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Apparently now that Fox 25 and WHDH have started reporting about this “Worcester Fights” Facebook page, Mark Zuckerberg finally shut it down. We’re honestly disappointed about it. Not because we support watching teenagers kick the shit out of each other, but because it proved that the “Worcester is safe” crowd was full of shit. That page was graphic, but it was real. It showed the side of Worcester that they don’t want you to see.
Oh yea, and just for the record, Fox 25’s Jim Morelli fully admits that he got his story from Turtleboy Sports and then didn’t cite us because he “fleshed it out a bit”:
And by “fleshed it out” he means, “used, and then reported as if we randomly stumbled upon it ourselves.” That’s almost as good as Sam Allen’s “crowdsourcing” excuse. Almost.
Luckily a page called “I Love Worcester” saved a couple of the videos, including this one, in which a teacher at North attempts to break up a fight between two girl, and is assaulted several times in the process:
This video was taken before cops were put in there last year. It basically proves that anyone who thinks cops in schools are unnecessary is a dingleberry. And if you want more proof, here’s some commentary from some of Worcester’s finest…..
Hey Priscilla Sandwich – no one is asking where the teachers are, because we saw the teacher in that video get beat up by one of those savages.
And Nina Rodriguez brings up a good point. You can’t be letting bitches push you around. Civilized human beings handle their differences by pulling each other’s hair and punching their teachers.
There is no group of people in all of society that cares more about respect than the gutterslug crowd.
Oh, I’m glad to see she has goals. Granted, those goals are more than likely going to involve a baby carriage than they are college applications, but nevertheless, the goals do in fact exist. Pussy ass n words like Turtleboy could never understand this.
Yes, in your world it is in fact the duty of parents to teach their children to violently attack other human beings, in school nonetheless, simply because of the slightest perception of disrespect. But this is why your world will always be contained between Dorchester and Providence Street.
Great point. The way you raise your children has zero impact on the way your children behave in public. Can’t argue with that.
Then there’s this:
Wait…..what?? This is what happens when you have n words raising kids? But when you say n words you’re not referring to black people, you’re referring to the mentality of n words. And just to clarify you do in fact hate these n words, no matter what color these n words are? Yup, you’re definitely not racist and you make perfect sense. Thanks for chiming in with your two cents from Dudley, Breau. Oh yea, and your previous profile picture of a confederate flag doesn’t confirm what all know about you from this rant:
Anyway, it’s too bad that the page is gone. We were hoping to do a weekly blog on it, but alas the Facebook police wouldn’t stand for it. Here’s hoping it comes back so that Turtleboy can get his daily fill of Worcester ghetto culture.
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14 Comment(s)
March 5, 2015
WPS School Committee Meeting
“The following individuals offered testimony regarding the situation at North High School:
Len Zalauskas
Nancy Caswell
Leith Larson
Ronal Madnick
Melissa Verdier
John Vanasse
Julius Jones
Cotey Collins
Mary Ann Hancock”
Turtleboy… You are a valuable resource and an entertaining writer. And I, for one, appreciate what you do. Your site informs and entertains and that, to me, is a great compliment you can give to a fellow journalist. But… you failed to point out that I posted twice on Facebook regarding your reporting. The first post was my admission that I had failed to give you credit… and I apologized for that omission. As for us “fleshing it out a bit”… this was nothing but the truth. You put the story out there… but you did not interview the Superintendent. We did. You threw the story out there… but you did not interview the school safety guy. We did. You put the story out there… but you did not interview parents. We did. I think it would be accurate, given all those facts, to say we “fleshed it out a bit.” And trust me, if I couldn’t have fleshed it out, I wouldn’t have reported it.
Yo yo yo what’s up my ni**ers we be specting round here
I guess the bright side is that there are plenty more street corners in Worcester for bums begging…
What is sad is that it really does not matter whether these kids get a diploma or not. They will never get into college. Short of that they will be unemployable as well. Who wants to hire a young person that has no respect for anyone and no discipline with crazy anger issues?
Much thanks to the Moms and Dads that let this happen to their kids. Fucking pathetic all around.
Moms and dads would never let this happen. Clowns who have babies do, but you cannot call thier parental units Moms or Dads.
Ghetto trash always talk about respect when they do nothing to earn or deserve any. The ghetto mentality and their progressive enablers destroyed Worcester and many other communities. This is Obamas world and the enablers are primarily Democratic leaders who went so far left of the Democratic party they destroyed it too.
That whistling noise you all hear is Western civilization spiraling in.
I feel like Radar announcing the death of Colonel Blake…
I love how these animals constantly rant about respect when their lifestyle clearly shows no respect for themselves or anyone else. And as someone else commented, the cycle continues. It’s really sad. And the fact that these people who refuse to be accountable for their actions have a voice in people like Old Balls makes it even worse. Why should they do the right thing with their lives if they have those losers advocating for their actions as acceptable based on “racism” and “white privilege”. Like the mental children they are, they take the path of least resistance – it’s far easier to cry victim than to work to improve your situation.
I feel truly blessed to be living in modern America. Our future is bright.
Why do none of them type like humans? Instead of fighting at school they should pay attention. Someone’s gotta teach all the babies born out of wedlock. And the cycle goes on..
Because they are uneducated savages. But don’t worry, the Worcester Schools will give them a diploma.
School systems like Worcester is why a High School diploma means nothing anymore. As long as you dont drop out you will pass.
Two ply WPS diplomas.