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As much as we blame college student for being oversensitive little ninnies about their hurt feelings and safe spaces, we should be blaming the adults who have raised them to think that this is normal. I saw this today on the Worcester Police Department’s Facebook page and I wanted to puke:
Wait……what?? Safe zone training? How did any of us survive high school and college without safe zones?? Back in the day when someone said mean things to you your only recourse was to ignore them, punch them in the face, or remind them that you did in fact drill their mother. If only I had known about these safe zones where I could’ve gone to have my fragile damaged feelings put back together by a safe space technician.
LOL. All I gotta say is, welcome to the future. Better get used to shit like this because when our kid’s are older, it will be the norm. Seventy five years ago 18 year old kids were signing up to invade remote islands they’d never heard of in the Pacific. Now they’re demanding that adults protect them from having their feelings hurt. All I can think of when I hear about this shit is this girl from Yale, who when asked by her professor “who get’s to define what is offensive guys,” answered with this:
“When it hurts me. When it offends me.”
That sums up the voice of the voice of the 2016 college student. Back in the day, literally no one was dumb enough to believe this, even at UMass in the early 2000’s. But now it’s pretty much common place. I mean, just look at these delicate little flowers:
They need their protection from the big bad free speech monsters!!! Time for some safe zone training at Yale!!
And if you dare disagree with a 19 year old, spoiled rich, biracial girl from Connecticut, then you best be prepared to get sworn at:
It’s a good thing Worcester colleges are doing this training, because as these poor Yale students pointed out, the role of universities is to be your “advocate” and protect you from ever having your feelings hurt:
I swear to God, that’s the gay guy from Mean Girls saying “you’re supposed to be our advocate.”
At this rate the First Amendment probably only has 15-20 years left before it gets repealed. Once these nudniks start making enough money to buy elections it’s all over. Don’t believe me? Yale is pretty much the best school in the country. Only the brightest get in there. Yet when this guy conducted an experiment, and walked around campus for just 50 minutes with a petition to get rid of the First Amendment, he found 60 students willing to sign it:
We are so fucked.
The bottom line is that Worcester colleges should not be feeding into and enabling this bullshit by creating “safe zones” since no such thing exists in the real world. Colleges should be preparing students for reality, not hiding them from it. And yes, when you’re LBGTQ-MSOP3H, sometimes people say mean things to you. Don’t worry about them though, they’re just assholes. So you like other guys? Big fucking deal. I don’t care and neither does 99% of civilized society. One day you’ll be their boss and you’ll get the last laugh because they’re poor and you’re not.
Then again Clark is run by a bunch of slugpumps who probably agree with this shit, so I suppose this is par for the course. And Worcester State hired Boom-Boom, and continues to employ her, despite the fact that she announced on pirate radio yesterday that it’s OK that she’s on trial for blockading Kelley Square because she shouldn’t have to follow “laws, policies, and rules” because “it’s not real.”
Safe spaces on the other hand are very real and need to be treated as such.
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13 Comment(s)
That video was both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
Thank you TB for presenting this. This is absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully we don’t just idly stand by and let ignorance destroy society, but get active in creating a reasonable place to exist. Schools may be employing the wrong people as educators, but we are not powerless, let colleges, politicians, and institutions know that they will not be getting our support if they continue to tolerate nonsense. Sure it may be easy to feel insignificant as if our voice won’t make a difference, but if we don’t promote our goals/ideals, who will be the ones being heard. I would also like to thank you for presenting an intelligent piece that actually is coherent, using correctly spelled words, and not degrading yourself with offensive language as if you need to swear to get attention. Sure it’s your right to spell like a third grader and drop F-bombs like a teenager trying to sound cool, but such things only lessen the respect your blog actually deserves. Anyway, thanks again for the blog, I am a turtle rider for sure, just asking for better english and less self degrading language, hope it doesn’t invade your safe-zone.
Thank God (sorry if I offended anyone there) in 20 years I’ll be almost 70 and therefore won’t give enough fucks to not continue to shit on these people after they repeal the first amendment.
As my screen name implies, I pray It’s All A Bad Dream and we will all soon wake up…
TB, your not allowed to write this article as Samantha Allen has already written a “correct” one. You must take it down immediately as your not properly qualified.
This exemplifies everything wrong with the wasteland known as higher education today and society.
Keep enjoying the decline.
In China they will give you a safe space…for 10 to 20 years in a dark prison cell for protesting like these ninnies. In parts of the Middle East you will be thrown off of a roof for being part of the group that here is demanding a safe space. People in America have it so good that they are now finding things to protest and get upset about.
We’ve created these little monsters with the guidance all of these liberal professors. Wait until they get out “in the real world” and find that they world does not revolve around them. I can hear it now ” but mom didn’t you say that I was special”.
I’d be willing to bet that the cops think it’s more rediculous than anyone else because they, unlike the school administration, are trained law professionals and know that someone’s constitutional right to free speech trumps any safe zone, safe space, or safe room. Label it what you want, their safe space is in our United States. The Supreme Court has ruled over and over again that people pretty much have the right to spew whatever they want and if you’re offended either argue back or ignore them.
And I thought we had heard the last of that bimbo Sonya Connor. :/
As a Worcester State student I think Barry Maloney needs to go seeing that he hasn’t had the backbone to fire this woman up to this point. But then again unfortunately, unions win out for the wrong reason.
#MakeAmericaGreat Again
I just got out of Becker like 2 years ago and never saw any of this crap. Kind of happy I went to a mediocre, chill school than Clark. Every person I’ve ever met from Clark has been fucking weird. Like, air-headed hippies who don’t have a firm grasp on the world around them.
What if someone tried to blockade a safe zone? Talk about worlds colliding….