Social Justice Warriors

Woke Oxford Art Teacher Who Spread Racist Disinformation About Police All Being Bad Gets Appointed To District’s Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Committee


Like many public school systems, the Oxford Public Schools are fully on board with critical race theory by creating a “diversity, equity, and inclusion” committee, comprised of Sutton resident Town Manager Jen Callahan, teachers, parents, administrators, and School Committee members. But one name on the list stood out amongst the rest. See if you remember which one it is.


Oxford High School art teacher Jaimee Taborda was featured on TB Daily News last year after posting incendiary and blatantly untrue things about police officers on Facebook, specifically designed to create distrust between people of color and law enforcement.

She claimed that policing was bad for communities, that police follow unfair rules, and that by becoming a cop they are choosing to hurt people.

She said that black people routinely get killed by cops for doing things white people are allowed to do.

She said that good cops on TV are not real, because in real life cops are not fair and don’t follow the rules.

She completely bought into the CRT narrative that we are living in a white supremacist system, and it is her job as a white person to “help fight racism.”

Among the two 75 things she will now be teaching white kids they can do are:

  • Pay reparations to black people
  • Donating money to BLM (Patrice Cullors needs a new mansion)
  • Get new books in your classroom where the protagonists are people of color
  • Insist that black teachers teach black students
  • Donate money to the NAACP and SPLC
  • Switch banks and put your money in a black owned bank
  • Boycott Whole Foods until they pay reparations
  • Join “white spaces” to “talk out the conscious and unconscious biases us white folks have”
  • Read the historically inaccurate 1619 Project, commonly understood to be the basis of CRT
  • “Decolonize your bookshelf”
  • Follow 15 black activists on Twitter, none of whom are conservative
  • Seek out black and brown kids for playdates with your white kids (not awkward at all)
  • American history is summed up as “One genocide, another genocide, then apartheid.”
  • Tell a young child of color how much you love them
  • End cash bail so violent offenders can go out and harm more people of color
  • Donate to bail funds
  • Get white people who “aren’t clearly upset by white supremacy” to stop watching Fox News
  • Write to your elected officials and tell them to ban voter ID laws because black people are too dumb to know how to get ID
  • Read lots and lots of Ibram Kendi
  • Demand that course on white privilege be taught in high schools
  • Correct people who suggest that there are just a “few bad apples” in police departments
  • Stop and record police when they pull black people over

This is the woman who will be setting policy in the Oxford Public Schools, and this is what she believes in.

She believes it’s OK for black people to loot and riot because, racism.

She wants the police not only defunded, but completely abolished.

She teaches kids that it’s racist to say “all lives matter,” “I don’t see color,” and “make America great again.”

Parents in Oxford should email Superintendent Kristine Nash to let her know that brainwashing children with critical race theory is an overt act of state sanctioned racism that won’t be tolerated. Attend the next School Committee and demand that this teacher be removed from this committee, and then dismantle the committee altogether.



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80 Comment(s)
  • Elizabeth Warren
    July 29, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Soooo….. Would this little dog faced pony soldier like a beer? Saucy little minx. OOOOhhh baby oooo….

  • These People...
    July 29, 2021 at 7:41 am

    What always got to me was how irrational people like her are. People like her in a lawless society are easy victims. Her wanting the police to be defunded – which is just a euphemism for abolished – is irrational. At least the Hoodrat Hero types wanting the police to be abolished is rational. They’re criminals, of course they don’t want cops around! But her? Why?

  • Carrie the Label Girl
    July 27, 2021 at 11:24 am

    All this Rampant race for Diversity – Like let’s mix some dirty water with our clean water… So now Everyone ends up with .. Dirty water. Let’s bitch that hog farms, bacon, ham & pork processors and BBQ rib joints are “racist” because (much like the liquor industry) have piss-poor diversity rates cuz they aren’t inclusive enough to employ Muslims.

  • randiguy2006
    July 27, 2021 at 11:08 am

    You should run for school committee!

