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Here’s today’s PC story of the day out of good ol’ Worcester:
Students at a Worcester charter school are asking for the community’s help to get a petition revolving around a change to the English Language Learners label recognized by the White House. Seven Hills Charter Public School students posted a petition today on the We The People website asking to change the ELL label to “Multilingual Students” because “The term English Language Learner carries negative connotations and does not value the other languages and cultures that students come from.”
According to We The People guidelines, any petition that gets over 100,000 signatures within 30 days of posting will receive an official response. The petition had 63 signatures as of publication.
The petition is the brainchild of the SHCPS Multilingual Student Association, a group of 7th and 8th grade students who got together in November to deal with culture issues surrounding English language classes. The group has already successfully changed the name of the school’s English as a Second Language classes.
“We are proud of our scholars for recognizing the impact that our words have on how we perceive ourselves and others and knowing that this perception consciously or unconsciously shapes our interactions,” Seven Hills Superintendent Krista Piazza said in a press release. “As long as society feels the need to group or label people, we should at least ensure that those labels are grounded in an asset-based framework. Seven Hills Charter Public School is behind this change in terminology 100 percent and strongly encourage districts from across the nation to join us by signing the petition created by our Multilingual Student Association.”
“The strengths-based label highlights the fact that being bilingual is a highly desired and valuable skill,” the petition continues, while also noting impacts on self esteem and academic performance from the name change at SHCPS. “It more accurately represents their intelligence and abilities and enables students to see themselves in a more positive light than the deficit based ELL label.”
Oh sweet baby Jesus. Enough already!!
First of all, I don’t blame the kids. We’re talking about 7th and 8th graders here. There is no way in hell a bunch of 13 year olds decided that they were going to petition the White House because they found the term “English Language Learner” offensive.
You know what 13 year old boys are thinking about? How to hide their boner during third period. That’s pretty much all I remember during middle school. I was in a constant struggle to tuck my new favorite toy under the elastic band of my underpants. That and looking in the mirror at all the craters that were forming on my face and telling myself that people as ugly as I am never get laid. I’d be tucking it in for the rest of my life.
This is what your average middle schooler thinks about – how miserable life is. No 13 year old kid gives a shit about political correctness or anything except the fact that they’re gonna be a virgin forever. Luckily back in my day we had grunge music to listen to so white kids could wallow in their self pity together while miserable dickbags from Seattle made millions off of us.
Anyway, this was obviously done and orchestrated by the superintendent, Krista Piazza, because obviously kids would never just initiate something like this on their own. Obviously. She’s trying to play it off like it’s the kids idea, but she’s just way too enthusiastic about it. She showed her hand. Plus, just look at this face:
When the scumbags over at Mosaic see that face, they think, “jackpot.” White guilt like you read about!!! Because people like Krista Piazza are always looking for ways to become the next white social justice warrior. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous their ideas are, it’s just the fact that they’re doing something that they think will help minorities feel better about themselves that gets them all juiced up.
Newsflash – it’s called English Language Learners, because the kids who are in the class are trying to learn the English language. If they were multilingual they wouldn’t need to learn how to speak English. Because multilingual means you already know English AND another language.
And allow me to go on another rant here. Let’s talk about charter schools. Charlie Baker and pretty much every other politician out there (democrat and republican) is obsessed with these schools. But there is no bigger scam going right now than the charter school scam. It’s the Mosaic of the education world.
The concept is simple – open up a taxpayer funded school in a bad neighborhood with a low performing school district nearby. Hire a bunch of 22 year old teachers who will work with no union protection for pennies on the dollar. Make them work longer hours than public school teachers in order to maximize profits for the board of trustees. Then require parents to sign up for a lottery to get into the school, so that you’re guaranteed to have a pool of potential students whose parents give enough of a shit about them to sign them up for the charter school lottery.
Once you’ve got your hand-picked student body of diverse students from good homes, who just so happen to live in a shitty neighborhood, then the charts start coming in. Next thing you know you’re killing the public school down the street on MCAS scores, despite having a “similar demographic.” And because the administrator’s don’t negotiate with the school committee for their contracts, they can pay themselves whatever they want.
Geoffrey Canada pulled this scam down in Harlem when he opened the Harlem Children’s Zone. He pays himself $553,000 a year, and they made a movie called “Waiting For Superman” about him. That’s Geoffrey Canada. He’s superman. But it’s cool though, because he showed that poor kids can learn too, as long as you take them away from those greedy teacher’s unions.
LOL. Anyone who can’t see the charter school scam for what it is, is a fucking idiot. There’s no other word to describe it. You are just plain dumb.
But anyway, obviously this petition isn’t gonna get anywhere near the 100,000 signatures it needs to pass, so ultimately this will go nowhere. But if it did, make no doubt about it – President Obama would sign onto it. Turtleboy doesn’t really care who the President is, because he or she does not affect our life nearly as much as the City Manager does. But they do set the tone for the country. And if anything, this is a case for Trump. Because Trump would laugh at this if it came to his desk. But right now the tone has been set by Obama that the butthurt PC patrol will be catered to.
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9 Comment(s)
Hey Turtleboy, did you see Charlie Baker and his posse how they have now done away with the term drug abuse and are now calling it “Substance Misuse Disorder”. Yes that’s right it’s misuse, and a disorder.
Well I think Governor Charlie Baker’s bullshit will eventually be highlighted sooner than later. He reminds me too much and looks like Ed Augustus.
Anyway, what ever happened to when you are an immigrant when you apply for a temporary Visa then in that process you learn to speak English, study American History and take a test in order to pass an exam in order to become an American Citizen?
It seems that now it’s all fuck it. Just come and you are in. Unbelievably unfair.
“We are proud of our scholars for recognizing the impact that our words have on how we perceive ourselves and others and knowing that this perception consciously or unconsciously shapes our interactions,”
“As long as society feels the need to group or label people, we should at least ensure that those labels are grounded in an asset-based framework. Seven Hills Charter Public School is behind this change in terminology 100 percent and strongly encourage districts from across the nation to join us by signing the petition created by our Multilingual Student Association.”
In the infamous words of Taggart to Hedley Lamarr – Blazing saddles 1974: God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.
Why does one building need a “superintendent”?
Just when you think that PC can’t get any dumber then this principal comes along whose ignorance is only surpassed by her stupidity! Let’s see in France it would be called a French language learners class because French is spoken in France. In Mexico this would be called a Spanish language learners class because Spanish is spoken in Mexico so I don’t get the problem with the name. Those who are offended by term English language learner’s class, feel free to leave the country because you offend me!
If my kid were attending this school either I’d be demanding this principal’s resignation or pulling my kid out.
Seven Hills? Isn’t that the charter school that almost had it’s charter revoked? Your are right, the charter school movement is a complete scam. Another case where the rich have convinced the middle class that unions, which helped to create the middle class are the scurge of society. As for the PC superintendent… what a loser… she is part of the problem.
More information needed about charter schools to make an informed opinion. Just because that shitty guy did the Harlem shuffle up in New York doesn’t necessarily mean that’s how that how the game is played down here. Right? Or is it?
Besides that, you’re absolutely right (as usual) about that stupid bitch and her stupid Multilingual Learning Class. For fucks sake.
Google ‘Mr. Forbes Worcester’, will tell you all you need to know.
Oh my fucking heavens. It’s getting harder and harder to not cut all ties with people and become a cat lady. And I’m a guy and I hate cats. Fuck this lady and fuck anyone who invests 3 minutes of time validating this pile of poopy.