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This is Wilfred Descy from Woonsocket:
He recently got out of can after a 30 day stint:
All he wanted was a second chance…..
He deserved it.
Literally a week later this happened:
Now we’ve seen stuff like this before and it’s almost always a troll. You have no idea how many people tagged us in the Angela Shay baby drops that were all the rage a couple months back. Because stuff like this seems too good to be true, and it usually is.
Turns out he was dead serious.
Dude actually stole a MacBook Pro, sold it to his buddy Ray, who then could not access it because the owner had locked them out:
But not before they used the stolen computer to message each other, and thus implicated themselves in the crime:
I’d say that I’m surprised, but I’ve actually been to Woonsocket before. It’s a land of thriving industrial renaissance
Beautiful neighborhoods
Trash piles of grandeur
And ship wrecks of splendor
Trust me, this Woonscoket Cockrocket is par for the course.
Oh, and from the looks of his Facebook page he’s reproduced several times and of course is an aspiring rapper. Sometimes he even brings stray children into his rap videos, live from his Woonsocket kitchen:
What a work of art that was:
“You can hate me if you want cuz I robbed your house, you can hate me if you want cuz I put my dick in your bitch’s mouth.”
Yup, he said those words with a random woman and her calf in the room.
His home slice sure seemed thrilled to be a background dancer.
Hey Winfred I don’t hate the fact that you’re a thief or that you alleged to have stuck your spam javelin in my bitch’s mouth. The only thing I hate about you is the “I’ve got court on Tuesday chinstrap” and your affinity for flat brimmed hats.
The miracle is that none of them were Chicago Bulls flat brimmed hats.
Oh wait…
That counts.
Here he is getting ready to go to church with his son:
Just kidding – that’s BAE….
He also does Facebook Live videos where his homies point guns at his head and encourage him to put one in the chamber:
Oh well, at least he had a good seven weeks out of prison. It was fun while it lasted. Plus he got to see a sunset in Provincetown:
Hey Wilfred, if you like PTown then you’re gonna LOVE prison. Just ask this guy:
Good times!!
At least this guy’s got his back:
Maybe you guys can be bunkies!!
Seriously though, if you just got out of jail, and you wanna stay out of jail, try not robbing people of their MacBooks. And if you do steal a MacBook, don’t give it to this guy:
Because that guy right there ain’t giving back to you.
Of course if you still decide to go forward with a crime like this, try not posting about it on Facebook. I know your intentions were that someone out there has the computer and would be so would inspired by your plea that they turned their life around and brought the computer to the Woonsocket PD. But you’re dealing with Woonsocket sewer guppies here. They have no soul, and they’ve already factored in a few stints in jail into their life plan. Poorly planned, poorly executed. Same time next year.
22 Comment(s)
I know for a FACT that this is the SAME couple that robbed a severely handicapped woman and her 10 year old daughter that lives in the Woonsocket heights. She took Will and Liz off the streets last fall. They robbed her while she was in the hospital. She asked them to watch their 10 year old daughter daughter while she away. When she got back from the hospital he was robbed of her valuables. Elizabeth Durand’s family corrected us and told us her real name is name Elizabeth Derosa. They are thick as thieves and will steal from ANYBODY. They have several children that have been taken away from them by the state. Almost 10 kids between them both. ABSOLUTLY DISGUSTING FREAKS
The Wilfred Descy Raymond Unwin connection goes not surprise at all me since they are both Bi or DL and known to hook up with guys.
Does a dirtbag actually know they’re a dirtbag or is it all a matter of opinion and perspective? I have to believe that someone like this is fully aware that he is the navel lint of society but still marches forward in life.
Why does Luis Virella Jrs name sound famillar? Now im gonna have to do a search and see if hes in another article yall have, i swear he is.