    Oh wait…

  • What Can Be Said Anymore?
    July 26, 2021 at 8:12 pm

    What’s scary is how many people don’t resist this vocally. This gives these maniacs the perception that they’re the majority.

  • Noddin in Woosta
    July 26, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Turtleboi, the ryderdies want sex and drugs in the news not racism and snooze! Racism and cop hating is so 2020.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    July 26, 2021 at 10:44 am

    I thought Tom Petty was dead?

  • MC Spammer
    July 26, 2021 at 7:19 am

    Jaimee Taborda is a teacher in MA, which means she earns a generous full-time salary for doing part-time work. It’s easy to be woke with a guaranteed million dollar income from a job you’ll never get fired from.

    Black men everywhere in the ghettoes of MA would never love or respect Jaimee Taborda (look at how they treat black women and children), but they would gang rape her every day. And no one would stop them, except the police who Jaimee Taborda claims are racist and unfair.

  • P Disguisee
    Pistachio Disguisee
    July 25, 2021 at 11:33 pm

    This bitch is so fake and her fixation on blacks is most definitely racism….why not just treat everyone equal and move on?

  • Dr Wu
    Dr Wu
    July 25, 2021 at 7:53 pm

    Here’s the best test of all: Make her PROVE she’s NOT a racist.

    If she stumbles or can’t prove it, then that means she IS a racist!!!

    • Professor Griff
      July 26, 2021 at 12:15 am

      Doctor wooo ooo, doctor wooo, doctor wooo ooo, doctor wooo, doctor wooo. I hope a big, black guy shows up at forehead’s door tonight in the middle of the rain, like the candy man. And the phone doesn’t work.

  • Dupree
    July 25, 2021 at 6:39 pm

    Omg I hooked up with her one time!! Crazy story!
    While we were at her place going at it, she SUDDENLY screamed out “FUCK ME IN THE ASS HARDER!” In the deepest most Irish accent possible.
    Stunned, I paused and did what she said.
    To this day, it reminds me of the scene in “Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban” when he screams in one of the final scenes “Expecto-Patronummmmmmm!!!” As he wards off all of the ghost things.

    • Doug Bushman
      Tom's Strap on
      July 25, 2021 at 8:13 pm

      You have number?

  • Dupree Mathers
    July 25, 2021 at 6:38 pm

    Omg I hooked up with her one time!! Crazy story!
    While we were at her place going at it, she SUDDENLY screamed out “FUCK ME IN THE ASS HARDER!” In the deepest most Irish accent possible.
    Stunned, I paused and did what she said.
    To this day, it reminds me of the scene in “Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban” when he screams in one of the final scenes “Expecto-Patronummmmmmm!!!” As he wards off all of the ghost things.

  • Closeted In Lynnfield
    July 25, 2021 at 6:25 pm

    There is nothing so vile as a female teacher. Undeserved ego, overinflated intelligence. Brainwashed pigs who hate themself, hate their lineage, their ancestors, their fathers etc…and think THEY are the right ones. Lol

    Degrees don’t make you smart, they give them to everyone you dumb cunt.
    A nurse told me that’s why teachers hate standardized tests. If they had to take the nursing boards or any test like doctors or lawyers, not one of them could pass those tests.

    Ignorant full of shit virtue signaling repugnant pieces of shit with PhD’s in how to whine and bitch and hate anyone who shares their skin color.

    Angry, miserable wastes of life. All divorced or single or childless.

    Can’t suck a dick worth a shit either.

    This faggot can.

  • Jen Pissaki
    July 25, 2021 at 4:53 pm

    Is it too late for an abortion, Ram a suction tube in this CUNTS ear.

  • Brett Killoran
    July 25, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    I finally found a fuckin guy to fix my fuckin spectravision box but get this, he can’t get no fuckin parts for it. I’m like, what in the fuck! This is turning into one colossal cluster fuck.

