You know your woke organization went too far when even the Boston Globe is calling you out on your bullshit. Turns out a bunch of white women bailing rapists out of jail so they can rape some more is a bridge too far for even the wokest of the woke.
Three weeks after being freed from the jail where he was being held on rape charges, Level 3 sex offender Shawn McClinton faced new allegations Thursday that he kidnapped, beat, and raped a woman he met walking along a Quincy street. The new charges against McClinton, 39, sparked immediate criticism of the Massachusetts Bail Fund, the group that posted the $15,000 bail to set him free.
The new allegations against McClinton are similar to those in the open 2018 case in Suffolk Superior Court. In the older case, a woman told police she was attacked in a McDonald’s bathroom, where McClinton ordered her to perform oral sex on him at knife-point. He allegedly slapped, choked, and threatened to kill her. He was awaiting trial on those charges when the Bail Fund posted his $15,000 cash bail, according to Assistant District Attorney Michael Glennon, the prosecutor in both cases. McClinton, who was convicted of rape in 1994 and 2007 and has a pending rape case in Suffolk Superior Court, was ordered held without bail Thursday by Judge Lisa Grant of Dorchester District Court.
In the current case, police allege the woman met McClinton on Tuesday in Quincy and went with him to his home in Dorchester. When she tried to leave, she told police, he accused her of being an undercover police officer. He became enraged and started beating her. He allegedly strangled her and forced her at knife-point to perform oral sex. He said, “Do you know what I could do to you?” according to the police report. She lost consciousness. After she woke up, she fled and wandered the streets, where a bystander found her 40 minutes later. She had significant cuts and scrapes and bruising around her neck, Glennon told the judge.
Boston Police Commissioner William Gross said he was “absolutely appalled” that someone with McClinton’s history would be freed. “We’re getting to a point in society where we’re giving more credence to criminals than victims. We’re talking about violent offenders. Why would you bail someone who committed rapes?”
The group has existed for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic and the killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota have spurred a massive infusion of donations to bail funds nationally. As recently as January, it was posting bails of up to only $500, but in recent weeks the group has paid as much as $85,000 to free a defendant who was accused of shooting someone in broad daylight. This week, it bailed out 30 defendants in Boston, a court official said.
“Aggravated rape, kidnapping for the purpose of sexual assault, strangulation and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon are not low-level misdemeanors. They are violent felonies,” Rollins said. “And the person they bailed out is a sexual predator that hurts and rapes women and children. The Bail Fund posted $15,000 and set McClinton loose on our community … They have no responsibility to or compassion for the victims and survivors of his crimes, or the families that he has destroyed. I do.
“You talk about a violation of constitutional rights? Women aren’t free to walk around because of this predator, and the Bail Fund wants to bail someone like that?” Gross said. “The Bail Fund folks are not from the inner city. I don’t know who they think they’re helping. They’ve proved they are a detriment to the community.”
In early July, the Bail Fund put up $85,000 to free Karmau Cotton-Landers, 25, who was accused of shooting someone in broad daylight on Boston Common in early April. Other defendants recently freed by the Bail Fund include Walker Browning, accused of robbing five women, two at knife-point; David Privette, facing charges of holding up a gas station at gunpoint; and Otis Walker, who had been held since late 2018 on three counts of child rape. These three were being held on bails ranging from $5,000 to $50,000.
You know you REALLY fucked up and went woke overboard when Rachael Rollins is calling you out for your bullshit too. Seems like “don’t bailout rapists” is pretty common sense, but thanks to the good white folk over at BLM they’ve come to believe that literally every single black person in jail is in there for getting caught with an ounce of weed. Barstool Sports and every other media outlet that raised money for this organization helped this man rape another woman violently at knifepoint. They did it purely out of white guilt. They did it because they were brainwashed by the media into thinking that what happened to George Floyd was a common occurrence.
Remember when Barstool Sports Ellie Schnitt used her Twitter account with over 500K followers to raise money for this bail fund, but insisted that the money only went to the “peaceful protesters”?
here’s a great resource where you can donate to 30 different bail funds at once!! https://t.co/BKjuveCDaB
— ellie schnitt (@holy_schnitt) June 4, 2020
#NewProfilePic I don’t have pink hair any more pls tell me I am pretty and also queen of the grass pic.twitter.com/FS29yQ0MEx
— ellie schnitt (@holy_schnitt) June 30, 2020
Bro. The money is for the peaceful protesters who have been wrongfully arrested. This is lazy. You’d know this if you read even one of the fund descriptions. There are more pressing topics to be using your loud mouth for.