Luis Virella has NOTHING to do with this. He’s a great guy. He was just in a video from years ago with this Will. He’s probably another person that tried to help Will when he was living on the streets again. Luis a legendary great guy
It’s like Dewey from Malcolm In The Middle grew up but not in the positive direction like Malcolm and more in the negative direction of Reese.
(He looks like an older Dewey)
Luis Virella has NOTHING to do with this. He’s a great guy. He was just in a video from years ago with this Will. He’s probably another person that tried to help Will when he was living on the streets again. Luis a legendary great guy!
That’s what u get gangster lmfao !! He’s a pedophile too and likes beating on woman. What a looser.
If hoodrats, junkies, thieves, scammers and gangstas had bounties on their heads, there would be a lot less of them. If someone is a chronic scumbag, put a bounty on the scumbag’s head. Rachets will do anything for cash. The problem will then solve itself.
I’ve mentioned this before. These people live for the moment. The past is gone, the future (24 hours +) is too far away to worry about. It could be thought of as extreme mindfulness. Live in the now, concentrate on the now. Listen to your heart beating. Feels the muscles move. Be in the moment. Be in the moment. Be in the moment…… People spend years attempting to meditate themselves to this stage. If you are lucky you might be able to get to that state through meditation once every few months for maybe a few seconds. For some, it just comes naturally and they are always in that state.
Steal a laptop.
“WTF, the guy went to the cops? Why would someone who was ripped off go to the cops? Who does that? Report crimes? SMH???? I’m in trouble now. I don’t have the laptop anymore. I can’t find the person the sold it to. I know, I’ll use social media to find the laptop. I’ll tell the name of the who bought stolen property. I’ll tell everyone I’m a thief, but if I return it, it’s all good. It’s not? WTF? I’m trying to do the right thing. Are you telling me that anyone can see what I posted on social media. No!!!!!!! What’s up with that? Is that something new? Why wasn’t I told this?”
It never ceases to amaze me how ridiculously unfair and generally fucked up life is.
I mean, how many children die from cancer every year? How many good, hard working people tragically lose their lives to diseases, accidents, or violence every day? Yet, this fucking worm, this walking pile of trash mixed with shit, is still breathing and living amongst us.
There is no justice in this world.
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. The best part of him ended up a stain on the mattress, it got the brains… Real criminal mastermind there, genius – just wondering your mom and dad, did they stay brother and sister after the divorce?
This is why you don’t eat paint chips.
Is there a town ordinance in Woonsocket that says you have to be a low life trashbag to live there? There are so many ! This waste of oxygen is destined for society’s trash heap.
That Doomz Day fella sure is scary. Don’t want to upset him, nope.
He’s got the tear drop tat so you know he’s FR FR 100 self-certified badass.
Now there is no doubt who put the “fuck” in “tard”!
This tomato head from Woonsuckett and Ricky from Trailer Park Boys and are pretty damn similar in stupidity. Thing is….those shows aren’t real.
Wilfred. You got a pretty mouth boy…….now bend over and squeal like a pig soooooooweeeeeeeeee
Just when you think there could not be more stupid fuck, the Northeast region comes through again! The only question out there, is where is this example fabulously lcoated? BANG! Today it is Woonsocket, the arm pit of the Northeast, the little town with the richest history of Puritan fanaticism, where virtue was a plus. Mr. Decry was unfortuantely born after visture was canceled from the english language. How the fuck in god’s given eearth does this num nuts not see what he is doing is a fucking retard move? He might as well have a human chopped off cock stuck in his ass and a pacifier in his mouth, with a sign that said, momma didn’t love me, but I came out alright anyways! Fuck man, I am just flabergasted. God damn – can this society be anymore fucking stupid. What the fuck is going on, please, someone tell me, how can someone be so fucking stupid?
These people are 10 minute dash-cams. After 10 minutes the video starts getting overwritten with new video. There is no past, the future hasn’t been recorded yet. And even when the future is recorded it will just be erased in 10 minutes. Rinse repeat.
This waste of DNA has me speechless