  • Lame crowd TB
    July 25, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    Not even 50 people disliked my comment.
    Cannot even break 100 dislikes from you “thousands of fans”.
    You are a loser and the lame 15-20 fans you still have are pathetic and quite honestly boring.

    This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..

    • Doug Bushman
      July 25, 2021 at 5:44 pm

      Great another idiot for my kingdom!

    • Satan
      July 26, 2021 at 9:19 pm

      I’m “grooming” her down here.

    • Yet Here You Are
      July 29, 2021 at 7:43 am


  • dale woodman
    July 25, 2021 at 1:24 pm

    I wonder how many of her family members have married Black people in the last 125 years?
    I bet there is no diversity at all in her White family.

  • Doug Bushman
    Tom's Strap on
    July 25, 2021 at 11:59 am

    Even I would not touch that….I do have some standards.

  • Doug Bushman
    MISTER SATAN (Him/His/Fuck You)
    July 25, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Why oh why do I always get the idiots!

  • Sick Lib
    July 25, 2021 at 11:09 am

    Wow Jaimee appears to be out of her mind. Maybe a case of some mental illness. I will be sending an email to the school administration. She doesn’t seem fit to be a teacher. Hopefully she gets the help she needs. It’s always teachers….

  • Alex Morse is back and running Provincetown
    July 25, 2021 at 7:22 am

    “If it was ever going to happen, it was going to happen there with crowded nightclubs, a rainy weekend with a lot of indoor time and, apparently, quite a lot of unvaccinated people showing up,”

    “crowded nightclubs”. “a lot of indoor time”

    Alex Morse will have been mayor of Holyoke for just over nine years when he resigns at the end of March to take up his new job as town manager in Provincetown on April 5. His salary of $185,000 comes with a housing allowance of $15,000, according to his three-year contract.

    Town Manager Alex Morse shared that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is reporting that at least 430 confirmed COVID-19 cases are associated with the Provincetown cluster. Of these cases, 342 are Massachusetts residents and 153 of those people reside in Provincetown. The remainder of those who tested positive reside in other states.

  • Jeff Bezos
    July 24, 2021 at 11:55 pm

    I’m back bitches! What have you fags been up to? Nevermind, buy more stuff on Prime, gotta jet!

  • Someone who’s actually woke
    July 24, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    1. No one on that committee is getting paid; it’s voluntary.
    2. Making a committee dedicated to diversity doesn’t mean POC take precedent over any other group, it simply means that all ethnic groups, races, and peoples need to be addressed in curriculums whether it’s Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or Anglo-Saxon in origin. The idea is to provide people with a blanket overview of all plights of all peoples and the causes thereof so that students and post-graduate communities alike can examine ideas and material in an unbiased format to gain exposure to issues and form their own opinions on the matters. The committee’s job is more so to review curriculum and see where lessons on more diverse topics can be added. Diversity doesn’t only mean ‘black’, it means ALL cultures.

    • President Joe Biden
      July 25, 2021 at 7:12 am


    • Woke is for retards, try critical thinking you faggot.
      July 25, 2021 at 8:37 am

      “Ackchuallly woke”- shut the fuck up.

      We BOTH know everything you just said was complete bullshit.

    • Geez Louise
      July 25, 2021 at 9:39 am

      Wow, are you fucking stupid.
      1. TB never said she was getting paid, so what the hell has that got to do with it.
      2. She is a Police hater, and lies about their motivations and intentions. That alone should disqualify her, but she is also a CRT advocate and believes that all white people are racist. Strikes two and three.

      Shove that up your woke ass.

    • Judge Dread
      July 25, 2021 at 6:19 pm

      Jaimee Taborda earned herself quite the reputation in North Shore watering holes a few years back,
      an all out tramp

    • Someone who’s actually smart
      July 25, 2021 at 7:24 pm

      You’re an idiot

      Throughout human history every country or empire or city state etc…there is a dominant culture at the top and then there are those starving to death. You are so fucking narcissistic that you think that all of these diverse cultures who have massive resentment towards America and it’s founding are just going to say “sure yeah, we’ll all get along now and live in harmony because your 10th grade history class has two worksheets that talks about Juneteenth. “

      No. That is ignorant and intentionally blind to evolution and all human desire and motivation.