Also @holy_schnitt is an angel. https://t.co/gkp9fGX1Xz
— mr humberfloob (@lizzynicolee) June 4, 2020
Guess who made $12,000 for the bail fund a couple months ago?
Monica Cannon-Grant. AKA Monica “gimme that” Grant. The woman who invented and profiteered off white guilt like no person in the history of humanity.
According to the AGO’s office pretty much every person involved in this profitable non-profit is a white woman, which is exactly the kind of person MCG preys on. Their current President is Normal Wassel form Cambridge, and the treasurer is Muriel Kramer from Hopkinton.
They look exactly how you imagined they would.
Muriel lives in Hopkinton, which is about as far away from black people as you can possibly live in Massachusetts. She often participates in Zoom calls where not a single black person is present.
She lives in a community in which animals like Shawn McClinton are not a threat because they don’t go there after getting bailed out. Instead they unleash these monsters on black and brown communities so they can rape black and brown women. White suburban liberals are the biggest racists on earth, and they do everything in their power to use their “privilege” to hurt black people.
Atara Rich-Shea is another wealthy Cambridge woman who serves as Mass Bail Fund’s executive director. She of course hasn’t commented on why she chose to help bail a rapist out of jail with $85K worth of donated money that donors thought was going towards Antifa looters.
Probably too busy getting her Karen hair cut, giving another speech on how important she is, or printing free muh boi t-shirts.
The there’s this guy.
Michael Cox, Bail Fund Administrator, is an advocate for LGBTQ and HIV positive people who are impacted by the criminal legal system. After serving a prison sentence he noticed that the prison system is both counter-productive and abusive. Since his release, he has worked to change that. He earned his A.S. in business management from Bunker Hill Community College and his B.A. in political science from Clark University.
Mike Cox was featured on TB Daily News in February after meeting with State Senator Jamie “Captain Planet” Eldridge so they could blame corrections officers for being attacked in a riot. Mike Cox knows a lot about jail since he spent some time in one after he beat a 59 year old gay man with a dumbbell in P-Town.
Michael Cox, 23, of Worcester, was sentenced to six years in prison on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, mayhem, armed assault to murder and attempted murder. Cox attacked the owner of Dorian Studios in his home above the store at 322 Commercial Street on May 28, 2007. Police and rescue workers responded and found the 59-year-old owner unconscious and bleeding from a head wound. Cox was also on the premises, in possession of a bloody dumbbell. Cox has a criminal record in Massachusetts that includes a 2004 assault and battery conviction, and 2005 convictions for possession of marijuana and crack cocaine.
In summation:
- Entirely white non-profit run by wealthy white women and a violent criminal who tries to murder people with dumbbells sees a black guy in Minnesota get killed and makes a ton of cash off it
- Monica Cannon-Grant sees this, doesn’t want to be left off the money train and latches onto it by pocketing $12K in unreported income
- Antifa bailed out of jail for rioting and looting with donated money
- Lots of cash left over so violent rapists also get bailed out of jail so they can continue to rape more women
P.S. This is not the rapist, he just looks like him and has the same name but lives in Chicago. It would be so awesome if it was him though after reading his thoughts on BLM and riots.
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118 Comment(s)
Is there anything more racist than condescending liberal Whites?
“Blacks can’t be guilty of crimes in our system. They are oppressed.”
You know what the liberal is actually thinking, right? “COOL! We have somebody DESPERATE enough to like us and put up with our obnoxious personalities! SWEET! Let’s bail them out of jail so they’ll really like us.”
Fact. Not opinion.
Blm , blacks love mayhem
Mlm ,my life matters
Blind “compassion” and throwing money at something that won’t have repercussions for them always works out well.
What the FUCK did you think was going to happen when you bailed out violent offenders? Seriously, I don’t understand – you’re feminists who let rapists with multiple offenses out of jail because … white guilt?
They’re so woke that they did a wokeness 180. They put the people they’re supposedly fighting for – minorities and women – in jeopardy. FREEING CHILD RAPISTS? There is zero logic.
Jesus Rollerskatin’ Christ.
“They’re so woke that they did a wokeness 180.”
