street whore and do dances in front of gay men. And finally did you know blm has killed dozens of cops. Huh? Um, hello, dozens of cops are dead because of blm. So you’re a bunch of cop killers.
I’m in Hingham. These dicks live in my neighborhood. Yeah liberty pole. You want to fuck with me? I’m right here bitch.
I agree with you but you might want to go easy on the fire water when your posting
Okay. I’ve calmed down. But I’m not apologizing. It’s because of these two dingle berries that Hingham has become a liberal hellhole. Sorry if they’re reading this, here’s a special fuck you.
Hey meg, Hingham is a family town. We don’t like perverts.
Be honest, this isn’t Joe. This is Joe’s wife sending the message. She’s just as crazy liberal as this Glazer lady. When are you people going to wake up and realize that you are everything you’re blaming us for being? Hingham is no place for hate, so get the hell out!
Go back to woburn you faggot, doubt she cares about you. you’ll always be lower class to these fools just because of your zip code.
I agree with Joe. This “writer” is trying to make a story out of nothing. I would also suggest the author perhaps enroll in some night classes at his local community college, and take a journalism class or two. A refresher course on basic english would also help.
Mary I suggest you take a couple of courses on sucking balls
You give the worst tea bag ive ever had
You ugly old douchebag
Maybe it wouldn’t be a story if this were her first “offense”. She has consistently tried to bring down many small businesses in the past for selling items that she didn’t support (remember Ginger Bettygate??) and when that didn’t work she threw mud at one of the same small businesses for kids eating ice cream, OUTSIDE, six feet apart while following all social distancing protocols. Perhaps you could talk some sense into your friend or better yet, encourage here move to a town where she’s not so miserable all the time.
Oh my the horror! A person who put herself out there publicly on her own self entitled ridiculous rant is getting it back. She insulted every parent in the neighborhood saying their kids are outside playing without masks, and instead of just keeping her light off on Halloween wants it canceled. That is a selfish witch who should be exposed. She is also a hypocrite/not wearing mask as she promotes sleepy, creepy joe. So fuck off with your sorry ass bs. You can’t believe such “hate sites “ exist…I can’t believe spiteful hypocrites like you exist. Learn a lesson and don’t become a keyboard warrior that believes there are no consequences.
Put a lid on it Joe Brown go back to taking pictures of high school girls.
My daughter played soccer for WHS and he was always creeping around at the girls games a LOT more than the boys games. Word was he got banned from shooting the swim meets because he was making the girls uncomfortable.
Notice how there is exactly
1 (one) down vote on every single comment. Gee, I wonder who that could be. Most certainly not, cannot possibly be, surely isn’t Meghan by any stretch. Wow, that took a lot of brain power to work through that.
This lady is an absolute piece of shit. Her husband is a big-time pussy. I have to drive by this house every day and it’s all I can do not to yank that sign down. Hypocrites. Biggest haters around. None of their neighbors like them.
The difference between us and them? Ripping down signs… they do that, not us. 🙂 TBs posted on that plenty of times.
I bet her vag probably smells like sour milk and lysol
Wanna scare everyone this Halloween? Go as The Lion, The Witch And The Audacity Of This Bitch.
I’m spreading the word to BLM and Antifa, free dope and Henny at Megs house on halloween, wear a Che or Mao shirt and she’ll suck your dick.
Wouldn’t it be a HOOT if someone created a social media event for an exclusive BLM Halloween party for dear old Meg and her neighbors. Invite the non productive parasite animals from Dorchester. Bring the real BLM directly to her.
I think there’s one house in town that needs a good old-fashioned egg treatment on the 31st.
Love the name.
I’m thinking her house gets egged this year…..
That ultra short hairdo is all I need to see to know all I need to know about this bitch.
I live in Hingham and support Black Lives Matter,
I just don’t want them living near me.
Everyone else is a racist!!!
Biden and a BLM sign together, what are the chances!
What kind of vapid virtue signaling cunt is she with out the ” hate has no home here” sign
nice language
Don’t forget the Trick part…
Imagine the mind explosion of finding crypto-currency like value of TP in her trees!
True to my name, I love to have my face glazed over with your jizz.