      You’ll only succeed in ensuring whites and America’s founding and existence in loathed by its own people. And because of that you’ll be at best be standing in bread lines and at worst hiding behind bookshelves in annexes.


  • Doug Bushman
    Tom's Strap on
    July 24, 2021 at 8:33 pm

    The people of Oxford need to build a 200 unit federal family low income housing project near the center of town.

  • Krispen Wah
    July 24, 2021 at 7:57 pm

    That woman is the face of a Monistat commercial…


  • Help save Oxford
    July 24, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    I think we all can agree that most of the problems facing cities and towns like Worcester, Springfield, Lawrence, New Bedford etc. is the lack of affordable housing. It’s time we all as citizens of the state petition our lawmakers to build more affordable housing in Oxford.
    The people of Oxford demand more affordable housing and programs for minorities in their town but it seems nobody in the State house is listening.
    Everyone should do their part and help bring more diversity to Oxford so start writing your Congressmen and State Reps today!
    Help save Oxford from white supremacy and be a hero.

  • Holy Shitballs
    July 24, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    She should step aside and have a POC take the position.

    • Anonymos
      July 24, 2021 at 3:20 pm

      Better yet is her protesting the prosecution of sexual assault in her town and in her schools.

      What’s not being said about the Title 9 hysteria in colleges is that the vast majority of the male students being accused are Black….

      They hide that behind rules of confidentiality but most of this is Black boys being accused of raping White girls — racism right out of To Kill a Mockingbird and you’d think that people who purport to claim about racism would at least pretend to care about this.

    • Hattie McBaggen
      Hattie McBaggen
      July 26, 2021 at 4:36 pm

      The people of Oxford will gripe about how that will change the character of the community and have a disproportional impact on traffic and schools.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    July 24, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    OK – let’s see what we’ve got here:

    Oxford, MA:

    The racial makeup of the town was 96.62% White, 0.87% Black or African American, 0.25% Native American, 0.84% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.32% from other races, and 1.07% from two or more races. Of the population, 1.97% were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

    Diversity isn’t working here! I think a good 300 unit section 8 high-rise in Oxford will help with that problem. I think I’ll email, text, and call Jaimee with the idea. Let’s get rolling on this! Gotta be some space near her house to build it on. I’m sure she’ll hop right on that idea!

    • Diane from Webster
      July 24, 2021 at 5:10 pm

      Excellent point. It’s very easy to preach diversity when it’s not going to be in your neighborhood or impact your town, schools or everyday life. I always enjoy your witty posts Captain do you have a boat on Lake Quinsig?

    • murdochpatsymcreynolds
      Old Tom Morris
      July 25, 2021 at 10:03 am

      How about 4 or 5 bus loads of “asylum seekers” straight from the border as well.

  • dale woodman
    July 24, 2021 at 1:33 pm

    Fun Fact:
    Less than 1% (.62%) of the population in Oxford is African American.
    These folks refuse to live anywhere near Black people?
    I Bet they have “BLM” signs on their green lawns!

  • Ron Jeremy
    July 24, 2021 at 1:07 pm

    Why wont she give her salary, her home, cars, etc to a po’ black family? You know what her answer would be.

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      July 24, 2021 at 1:18 pm

      Yup. A very woke white person I know just went to Hawaii on vacation. After going to Cancun on vacation 2 months ago.

      So much for helping the disadvantaged people she so ‘cares’ about.

      • Oh
        July 24, 2021 at 8:48 pm

        Ted Cruz?

  • Cleamus
    July 24, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Ok I get it. Cops bad Negroes good.
    White people bad and Negroes good.
    Why would they even want anything to do with White people(except for their money they sure like that ).
    So White people and police should be banned from entering any Negro neighborhood.

