It turns out that 19 year old Alexis Aslanian was served at Rocky’s Food and Sprits, a bar owned by disgraced former State Rep John Fresolo that was recently suspended for a week for serving minors on four separate occasions.
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Last night we published this blog about Webster native Alexis Aslanian, who violently pulled another woman down by her hair outside of a bar on Water Street and assaulted her repeatedly afterwards.
Since posting the blog it appears as if Alexis has deactivated her social media. In other words, Turtleboy is probably the best thing that ever happened to her. The woman was on a path of self destruction and thought she could do no wrong. Now she knows otherwise. This is what we do at Turtleboy Sports. We help people reform. Because nothing is a more effective detriment to ratchet behavior than public scorn.
We also posted this video from a Worcester bar, posted by a friend of her’s on Twitter, which Alexis retweeted. You’ll notice that she is behind the bar, double fisting Coronas, despite the fact that she just turned 19 on January 15:
Her friend Lucia who filmed the video, and thus was in the bar, is also 19 and shockingly does not like to read books:
So that’s two underage people in one bar at the same time, with one of them behind the bar double fisting Coronas.
So a million people messaged us after we published this blog to let us know what bar it was – Rocky’s Food, Spirits, and Music. Look familiar?
Turns out they didn’t go very far for that fight. It takes place in the alley next to Rocky’s.
And guess who owns Rocky’s? That would be disgraced former State Representative John Fresolo, who had to resign from the House in 2013 because he was under investigation by the Ethics Committee for illegally requesting per diem reimbursements for his travel costs to work, despite the fact that he was not at work on several of those days, along with a host of other allegations:
The probe was initiated in March 2013 after a legislative staffer lodged a series of complaints involving what then-House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo termed “serious violations” of House ethical standards.
Since he resigned, none of the findings were made public. Gee, wonder why he resigned?
Rocky’s opened about a year and half ago, and quickly found itself in hot water for serving minors. In October of 2016 they had their liquor license suspended for seven days for getting busted serving minors for the fourth time in a year. Now literally three months later they’re letting two women, who they obviously know are underage, inside the bar. Obviously John Fresolo thinks he can do whatever he wants, because rules do not apply to him.
And as you saw in the video, the woman in the North Face hoodie and the glasses initially attempts to break up the fight:
But she’s really not breaking up the fight. She’s helping Alexis, who as it turns out is a friend of her’s. She puts the brunette in a headlock, which makes it impossible for her to fight back. Consequently Alexis is able to grab the woman’s hair, violently drag her to the pavement, and then repeatedly punch her.
If she really wanted to break up the fight then why didn’t she stop Alexis while she spent 8-10 seconds punching her face into the pavement?
And guess who Alexis’ friend in the North Face hoodie is? That would be Francesca Fresolo, the daughter of John Fresolo.
A couple years ago she made headlines when she admitted to setting up a drug dealer to be robbed by her friend. The friend she hired (also known as a hit-man) ended up shooting the drug dealer in the groin twice, and they were both indicted on charges of assault, robbery, and firearms charges. The shooter, Deondre Matthews, was a known gang member, who she dropped off at the scene of the crime before the drug dealer got there, so that he could pop up out of hiding and make it look like a random robbery, and then drove away and left the victim on his own with no help.
Luckily for Francesca she had two things going for her. 1) Daddy could pull some strings and get her a great lawyer, and 2) The judge she got in her case was Janet “Let em walk” Kenton-Walker. And as you know, this Deval Patrick appointee has a history of letting criminals off easy. Like that time she wouldn’t let prosecutors use testimony from two state’s witnesses who were murdered by a defendant, because they were no longer alive to take the stand. Or that time she let a woman who confessed to murdering her own baby because the cops allowed her to give a full confession without telling her that she didn’t have to confess everything to them.
When you’re a criminal who gets Let em Walk Walker on your case, you’ve already won.