I’m a Democrat, and in being democratic about it, does not matter if you are brown, black, yellow, white, gentile or fellow Jew. Bring your piece of sausage over and let it fly.
If anyone wants a quote, you can contact me directly at [ 617 290 6322 ]
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
…and then one day for no reason.
Nice boys regular haircut. This cunt is ugly inside and out. Zero redeeming qualities. RUN guys RUN!
can we just move 300 nogs with their baby mo..as into subsidized housing in Hingham.
I dont wear a mask when I sucblack cock, because black loads matter to my throat.
black cock up my azz matters more
She looks like Charlie Kelly’s mom from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Wonder if she ever did a midget for $$$.
and she’d be the first bitch at a BLM rally in the town square protesting a cops, too
I wanted to dress up as Meg for Halloween but I can’t find a big enough cunt to wear.
This is one of those comments that just hit me differently when I read it. I’ve been laughing for five minutes
If you haven’t been buying and building your own arms and buying ammo for said tools your behind the game. No FFL is needed to buy and finish your own no excuse.
Meg like most of the other late liberals in Hingham are terrified that young black children wearing masks will show up at her front door demanding reparations on Halloween night.
Reparations….That must be why the mule supply is so low.
No idea where they’re going to get the 40 acres though.
Nor the individual who will work them.
Dear hingham police I am going to egg the shit out of her house this Halloween
These manatees have to go . Someone lead her out to sea, please.
Old twat should die
She met her husband threw a want ad he posted
Wanted obese chick who can cook for sucking cock and giving rimjobs
On tuesdays and thursdays
Must be bondable
She is/was a HUGE Liz Warren backer before it was clear she wasn’t gonna win. Would cry and moan to everyone and ANYONE stupid enough to listen to her about poor Liz and what the men folk did to her. Wouldn’t even SAY Bidens name, just HIM. If you were unlucky enough to see her on one her ‘walks’ around the ‘pole’, it was always Trump, HIM and how her neighbors across the street are using unsafe, undocumented workers with no masks while renovating their homes. Don’t even ask about the ‘dog situation’ around the ‘pole’ with her either. 2 or more minutes of listening to her about the goings on around the ‘pole’ and you need a shower and possibly a visit by an SVU team. She’s nuts. If you have an hour of your life to waste, ask her why that sign is so far up the tree. She loves to talk about it, gets that look in her eyes that reminds me of the guttermuppet pictures. Pisses and moans about the fire trucks make too much noise coming back from a run too. I could go on and on. I now run the other way when I see her
Shut up; MEG.
Interesting that she is anti-organized labor for someone who belongs to a party who believes in equity and fair wages. But it doesn’t benefit her and her husband, so fuck sticking to your values, right?
The true motives of this party rears its ugly head when there’s something to be personally gained. The loudest ones are always the biggest hypocrites.
Halloween should be the last thing a parent is worrying about at this point of the covid shit show. Even if you were kinda woke you have to admit your kids are gonna be miles behind the asians that are gonna be shipped Into the US if Trump loses this election. Not to mention when the are currency is worth 20 to 1 canadien dollar and a loaf of bread cost you 2 weeks pay.
Of course not! Union labor means LEGAL labor, and you can’t keep the OSHA recordable rate down unless your workforce is too scared to report shit, lest they get fired and/or deported.
Her supporting illegal immigration is based on one Outlook in her life GREED Also she can treat them like shit and get away with it.
More Global warming from complicit or just plain dumb older folk who won’t be around to see the gulag beatings, torture and tyranny they are supporting. “Together we can” mentality means if we fool enough useful idiots into thinking they are part of the team or will benefit from our ways then we can really suppress freedom! It’s usually because they aren’t smart enough to become aware they are being psychologically fooled and used. I say they should Isolate, mask, distance and hide if they feel exposed…Leave the rest of us to our lives !
This old cunt probably gives out apples with razor blades in them for Halloween. She needs her house egged!!
You don’t want to participate in Halloween? I mean, you’d scare the shit out of every kid that came by, why not?
Hint: turn off your porch lights, draw your shades, settle in with your cats and Lifetime Channel. Problem solved.