  • The angry taint
    July 24, 2021 at 12:44 pm

    jaimee taborda is a race traitor. She has a smelly cunt and likes to blow young ni99er boys.
    she should be gang raped by a group of negro dwarfs

    • george costanza
      The angry taint
      July 25, 2021 at 2:02 pm

      oh my! What an angry hateful troll you are. Anyone who has read my comments know I never speak like that. Do better loser.

  • Bill Realist
    July 24, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    How do I sign up for the white supremacist’s spot on the panel?

  • Deez Nutz
    July 24, 2021 at 12:30 pm

    The E-Mail is disabled. HAHAHA

  • Boston Irish
    Boston Irish
    July 24, 2021 at 10:56 am

    If ugly twat had a face!

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    July 24, 2021 at 10:19 am

    So brave!

  • Mr wippell
    July 24, 2021 at 10:14 am

    A face only toilet paper could love

    • Captain Trips
      Dunkin Donut Maker
      July 24, 2021 at 1:23 pm

      I won’t be squeezin that Charmin anytime soon!

      If I woke up next to her in the AM it would always be time to make the donuts!

  • One Word
    July 24, 2021 at 10:10 am


    • One more
      July 24, 2021 at 2:22 pm


  • Buck Breaker
    July 24, 2021 at 9:29 am

    So Sarah plain & tall here gets paid to talk about how her ancestors oppressed blacks 24/7.
    Wonder how much of her salary gets donated to BLM or reparations? My guess is 0

    • Be the Change
      July 24, 2021 at 11:48 am

      It is so easy to shout change in a town where 99% of the people are white…. Take a 20 minute drive downtown Worcester and do something productive… but It probably feels good to share topics and appear to be an ally… she literally has 2 likes and 4 shares and NOONE took a deep dive into what she was actually posting… it just made them feel like thy were doing something too … so 0 people she has been “fighting for and lending her voice to” have had 0 impact by any of this… there are plenty adults and children of color as well as Latinx people in Real Need in real programs just minutes away and you WONT do shit about it… as you sit comfortable in you white privilege in the town you CHOSE to move to because, well… its not “the city”

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      July 24, 2021 at 1:41 pm

      The loudest, most in my face woke people are the biggest spenders……..on themselves.

      A sprinkler system for my lawn or a contribution to a black charity?

      Honey, did you set the timer for the new sprinkler system yet?

  • CRT is a tool of the Devil
    July 24, 2021 at 9:21 am

    I do not understand how a parent could go to bed at night knowing they allow their child be exposed to filth like this.

  • The Participant Observer
    July 24, 2021 at 8:19 am

    This is your typical woman in the public education (prolly the private, too) system. They believe that by virtue of their experience and (ahem) education that they are somehow paragons of virtue and scions of truth. You should see how many of them treat the children (especially the autistic ones) during that time of the month. But hey, America, you let it happen. SMH

    • Doug Bushman
      Mr Satan
      July 24, 2021 at 12:18 pm

      Even I have had it with these ass holes

  • They're Trying to bring it ALL BACK, MASKS, LOCKDOWNS, zoom schooling
    July 24, 2021 at 8:04 am

    Momentum appears to be building behind calls to bring back universal mask-wearing – even for those who are vaccinated – including reported discussions in the White House and at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about recommending masks for all Americans.

    Some people have been pushing to require masks for vaccinated people for weeks. But the fact that such discussions are happening at high levels in the administration reflects the fact calls are increasing, especially among the political left, to force masks back on all Americans to stem the spread of the delta COVID variant.

    Earlier this week, Provincetown and Nantucket announced new face mask advisories in response to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases across Cape Cod and the Islands. The Cambridge Public Health Department asked residents to wear a mask and practice physical distancing in situations where transmission is likely and when around unvaccinated people, including young children.