This chick sucks!!! pic.twitter.com/pdz7Mj99ml
— Party Waren Kebber (@WebbDawgTG) October 28, 2016
And right on cue Ms. Fresolo received no time in jail for her role in this violent, premeditated shooting and robbery. Instead Let em Walk Walker gave her four years probation because this violent incident is “not who you are, it is something you did.”
“Don’t let this be what defines you,” Judge Kenton-Walker told Ms. Fresolo after placing her on probation. “This isn’t who you are. This is something you did. That’s a big difference,” the judge said.
Aaron Hernandez should’ve killed Odin Lloyd in Worcester. That way he’d get Let em Walk Walker and she’d tell him that killing a million people isn’t what defines him – playing tight end for the New England Patriots does. Killing people is just something he did.
Unfreaking real the judges in this state. Are we ever gonna hold our elected leaders responsible for appointing these lenient, unqualified judges to lifetime positions as they allow these dangerous people to continue to walk amongst us?
Here’s my question – what are the terms of probation? Are you allowed to be at bars on Friday nights? Because if so probation sounds like fun!! Mrs. Turtleboy doesn’t even let Turtleboy go out on Friday nights. Guess I should’ve helped shoot a guy instead of getting married and having kids. Are you allowed to get in the middle of fistfights with your ratchet friends outside said bar if you’re on probation? Are you allowed to help your friend violently attack another person by putting them in a headlock?
Are you allowed to associate with people who yell “I will stab you repeatedly in an alley outside your family’s bar?”
Because to me it seems like when you’re on probation, you should stay as far away from this stuff as possible. Then again when your old man is John Fresolo, a man who has spent his entire career breaking the rules and then coming up with excuses when he gets caught, I guess this type of behavior becomes normalized.
Oh yea, and in all fairness there was another bar pictured in the video which was on Alexis’ Twitter feed. But since that person took the video down, we can’t watch the whole thing. But we do have these screenshots:
Time to play “guess that Worcester bar serving underage junior smokeshows”!! And the answer is……
Smokey Joe’s. Notice the leather chairs, table, and televisions are in the exact same spot as they are in this photo:
Not sure if they have as many documented violations as Rocky’s, but they should probably have to answer for this as well.
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40 Comment(s)
Francesca Fresolo was protecting Alexis her “girlfriend” not friend. and they work for Mr Fresolo at the bar along with her sister Maria. Yeah it looks like she isn’t making a change for the 4 yrs probation
I don’t know if u noticed but the barcthe girls were in have 2 tvs in the background and smokies only has one. Not to,mention the pictures are blury and u can’t really see what is around the bar other than theres 2 tv’s.
Rockys is 18+
Well what do you think their talking about over at Mambo’s right about now? Doesn’t matter to me, I don’t speak Spanish, but if I was one of the other bar owners on Water St. I’d be rip shit about this. Good people will stay away while there will be an influx of clown’s coming into the area either looking for more Friday night fights or acting like Alexi and her one thing posse Fran, I am. Turtleboy ignore the hater’s this story and others like it need to be put out there. Sure as shit we’ll never read about this in the turtlegram. Waiting to hear what Joe Puddy, Ed Augustus, the Chief of Police and the rest of the crime family make of this.
Holy side boob batman!!
She’s behind the bar, did anyone think there could be a chance she’s the bartender. Only need to be 18 to serve. No where in the video I watched is she seen taking a sip either.
Except her most recent job was at Hooters…until that ended after a week.
These FB folks put their whole lives on display…maybe she worked there, but if she did, was she tending bar on her big b-day night out, and would she post on FB her fab new job , if she was tending bar?
Exactly Sweeney, Tb the crusader of all that is fit to print according to himself. Even the regulars at his barber can’t stand him when he brags about who he is.
Blondie’s day will come. She got the best of that girl because her fat friend held the girl for her. She is far from a tough Whore. Let her go to water street again. Then we will see who has the right to talk. Even if it’s three years from now when she is at age, she can get a babysitter, or a baby daddy to stay with child so she can go have a few, dance the fight. What a piece of shit this chic is.