I was just thinking that this morning. Classic, old-school liberalism was against, say, book burnings, for example. Freedom of speech and thought was their battle cry. Modern day libs have turned classic liberalism on it’s head. THEY are now the ones censoring everything from the Curry College mascot to Gone With The Wind.
Muriel Kramer are you enjoying your new found fame. It would be fun if someone sympathetic to the victim of this crime paid Muriel a visit.
I’m sorry, but the black bitch carrying on like a feral monkey about white people is just disgusting and should be ignored. Also, the white social justice BLM mouthpiece also needs a mental institution; what a disgrace! Enough said!
This dude was on a 10+ year stretch at Souza for rape when I started working for the state. Super surprised to see he has become a serial rapist since! lololololol
As Reichsmarschall, I have a solution for this. Hear me out.
Preach, motherfucker!
For the lawyer of the victim, Muriel Kramer 39 north st in Hopkinton,
Time to hold them responsible!
Hey girls, if we keep the blacks distracted raping, shooting, and robbing each other in Boston, they’ll never have time to even think of trying to find our all-white neighborhoods.
Atra rich Shea could be poster for all of these pathetic woke white women. The look, the haircut, the self promoting, look at me posts. Sister no one believes your fat ass was at yoga class!! I can help with the kick in the head part though.
Make it Karen with a C
I can’t go on. I cannot stand having anything in common with Muriel Kramer, even if it is just race and gender. She is a disgrace to womanhood. I am going to get a sex change. Sign me up for an Addadicktome. No, on second thought, I’d hate wearing men’s clothes. I’ll kill myself instead.
Goodbye cruel world.
I am dead now.
White libtards are brain washed Zombies – all indoctrinated into the Khazarian cult of communism and Marxist non-sense
plus why are most of those white libtard women so damn freaking ugly – wth!
Methinks Mr Cox has been impacted by something other than Covid. His hairline is already betraying him. How about the gunt on Ms. Free Them All. Fatty has a minuscule chance of being assaulted because of her sheer bulk and low center of gravity.
Here’s hoping one of these cretins you helped release find you…and anally rape you long, slow, deep and dry , no lube, no spit!!
Fuck you, you crazed cunt!
WTF is up with comments getting deleted?
I would recommend the victim seek a whole lot more than $15,000 in redre$$ from the accomplices of this crime.I’m sure these whipepo are good for a few tens of millions.
Holy crap !
You actually have me rooting for the lawyers here !
If more people carried guns, pieces of shit like this wouldn’t have the option of getting bailed out.
You spelled Michael Cocks wrong . . . .
All of these woman are responsible for what happened to this victim! They need repercussions for what they have done. Pure ignorance and stupidity! I bet there’s a ton of crazy with that attention pig Ellie schnitt “tell me I’m pretty “, what a pathetic loser. I want to see them all pay for this.
He’s a good boy. He was turning his life around.
-Aspiring rapper
-Planned to open a barbershop
-Working to get his kids back
-Testing for his GED
-Regularly attending “meetings”
Baker announced an indefinite delay for step two of phase three of the reopening plan. That step is slated to include indoor theater or concerts and indoor activities.
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on Friday announced decisions after listing a number of recent high-profile gatherings including a lifeguard party on Cape Cod but glaringly ignored the tens of thousands attending BLM riots/protests, these unlawful riots and “protests” were not mentioned by Gov. Charlie Baker. Baker cherry picked certain gatherings making unproven claims that these gatherings alone led to clusters of coronavirus cases. Baker announced that the maximum number of attendees for outdoor gatherings would be cut in half. The new limit for outdoor gatherings will be 50 people, effective Tuesday. The limit for indoor events remains at 25, he said.
Gov. Charlie Baker is expected to further restrict freedom, business, travel and employment as the political winds suit his needs.
Best pack your belongings and get out of the NorthEast before you are trapped and destitute.
Feels like we living in a bad movie, you can’t make this shit up. I can’t imagine lusting for greed and power so much that you sell your soul
We should start funding the release of ms13 and other gang members then provide the gangbangers with homes in affluent communities next to judges and politicians.
A Virginia rape suspect, who was released from jail because of concerns regarding the new coronavirus, went on to kill the woman who had accused him. Ibrahim E. Bouaichi shot and killed the woman in late July, after he was released April 9.