  • Bill Cribben
    July 24, 2021 at 8:00 am

    The one thing this white woman needs to do is shut up.

  • capone181
    Lee Ho
    July 24, 2021 at 7:59 am

    July Chicago;

    So far this month;
    453 total people Shot.
    376 Wounded
    77 Dead

    Not in the mainstream media, not shot by cops.

    Let the uncivilized savages get a job and pay their own reparations.

    • murdochpatsymcreynolds
      Laurie Lightfoot
      July 24, 2021 at 11:08 am

      Only 77 got kilt you stupit mutha fucka. Dat ain’t shiiit. Ya’ll need ta keep my city name ouch ya mutha fuckin mouf.

      • Judge Dread
        July 24, 2021 at 12:35 pm

        do you do anal?

        • murdochpatsymcreynolds
          Laurie Lightfoot
          July 24, 2021 at 1:58 pm

          What in da fuck? My wife be hittin it wit dat strapon every mutha fuckin nite. You honky ass judge mutha fucka.

          • julie andrews (de-flowered)
            July 24, 2021 at 10:32 pm

            stfu sheboon

  • Ray Patriarca
    Ray Patriarca
    July 24, 2021 at 7:22 am

    What a cunt !

  • As A White Woman…
    July 24, 2021 at 6:41 am

    I might need to start stabbing other white women before all white men start breeding with Asian women.

  • Doug Bushman
    STATE Rep- I have fundraisers around Christmas time - Frosty
    July 24, 2021 at 5:36 am

    Please someone tell me that Oxford is not in my district. I don’t want to take a stand.

  • Abba Dabba-Abba Dabba Said The Monkey To The Wrench.
    July 24, 2021 at 2:38 am

    God forbid someone mention Real Statistics to any of these people, Crime Rates, Single Parent Home – low income. They might actually address the real problems,
    This Shit isn’t new, they destroy everywhere they go. Period. Look at Africa, Right Now 2021, One village will grow crops or livestock next village over won’t say, Hey Let’s do that, then we can go trade with our neighbors and create commerce like a civilized society, NO it’s let’s go attack them and steal what they have. Just Like Everywhere else.. 2021 and still behaving like Cavemen. They make fun of each other for speaking correctly instead of like a low iq moron. What other race does that?? Makes NO Sense. But I guess the baseline iq of 78 for sub Saharan African must have nothing to do with that. Must be all White people’s Fault Right.
    CRT is Turd in a box that morons think is candy. Let em eat it.. Common Sense flew out the Fucking Window awhile ago. Let Survival of The Fittest happen.

    • Evil Needs To Be Fought, Not Coddled..
      July 24, 2021 at 6:53 pm

      There’s a reason while others where killing each other off over food Whites and Asians where trying to create and build to lift themselves up. Be here for that don’t take there poison vaccine, Black community isn’t taking it, News isn’t attacking them, Hmmmm I say.

  • “People Can Make Bad Choices And Still Be Worthy Of Love”…(in other words…)
    July 24, 2021 at 12:19 am

    …Summon the horse-fucker!

    We see what you did there, you dirty bitch. We see what you did.

    Mister Ed, Equ

  • Observer
    July 23, 2021 at 11:48 pm

    And I thought that lawyers were bad, I rate teachers below pimps and gangbangers for their destructive affect on American society.
    I notice she didn’t push for her teachers pension to be given to black people……funny isn’t it.

    • Hu Fartted
      Stu Pitt
      July 24, 2021 at 11:48 am

      I think you’re on to something there. Every time one of these commie azzholes talks about reparations we should demand that half of their pension fund goes to inner city blacks who’ve been screwed by democrat/communists policies for decades.

      • Willie pete
        July 24, 2021 at 5:01 pm

        Its bad enough I’m forced to pay her salary. Let them pay down their student loan debt before we encourage the idiots to waste more money.

  • William Callandrillo
    July 23, 2021 at 11:30 pm

    This is despicable!

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