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Saw a bunch of people sharing this GoFundMe on the Facebook machine today.
You gotta read the write-up on it. It’s amazing:
My name is Maddie Barcomb and I attend the University of Rhode Island. I’m originally from MA but since my boyrfiend attends Worcester State University I am in Worcester on a weekly basis. This is Thomas.
I first met Thomas when I was going to visit my boyfriend at Worcester State University. He was standing on the corner of Main Street and Hammond Street in front of Family Dollar. I gave him $3 and was on my way. Next time I saw Thomas I felt compelled to do something more. While waiting in traffic a woman approached him and they began to talk. You could tell they had previously known each other. This time instead of giving him money, (because I’m always skeptical of what they use the money for) I decided I was going to get him food. But when I saw his sign said he was a diabetic I knew I had no knowledge of the kind of diet he had to follow. Instead I went into family dollar and got him socks, winter gloves, and two bottles of water. By the time I was walking out of Family Dollar and toward him the woman was walking away. When I approached him I handed him the bag and said “Here you go sir God Bless you.” Just as I was walking away he said “Can I ask you a question?” I turned around and said of course and that’s when I noticed the tears in his eyes. He then asked me, “What would you do if your boyfriend smoked crack?” Being caught off guard by the question I answered “I don’t know”. He then said to me, “The woman who was just here, my girlfriend, smokes crack and I love her so much but she always takes my money for drugs and I’m just trying to find a place to live.” He then said “Sometimes I just want to kill myself and I don’t know what to do.” Knowing what those thoughts feel like I told him, “I’ve been there before and you just have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. Maybe it’s time to find someone else to love” He nodded his head and said thank you. As I was walking away I couldn’t help but cry knowing the pain he felt and how hard it can be to let go of someone you love even if they’re toxic. The next day I passed him as he was sweeping trash off the street and I asked him how he was. When he saw me his face lit up and I told him I would see him soon. I’m hoping to raise this money so I can help get Thomas a place to stay for the winter. I plan on writing personal checks with the money that is raised to the owner of the apartments of where he and I decide he will stay. This ensures that the money cannot get into the hands of his girlfriend so it cannot be used for drugs. In the process I will try to motivate him to get a job and hopefully turn his life around.
Although Thomas was originally a stranger, after hearing his story and visiting him multiple times to offer things such as fruit and snacks (as shown in the Bed Bath and Beyond bag in the first picture) I can now say that we are friends and I plan on being there for him until he can get his life on the right track. I hope his story moved you as much as it moved me. Thank you for taking the time to read his story. Any donations are welcome and very appreciated. I can’t wait to give this wonderful human being a place to stay because that is the least he deserves.
Help spread the word!
This poor, poor girl. See that face?
That’s the face of thousands of naïve morons who think they’re helping when they give money to addicts. For the record a bunch of people who have had experiences with Thomas have messaged us about him after seeing the GoFundMe. And the news is not good news.
Sorry Maddie, but your new BFF is lying to you. He is in fact a crackhead. I know, I know – if you can’t trust the sign guy in Main South, then who can ya trust?
But seriously, how hard is this girl trying to show the world what a great person she is? You gave him $3 on your way home? You must’ve felt so good about yourself after that!! Guess what? He blew it on drugs. Drugs he wouldn’t have been able to purchase without you. You kept his habit alive. Well done!!
And how bout this part:
“When I approached him I handed him the bag and said Here you go sir God Bless you.”
Well, aren’t you just Mother fucking Theresa!! Ya know who writes something like that? Someone who wants you to know what a good person they are. Because it’s not enough to just do something you think is nice for the sake of doing something nice. If no one saw it and it wasn’t posted on Facebook, then it never happened and you don’t get credit for it. And clearly this girl just wants to be patted on the back in the form of Facebook likes, and told what a great person she is.
Seriously though, when I first read this I couldn’t stop laughing. This poor girl couldn’t possibly come across as more of a naïve suburban white girl if she tried. People who actually live in the city know that these guys will say and do anything for money. Tell you any sad sob story full of lies that you wanna hear. But if you’ve lived your whole life in the burbs and never had interactions with people like this, then you just have no idea how the world really works.
This guy has to be the envy of all the Worcester panhandlers. He really hit the jackpot crackpot. He just happened to be standing on the corner where this dumbass girl from Westfield passed by (why she’s in that part of the city if her BF goes to WSU is beyond me) when she was in town. Next thing you know she’s buying him all kinds of shit and starting a GoFundMe so he can have an apartment. LOVED this part about the apartment:
“I’m hoping to raise this money so I can help get Thomas a place to stay for the winter. I plan on writing personal checks with the money that is raised to the owner of the apartments of where he and I decide he will stay. This ensures that the money cannot get into the hands of his girlfriend so it cannot be used for drugs. In the process I will try to motivate him to get a job and hopefully turn his life around.”
HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! Ya know what this guy is thinking when he sees this? I’m gonna smoke so much crack in my new free apartment!!! This poor girl actually believes that this guy’s girlfriend steals his money. As if he doesn’t have free will. As if he would allow that to happen. Newsflash Maddie – the girlfriend is in on the scam. She’s part of the sob story. She’s the bad guy and he’s the good guy. That’s the scam. So your plan to keep money out of her hands is fine and all, but at the end of the day all you’ve done is give these two people a rent free place to smoke the crack they purchased after a long day of panhandling.
Oh yea, they’re gonna bone in there too. LOTS of boning. And they won’t use protection either. Or flush the toilets. And since the apartment will be in your name you’re probably not gonna be getting that deposit back either.
Loved the part about “trying to motivate him to get a job.” Because….why didn’t someone else think of that? It’s just so simple. Give him a lecture about working hard and he’ll be on Monster applying for jobs in no time. Here’s this guy stuck on the streets, and the only thing that can get him to get his ass in gear is the wise advice of a 20 year old white chick from Westfield.
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14 Comment(s)
If you want to help someone, help the children and youth so they don’t end up like these people, they had their chances at life. Also asshat bloger don’t try to smear the poor girl more,146 over the hill to may most likely the way gps takes her from R.I. to wsc
This guy plays the Jew card like a pro,god bless him.
What a stupid girl? Yes she’s like all other young people these days.. Rallying for good causes etc. no they’re all just naive a and stupid .. She’s going to go a long way in life believing everything that everyone tells you, especially a junkie.. Please don’t give this stupid girl money so she can get him a flat , get him a bus ticket to the Deep South he won’t freeze down there ..
Well known in chandler street area, pretty sure he served lengthy prison term for a killing a woman
Thomas found himself a sugar momma! I gots to get me one of those…
Next to guilt, denial is the most powerful drug in American culture.
Dumb girl…good intentions..
Are they really good intentions? Or is she just trying to buy herself some internet points?
Kids nowadays post everything online..probably second nature. Just once I’d like to see a story like this be true.
I have worked with a guy who is friends with this man. Apparently he gets SSI as well as makes $300 a day on this corner. Don’t worry though, he only goes out four times for around an hour and a half each to be there for the big traffic rushes. Early commute, normal AM rush hour, lunch break, and evening rush hour. That’s a prime piece of panhandling real estate in Worcester.
I know there are a lot of idiots in this world, I get that. But between work and school I spend a good amount of my time in Worcester (and have for the last 14 years or so), and have legitimately never seen anyone give panhandlers money. I don’t understand how they’re supposedly doing so well $$
SJW Clarkies and out-of-towners.
Especially since when you’re on Hammond Street you’re gonna be there for a bit. Longest red light/shortest green light ever.
Fucking white suburban kids.
This is how you get raped robbed and stabbed all at the same time.