He was jailed without bond in Alexandria – until the pandemic hit. Bouaichi’s lawyers argued that he should be freed awaiting trial because the virus endangered inmates and their attorneys. He was released on a $25,000 bond over the objections of a prosecutor.
Circuit Court Judge Nolan Dawkins released Bouaichi on the condition that he only leave his Maryland home to meet with his lawyers or pretrial services officials. Meanwhile, Dawkins retired in June. He did not respond to the Washington Post’s request for comment.
Bouaichi’s attorneys, Manuel Leiva and Frank Salvato, said in a statement that unfortunately, the pandemic continued the trial date by several months and we didn’t get the chance to put forth our case.”
Biggest group of dumb, useless cunts I’ve ever seen.
A bunch for do gooders that are too fucking dumb to do anything good, in fact actually assisted this animal in committing another rape.
Just ignore these BLM racists, they will self destruct because they are too fucking dumb not to. So dumb that even libtards like the Globe and Rachel Rollins are even asking what the fuck??
Bailing out a rapist is the equivalent of pulling down your panties for him. But that doesn’t mean the rest of us wanna get fucked.
Michael Cox would fit nicely into a 55 gallon drum
of Hydroflouric Acid.
Some people need to get laid. Sadly, their partners are either incapable or unwilling or both.
Women with way, way too much time on their hands, too much chardonnay, and not enough real friends to tell them to knock it the fuck off.
They are middle aged, have put on some weight, and now languish in their suburban enclaves with absolutely nothing to do other than meddle in people’s lives. They pop the cork on their wine by noon and are downing the xanax by 6pm.
They believe buying grapes at 5 bucks a pound at Whole Foods and owning a Prius they are doing “good” in this world, while they free violent criminals to stalk and rape the very women they purport to support.
Go pet your cat while bingeing the bachelor and get some new batteries for your vibrator and stop helping. Thank you
Booze at noon and Xanax bars by 6? I am so there!
Post. Of. The. Day.
” and not enough real friends to tell them to knock it the fuck off.”
That made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!
Muriel, I would never, ever be your friend.
Whenever I ride my camel by a group of these filthy kafirs holding BLM signs, I always scream at them that I am a jihadi. I say that ours is a peaceful religion, and that I’ve been called to action by fatwa from the Mullah, that I must smite the infidels for their abhorrent apostasy. These, how you say…Karen’s? These Karen’s don’t know what I’m telling them, but they thank me for being a migrant worker here to build America. Allah be praised!
I can’t wait to get oral from Ellie Schnitt, Normal Wassel, and Muriel Kramer when they are tied up and held at knife point! You know, because ours is a peaceful religion. My friends, we shall tie that sodomite Michael Cox to a chair and throw him off the Prudential Building for his sins. Then we shall celebrate by feasting on dog with Obama, and giving thanks to the Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him.
Late 60s/early 70s, “liberated” women complained about TV and movie depictions of females as overwrought, gullible, shrill people who sometimes needed a good slap when they went to pieces in a crisis. Now here we are in the 21st century — all these “brave” women shrieking at the sky in tears because a TV show host gets elected president, followed by coast-to-coast estrogen tsunamis about the climate, COVID, black lives matter … whatever exaggerated crisis du jour they need to forget just how easy they have it. No one is doing it to them. They’re doing it to themselves. And that good, hard slap is overdue with a lot of accrued interest.
Beachtung! Beachtung!
Dies ist eine offizielle Woke Ankündigung!
The release of these funds was not an authorized action by the Woken Reich. Unfortunately, we have had way too many of these grossly negligent acts. The Woken Reich has discovered that 99.9999% of these errors are being committed by WHITE, wealthy females that have nothing else to do with their lives. A small percentage of WHITE males are also involved. However, all of these males are Beta males and cowardly do as the WHITE females instruct them to do.
As a result of this unfortunate situation, the Woken Reich in enacting an official policy whereby any member of the Woken Reich found guilty of gross negligence (this includes acts of cuntness) is to be immediately Kanceled by the Kancel Gestapo.
To assist the Kancel Gestapo with their new duties, we demand all members of the Karen, Kancel, & Woken Reichs, along with other “non-Reich members” (especially), to research & identify telephone #’s, physical addresses of both home & work, and contact emails of these traitors to be openly displayed on the WW website of your choice (hint, hint).
Heil Woken Reich!
