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Valley Breeze:
Regina Morris, 19, of 17 Rathbun St. is facing 11 different charges, including four felonies following the incident, which first began at Little Caesar’s Pizza on Diamond Hill Road, where she reportedly got into a fight with her boyfriend, 32-year-old Michael Lee.
Morris, who reportedly recently had a child with Lee, said she found lipstick in his glove compartment that didn’t belong to her.
Lt. Edward Doura said that he was at a different incident on Elm Street around 3 p.m. when Morris and Lee “screeched to a stop” in front of him in a 2004 red Sante Fe Hundai. Lee appeared to be hitting Morris, according to the report, and Doura noted that Lee was bleeding as he placed him in handcuffs.
While he was detaining Lee, Morris climbed from the backseat into the driver’s seat of the car and drove away, according to reports.
“The vehicle avoided the traffic in our lane of travel by entering the opposite lane of travel directly toward Detective Wahl and Sgt. Kamer’s cruiser,” wrote Labine in his report. “I saw Sgt. Kamer exit his cruiser as the vehicle approached them (and) it appeared as it was going to stop. It then went off up on the curb and off the roadway just missing Sgt. Kamer, who was standing outside the passenger side door.”
Just a typical date night in Woonsocket. First, a romantic dinner at Little Caesar’s for some $5 slabs of cardboard. Then this Cinderella story is shattered when she find’s his side piece’s lipstick and she KNOWS it’s not hers because she only uses Prostitution Pink and this shade is cleary Homewrecker Red so no question there.
Apparently these two just had a baby on July 8th, because bringing a baby into a household of domestic violence is definitely a smart idea. It’s right up there with purposely rocking that lost-looking patch of pubes on your chin at age 32. If I were him I would shave those pubes right off and glue them to his girl’s invisible eyebrows.
I don’t now what is going on with these two, but they are friggin’ violent. Regina has a solid arrest record, with domestic violence and assault arrests on 3/6, 3/24, and 4/3 in 2017 alone. I bet this rage monster will eventually be in the news again for losing that delicate temper on her own child if nothing changes.
Her Facebook is… interesting.
Words of wisdom, turtle riders. Words. of. wisdom.
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4 Comment(s)
very dissapointed in michael lee if he had practiced math homework and violin he would have better job and better wife he brings shame to the family name with crazy black woman
Rhode Island is a lot more messed up than I ever thought…
In Rhode Island, we don’t put criminals in jail, we put them in the State House.
Fix your mobile site please. its not even “so worcester it hurts” its so chicago it really fucking hurts!”