In a real story that happened in real life, a woman sued her 8 year old nephew for $127,000 because he hugged her too hard and now she can’t hold a plate full of hors d’oeuvre.
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WCVB: A woman who sued her 12-year-old nephew in Connecticut for $127,000 for injuries she says she suffered from his exuberant greeting at his birthday party four years ago has lost her case. The Connecticut Post reported that New York City resident Jennifer Connell claimed the Westport boy acted unreasonably when he leaped into her arms at his eighth-birthday party. She said he caused her to fall to the ground and break her wrist. She asked a six-member Superior Court jury to find the boy liable. The jury deliberated for about 20 minutes Tuesday before ruling that Connell is entitled to no money, the Post reported. The 54-year-old Connell testified she loves her nephew but thought he should be held accountable. She says when the child jumped she tumbled to the ground as she tried to catch him.
“We do not take great pleasure in bringing a minor to court,” Connell’s lawyer, William Beckert, said. “She is not here enjoying a moment of this.”
Beckert said Sean, “should have known better,” adding, We have rules for children. He was not careful. He was unsafe.”
Connell told the jury on Monday that the injuries have turned her life upside down.
“I was at a party recently, and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvre plate,” she testified.
Connell writes in the lawsuit, “The injuries, losses and harms to the plaintiff were caused by the negligence and carelessness of the minor defendant in that a reasonable eight year old under those circumstances would know or should have known that a forceful greeting such as the one delivered by the defendant to the plaintiff could cause the harms and losses suffered by the plaintiff.”
Connell lives in the Upper East Side and works as a human resources manager in Manhattan, according to the New York Daily News.
“I live in Manhattan in a third-floor walk-up so it has been very difficult,” she testified on Monday, the Connecticut Post reports. “And we all know how crowded it is in Manhattan.”
Connell wore a black wrist guard in court, reporters said. Sean Tarala’s mother, Lisa Tarala, died last year. He lives with his father, Michael, in Westport. The lawsuit was filed in 2013, a year before Lisa Tarala’s death.
Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the worst woman who has ever lived. When I first saw this I assumed it was something from The Onion. But it’s not. It’s something that’s very real that happened in a real life courtroom in the state next to mine. Even if she won, how did she expect to get $127K from an 8 year old? Did she think he invested his allowance in mutual funds? Christmas is gonna be awkward this year. Although I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that auntie Jennifer has ruined many a secret Santa in previous Christmas celebrations.
Just a quick reminder, not only did she try to sue an 8 year old, but in the time since she filed the lawsuit, the kid’s mother (and her sister) died. And STILL she didn’t think it would be appropriate to cancel the fucking lawsuit. This is why the terrorists hate us.
When I first saw this headline the first thing I thought was, “It’s gotta be Tracy Novick.” Because this is without a doubt something she is more than capable of doing. Here you have this woman who seemingly has it all. She lives in the Upper East Side where it costs $2400 a month plus utilities to sleep in the sewer. Her hardships include not being able to hold a plate of pigs in a blanket and walking up two flights of stairs. And all because of some out of control 8 year old tried to kill her. But don’t worry, she still loves him very much. Because lots of normal people sue 8 year olds whom they profess to love.
Hey Jennifer, do you give hand jobs for a living? No? Then this hasn’t affected your life in any way whatsoever. What the hell do you need a functional wrist to climb three flights of stairs for?
Anyway, I get why her lawyer took this case. Money be green – win or lose. But what the hell is this woman thinking? How did she possibly think she would win this case? She’s basically as dislikable a person to a jury as you can possibly find. Never mind that the whole case revolved around whether or not a reasonable 8 year old would’ve done this. Newsflash – 8 year olds by definition are unreasonable. It’s why they’re 8.
I’ll tell you what’s not reasonable. A 54 year old woman with more money than she knows what to do with, suing a child her 8 year old nephew shortly after his mom died, because she can’t carry around a plate full of appetizers at an Upper East Side cocktail party.
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13 Comment(s)
What a kunt
They had to put a name on the homeowner’s insurance lawsuit. So, the boy got dragged in and it became a shit show thanks to media.
Officially someone who is a worse human being than Kardashian mother. And still wearing the brace fuckin FOUR yrs later!!! Her lawyer Jackie Chiles tell her that would look good to jury. What a country full of assholes we have become.
It is the homeowners insurance carrier that she really is suing. The boy is just the conduit/ excuse to the money
This woman can’t have any real friends. She must live a sad existence …. and whatever firm she is employed at should surely dispose of her soon I’m sure …
Perhaps she can hook up with Jalapeno Mac & Cheese Boy and sue him. He seems to have more money than the 8 year old and he would probably “do” her in one of his drunken stupors. She could claim Jalapeno burns and a broken heart by the Long Island heart throb.
Two words…Miserable C U Next Tuesday!
So…I caught a cold from my 18 month old niece when she gave me an unreasonable slobbery kiss. How much should I be suing her for?
That’s a serious offense…she should be in jail.
If she’s patient zero, we got other worries.
Obviously, she’s a woman who Can’t Understand Normal Thinking…
Last week the judge said I’ll C ya next tuesday
hopefully she will be liable for the 12 year olds lawyer expenses.
just when you thought nothing could amaze you something like this comes out