Smells like the sauerkraut I vomited.
They need to be held be accountable.
Their actions directly led to a crime being committed.
People who pay bail through these bail funds should be required to take the perps home with them. Then they should start working on changing their zoning laws so these oppressed criminals have a nice to live. After you welcome these people into your cities/towns, get back to us and let us know how it worked out.
I hope it makes one feel just. Hiding in your woke white enclaves. Look at the consequences of your actions. As Deval would claim it’s “anecdotal”.
How many “anecdotes” does one need before one sees a problem?
Reap what one sews. One’s beliefs have consequences. After November one will blame a current sitting President for all one’s woes and sky rocketing crime. To those who truly see it will all be delicious yet sad irony.
Oh Lord. These mother effing bitches are nothing but handmaidens. What the ever loving F*ck! I’ll tell you a secret, the ‘average’ woman is too ‘forgiving’. Having the assburgers that I have, I see things very plainly and clearly without so much of a drop of emotion let alone forgiveness. And that gay dude named ‘Cox’ well I just laughed the burger outta my ass with that one…COX! COCKS! How DARE YOU!!!
#MeToo to #FreeThemAll in less than 2 years… THAT’S mental illness
If you want to understand why these nitwits would want to free a serial rapist, you have to familiarize yourself with the following four concepts:
1) The Frankfurt School
2) Cultural Marxism
3) Critical Theory
4) The Cloward-Piven Strategy
Start with #1 and work your way down to #4 in order. A good start is to check out “The Architects of Western Decline” on Bitchute.
One you understand these four concepts, you will understand why every major institution in America is falling apart. This isn’t happening by accident – its being done on purpose, and that purpose is to “crash” the current system and replace it with something else.
It’s like I’m talking to myself!
Would they be surprised if a right wing dictatorship with paramilitary death squads replaced freedom, these lefties are to ignorant to consider revolution/civil war are hell on earth.
That Dave Portnoy condones Rape Culture. As much as I hate that spineless jellyfish, somebody owes him an apology. These people actually pay for rape
I get excited thinking about rapists like him. I hope he can be hired at my exclusive private school, here in Chestnut hill.
What school is that.
Mike Cox, Could he have used Heywood Jablowme instead. I can’t fathom the level of stupidity of these losers. Complete fucking assholes one and all.
Rape=Good Orange Man=Bad
if the suspect is white/conservative/republican: RAPE IS EVIL BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!
if the suspect is black/liberal/queer: “I know it wasn’t rape-rape. It was something else but I don’t believe it was rape-rape.”
I mocked a commie by replying to his insane screed “Orangeman bad!” and Discus removed my post! Like I was just parroting the Antifa dude’s shit. What’s their problem?
Does the Fuhrer’s new restriction on gatherings apply to freed criminals? Just asking for a friend. FUCK YOU CHARLIE BAKER!
Dude is 39, and has a rape conviction from 1994. Do the fucking math.
Then take him behind the courthouse and double tap to the brain pan. And charge these cunts for the bullets as well as the therapy bills for his victims.
How do they feel right now, knowing that they enabled this crime to happen? Do Liberals ever feel remorse when they harm others or are they truly soulless, mentally-diseased freaks?
Liberals/Leftists should never feel remorse, the ends always justify the means.
What difference at this point is a few extra rapes or murders if it means polishing your woke trophy, the victims were probably asking for it just like Paula Jones.
ps I admire these brave women for aiding the resistance..
Monica raises $12k hoping he’d want her cooked vagina and low credit score. Even a violent rapist wouldn’t touch her. I love how they thought this violent rapist was going to prove their point but instead proved ours. I hope the victim sues every last one of them, they are just as guilty. As Monica Cannon-grant has said “you picked the right one”. The head on VIB which pretends to be against violence raises money to bail out violence criminals. Way to keep the money coming in Monica! Her kids are her meal ticket to suck the state almost dry and violent criminals are her ticket to suck whatever is left. Great job bail fund you must be proud. The victim will always remember you pieces of shit.
2 theories, I haven’t read comments yet so apologies if same as your idea but that would show we’re all thinking the same.
1). These Stupid Fat Leftist White Women want more women and children to be raped and are hoping they will be raped by a violent killer.
2) These Stupid Fat Leftist White Women want to release violent black and brown rapists so these psychotic rapists and kidnappers will become the face of black and brown culture, which they are.