Photos plastered everywhere. How are your nieces and nephews doing. What a great Auntie.
Am I the only one getting the feeling that the first three words Turtleboy ever spoke were “I’m telling mom!”?
I think hot 19 yr. old girls at a bar is better than 57 yr. old drunk barflies with a big heart tattoo on their saggy tits but what do I know?
Hey Turtle if this so called public shaming of yours doesn’t get her attention what’s your next step? Telling on her to her mom and dad you putz.
Salty much.. shes a gutter slug pig
This 19 year old has a 90% chance to become the 57 year old you’re talking about.
That fresolo chick really should be put away for a little while. Let her learn some manners in jail , since nothing else seems to work. Clearly nothing has been learned from previous police incidents and court , maybe a good shrink , something for fuck sake.
She needs to put the doughnuts down for a while too from my vantage point.
Has anyone showed this to Francesca propation officer??????John fresolo and his daughter would be the first on list to RAT our children out !!!!!!!!!!!!!
She did her time and was not involved in the fight she tried to break it up… look at the video again….
Lexi is cute for a thirty year old. So this is up to the WPD Chief, the DA Early, the Probation Dept and a judge unwilling to jail violent criminals. Who will die before Fresolo is locked up?
Hi I’m Turtleboy,
I used to be awesome to read. A great news outlet for the city of Worcester (telegram blows) with scorching hot takes. Now i go after teenagers on facebook and argue with all of their friends.
cmon turtleboy, this is great exposing the bar but we can do without destroying teenagers lives. they will do that on their own.
get your shit together .
TB you’ve resorted to trolling kids on FB and twitter, you used to be a good read. I don;t see Wormtown on your list of businesses any longer, maybe your hatred for Holy Name was enough for the Alumni owner. Take a walk up at Holy Name sometime, you’ll see a far from different take on your race bait comments.
You’re becoming the Jerry Springer of Worcester blogs.
Alright TB, sorry I ran my suck and doubted you earlier. Excellent follow thru, thanks for connecting the dots.
Roast away turtlesir.
Lawmakers, above all of us, should be held accountable for following the rules. Seems like MA has so many that play it loose when it comes to them and theirs.
Fresolo has gotten in a lot of heat. But many people who knew him, including myself. Liked him, because he always helped people, who asked for his help. I liked his rebellious nature too, can’t speak for the others.
I love this blog. You are too funny! I have a feeling they will try to say she works there and this is why she was behind the bar holding beers. I’m mass you only need to be 18 to bartend. Weird law though. How can you be old enough to serve liquor but not old enough to drink it…?
The Coronas aren’t open. Is it possible she works ( worked) at Rocky’s? You only have to be 18 to serve alcohol in MA. I’m not defending this POS, I’m just puttin that factoid out there.
Good point. It’s like in beer commercials where it’s okay to show everyone holding a beer they just can’t actually drink it.
Which is stupid. Even though you’re not supposed to drink while bartending you should be 21 to serve.
So when will there be a meeting with city “leaders” and “Friends of Rocky’s” dressed in wife beaters claiming racism and bias?
Only 19?
She looks like she already has a lot of mileage on her.
I agree. Her best days are already behind her. Rode hard, put up wet.
If you’re old enough to vote or go to war then you should be able to walk into a bar and order a beer.
Instead you get these Nanny Neds freaking out ‘Oh my Lord she’s drinking a beer!!!! Call the cops and shut down that bar!!!!’.
What a bunch of fucking queers.
FYI she worked at Banner and is a regular drinker there..will you go after an advertiser?
Pics or it didnt happen
Will she be arrested? Will the bar be investigated? Will there be justice?
It’s up to you Worcester Officials ……
Rules are different for Democrats.
There are NO rules for Democrats.
Find out next time on the ratchet chronicles…
Too bad…I was hoping to browse her shit looking for that elusive bare titty picture.