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USA Today: As the White Marlin Open, the largest marlin fishing tournament on the East Coast, gets under way this week in Ocean City, one local business is fishing for profits by selling controversial T-shirts that play off the nation’s recent rise in racial tensions. At the White Marlin Marina, employee George Lamplugh designed T-shirts that he says are meant to promote marlin conservation — ‘White Lives Matter” for white marlin and “Blue Lives Matter” for blue marlin. These slogans allude to the Black Lives Matter movement, which works to end police brutality towards African-Americans, and Blue Lives Matter, which seeks to protect law enforcement officials. The marina has been selling them locally within the fishing community, with word of mouth spreading on Facebook.
“The response we’ve seen has been all positive,” Lamplugh said. “It’s just a T-shirt. Where’s the line where people start being offended?”
In defense of his shirt, Lamplugh pointed to the “Kill Whitey” T-shirts produced by Florida-based Swagger Fishing. But Dan Hassan, Swagger’s owner, says there is a big difference.
OK, seems pretty harmless to me. But you just know that someone is gonna get their panties in a bunch over a t-shirt. After all, it is 2016. People are always looking for a reason to be butthurt in 2016.
“In rural Maryland, especially in Ocean City, white people are not actively discriminated against, (so) there is no context to ‘Kill Whitey,’ ” said Hassan, who is of Pakistani descent. “But if you go across the bridge into Baltimore, there is a large (African-American) population that does feel discriminated against and (is) fighting for justice. That’s the difference.”
How bout it’s just a funny t-shirt? How bout that? How bout you don’t have to psychoanalyze other people having fun? Or better yet, don’t buy the t-shirt. I know it sounds crazy, but it just might work.
For local activists, it is not the shirts as much as the response from the community that concerns them.
“It is just a T-shirt, after all,” said James Yakanawa of Showing Up 4 Racial Justice (SURJ) Delmarva. “It’s not just the T-shirt itself, it’s the reaction to it, it’s the people saying they’re going to buy 10 and hand them out that is more telling.”
Oh I see. So it’s not the t-shirt itself that is bothersome. It’s the fact that people are buying them for their friends. It’s almost as if some people like to enjoy life and satirize current events.
SURJ is a national organization that works closely with Black Lives Matter activists by organizing whites to get involved in the fight for racial justice. Yakanawa said ethnocentricity coupled with a misinterpretation of the use of free speech has created an opportunity for such campaigns to flourish.
“It’s just a very Caucasian-centric attitude, that I can print these shirts and do what I want,” Yakanawa said. “And if you get offended by them, that’s your problem, not mine.”
Wait….what?? Ethnocentricity? Caucasian-centric? Ya know who uses words like that? People who aren’t very much fun at parties. Gotta love how he says white people who are buying this shirt are misinterpreting free speech. Newsflash moron – no they’re not. If you get offended by these shirts, that IS your problem. Anyone who has that sort of attitude is 110% correct. They’re not misinterpreting free speech – you are.
Worcester County NAACP president Ivory Smith said the shirts could be interpreted as a mockery of the Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter movements.
“It’s just all around a bad idea,” Smith said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone wearing (one of) these shirts got punched in the face.”
Oh good, another leader of black lives matter urging peaceful protesters to punch white people in the face. They’re asking for it though. You don’t wear a satirical shirt about marlins without getting permission from BLM first.
Look, even if these shirts were really about white people’s lives mattering, there would be nothing wrong with it. I wouldn’t wear one, because I know that all lives already matter to cops, and the slogan doesn’t really make any sense. But there’s still nothing wrong with it.
But seriously, stop saying all lives matter. This is what SJW’s want you to say so they can draw you into a debate about white lives already mattering while black lives don’t. The correct response to “Black lives matter” is always, “yea, no shit Sherlock. Name one cop, judge, prosecutor, or any person in authority who has ever said that black lives don’t matter.”
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13 Comment(s)
Funny how african immigrants find great success in this country yet so many african americans just find excuses and become expert at pointing fingers. Explains why recent immigrants look down on their “distant cousins.”
These things are totally sold out in OCMD! I was so freekin disappointed earlier this week while I was there! That boardwalk is a beautiful shitshow of not giving a fuck. I love it.
The PC rule makers, are at it again. This time advocating illegal violence too. Also, white people are discriminated against daily. I can’t check the magic box for employment advantages, grants, loans, education perks, scholarships, etc. The PC rule makers love to keep their double-standards in place. For their own benefit of course. It is a free-country, wear what you want !
Fuck BLM and fuck NAACP.
Well damn, you took the words right out of my mouth!!! Well said, Bill, well said!
If someone got punched in the face for wearing this, I bet the SJWs would say they asked for it. I would also bet that if a woman wearing provocative clothing they would say the outfit had nothing to do with it. This not only proves that they’re hypocrites, but also shows that it’s the attacker who is unstable
Me too. Bring it on bitches.
The NAACP had was relevant at one time but just like the passé nature of using the term “colored people” seems their time has passed. Having said that, racial hatred is justifiably fomenting in large part but the nonsense of the past few years.
Maybe all this PC shit can stop for a day. So BLM movement can wear BLM shirts but people fishing wearing white lives matter FISHING SHIRT can get a punch in the face!!! Maybe they don’t realize you catch more flies with honey then vinegar.
BLM movement is screwing themselves.
Too much PC going on these days. Everyone is offended everyday over everything. ENOUGH PLEASE ENOUGH
You got that right Emily
Thank you
Darn. Now i have to buy one. Thatll be fun. Do it. I dare ya.