It was important to point out Stupid, Fat, Leftist and White because of the obvious correlation between these known factors and irrational destructive behavior. Much like effeminate, weak men are often at the forefront of the same types of movements.
Why is it always RICH white liberal women, behind these scenes.
Probably because they have nothing better to do while their husbands are out playing golf and smashing the 22 year old secretary/intern/page.
Who wants to protest outside one of these douche bags houses? Antifa and BLM do it all the time
North St.is a nice part of town.I think Muriel was hoping to get some of that tar paper herself.
Bail is a constitutional right you dumb fuck. Please, write “this Karen has a hyphenated name” like 14 more times. Its going to get smart and funny eventually.
Sure it is. But…
Bailing out accused rapists is something that normal people wouldn’t consider, you know, because rapists do bad things.
How would you feel if someone used their right to bail themselves out, then raped someone you love?
You are a true fucking asshole. Thanks for continuing to ruin America by making excuses for people who bail out rapists and child molesters.
Your beloved and dimwitted Uncle Turtleboy isn’t only talking about the rapist. But glad to know my hypothetical fee-fees are a valid concern.
Blarney are you hiding from your kids over here on the TB page? That’s clever. I heard Josh Abrams is taking a shit. Go get your panel of misfits and you can “report” on it before it hits the toilet
Read the 8th Amendment again…focus on the phrase, “Excessive bail shall not be required.” Then recognize the courts have upheld the right to impose high bail or deny it based on 1-severity of the crime, 2-likelihood of offender to disappear or skip bail, 3-likelihood to reorient, 4-prior criminal history.
Then shoot yourself in the face, you diseased fucktard.
Attorney Blarney is here to explain constitutional laws to us. You are the white Monica Cannon-Grant. Even Monica kept all her kids. Do you guys have the same section 8 worker? She thinks shes an activists and you think you’re an attorney but both of you are frauds. Yes you are right Blarney, it is a constitutional right however, violent criminals are a bad look on organizations. So thank you for taking time out of your busy life chasing auditors and running from responsibilities to drop this knowledge bomb on us. Im sure you’ve got more on the docket to handle. You just can’t help yourself lol
If a bar or restaurant can be liable for serving someone who is drunk and then that person goes on to injure or kill someone, why can’t these women and everyone who donated be liable too? Sue them into oblivion. Would cut this shit out real quick.
Another question is why someone with two prior rape convictions had bail set at all?
Two prior and awaiting trial on a third.
And if you believe that’s all he did, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
I have a deal on ocean-front property in Montana.
Giants cornerback DeAndre Baker was charged Friday with four counts of robbery with a firearm in Florida, Broward State Attorney Mike Satz announced.
Baker, 22, was formally charged in connection with his May 13 arrest along with Seattle Seahawks cornerback Quinton Dunbar in Miramar. He is accused of stealing cash and watches from four men at a house party in the city.
NFL National Felon League haven’t watched or given a fly fuck since Goodell and Kapernick exposed the NFL for the corrupt confused organization it is, professional wrestling is more credible.
Pro sports is a carnival act filled with criminals they can take their $120 sweatshirts and shove them up their ass.
Am I correct in assuming that the new arrest of Shawn McClinton does not result in his previous cash bail being forfeited? He didn’t fail to show up for a hearing, he just tried to increase his total of baby mamas without first asking permission. If his cash bail isn’t forfeited, it should be. Or better, it should be donated to the victims. Keep it out of the Commonwealth’s general slush fund.
It’s nice to see the Sunday morning side of Rachel Rollins’s personality occasionally prevail over her dominant Saturday night side. Hmm, could the Sunday morning side be her inherited white side?
Use the joint venture theory and charge these self loathing white cunts too
King baker could’ve gotten tuff on crime after many officers were gunned down and he chose the opposite, Gross for governor!!!
Can we canonize this ape just like fellow felon floyd.
Its what dey do it’s dey culture.
What part of filthy jigga do you fail to comprehend?
Public information from the Massachusetts Registry of Deeds – masslandrecords.com
Atara Rich-Shea – Declaration of Homestead registered on:
115 Reed St.
Cambridge, MA
Michael Cox..What a fitting name for that fag.Michael Cox loves Cocks.
Well, the victim needs a good lawyer to sue the organization and each and every Karen associated with it. Since they are so good at raising money, they can raise the money to settle the case…
Why can’t the victim sue the people who bailed the rapist out?
Hang this piece of shit high, then march each of these woke white people up to the tree and hang them one by one in front of their families. Televise it. This shit would stop tomorrow if we could do things the old way. They helped him rape that woman and should all be brought to justice
I hope they fined the woman who was forced to perform oral sex, for not wearing a mask.
A concerned liberal.
What a joke this half ass run state is…
That nog got arrested for rape in 1994. That makes him 13 at the time. Probably beat a bitch with a skip-it or something
Defund the police? Let violent criminals out of jail?
Got your “License to Carry” yet? You should get the version for “high capacity ammunition magazines.”
And as you can see from the many police videos, 9mm is not enough to put down the bad guy with 1 or 2 shots. You should seek .40 S&W, 10mm, .357, .357 Sig, or of course .45.
Hey TB you should do a story on firearms license applications at police departments throughout Mass. I heard some are backed up many months. Does this violate the second amendment? I bet national media (FOX anyway) would pick up your story.
I used to love LTC. Don’t go chasing waterfalls, man.
I laughed audibly at this.
Join Us.
Joe 30330
It was only oral! Bill Clinton cleared this issue up years ago! It is settled science! Shawn needs to be bailed out again!
It would be great to start rounding these animals up and dropping them off on the doorsteps of every asshole who donates. That way the compassionate, guilt laden, white racists can help the murderer/rapist they just freed readjust to society in a safe and understanding environment, free to beat and rape anyone in the house as they please. Cunts.
Was he wearing a mask when assault took place ? If not he should be held with out bail
Governor Charlie Parker is giving all of us a lesson in leadership.
I bet these woke women would feel differently if a group of these fine you men pulled a train on them
Those fat ugly cunts would probably enjoy it because they’re all degenerates and no one will fuck them
At this point, there’s no mystery anymore, right? America is fighting an asymmetrical war for its very culture.
Every time he says his name he gets physically excited. Cox is on his mind all day every day. Could drive a bus up his backside.
Orwel was right about everything except the year. These leftists elois bail out looters comparing them to Jean Valjean. Now these Libtards bail out morlocks that rape innocent victims. They would gladly release speed bump the Marathon bomber along with that fat pedo Charles Jayne who murdered and tortured Jeffrey Curley.
Nice job ladies. Hope you’re proud of yourselves.
Of course, these people responsible for getting him out will be incredibly quiet for now. They never own up to their mistakes.
More knees on more necks more frequently.
No bail in the afterlife. Just more hard labor and pitchforks up the butt.
Swing Low on that Sweet Chariot.
Gods work TB. Keep doing your thing. Outfuckingstanding.
Pasting stories from the Globe?
At least they’re becoming more transparent about their agenda. Everyone donating knows exactly what their money is being used for. Besides, America incarcerates far too many rapists and murderers. If rape and murder brings them happiness then aren’t they entitled to that pursuit?
This is all part of the plan. Remove police. Let dangerous criminals out of jail.
Is it just a coincidence that they were releasing pedos from prison 1 week into the plandemic? Now, the agenda is remove police. WTF is going on?
Psychological Warfare is in full effect and nobody seems to be aware. It’s always been there, subtly. It’s in overdrive now. If you haven’t already, arm yourself before it’s too late. Like the famous saying ““It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees!”
P.S. Do you think Mike Cox is friends with Mike Hunt?
No, Cox is friends with Harry Cockemballs. More his style.
I would like to meet Mike Cox.
In order to understand what’s happening, you have to familiarize yourself with the following four concepts:
1) The Frankfurt School
2) Cultural Marxism
3) Critical Theory
4) The Cloward-Piven Strategy
Start with #1 and work your way down to #4 in order. A good start is to check out “The Architects of Western Decline” on Bitchute.
One you understand these four concepts, you will understand why every major institution in America is falling apart. This isn’t happening by accident – its being done on purpose, and that purpose is to “crash” the current system and replace it with something else.
All the women who bail out rapists should be found and raped.
Every single piece of trash who donated to that bail fund should be charged with accessory to rape and be held without bail.
Women have a soft spot for rapists because they secretly fantasize about being raped.
Especially if you blow in their ear first!
And if you don’t pay up to the bail fund, you ain’t WOKE!
And you shouldn’t get counted in the 2020 census from two censuses ago.