
Worcester Woman Who Allowed Her Roommate To Abuse 5 Year Old Son Should Be Neutered Like An Animal

Another child was abused in Worcester, and it’s about time we take drastic steps to stop this epidemic of violence against little kids. 

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Fox Boston A Worcester woman has been charged after police say her son showed up to school with serious injuries. Police say the 5-year-old was hospitalized after school officials discovered he had a limp and noticeable bruises. His mother is now under investigation for allegedly failing to report that her son was being physically abused. Police arrested Chantal Nguyen Tuesday after they said staff members at Wawecus Road Elementary School noticed her son’s injuries.

Investigators said an ambulance took the boy to UMass Memorial on Lake Avenue, where they discovered “significant trauma to the entire body, including his head, face, arms, legs and lower back.” According to court documents, the bruises “were in different stages of healing,” and that witnesses told police the boy was in severe pain and had so much trouble walking that “he had to be carried up and down the stairs.”

“He used to walk up and down the stairs fine,” Nguyen’s neighbor Phylicia Johnston told FOX25. “That’s why it came a shock to me that it happened, to be honest.”

Nguyen was arraigned Wednesday morning on charges including reckless endangerment and permitting the abuse of a child. After she posted bail, a relative at her apartment told FOX25 that they “had no comment until further investigation.” According to documents filed in the case, Nguyen blamed the abuse on her male roommate, who lives in the apartment along with his girlfriend and their child.

Nguyen told investigators she had noticed the bruises on her son before but failed to report them because the roommate was “a care provider” for her, according to the documents.In a statement, a DCF spokeswoman told FOX25, “The Department is investigating the incident with local law enforcement and as DCF officials look into the matter, custody of all the children in the home has been transferred to DCF.” Police have not arrested Nguyen’s roommate or officially identified him as a suspect.


I really wish we didn’t have to write about shit like this all the time, but if people would stop abusing children, that would be great. It is absolutely disgusting that there seem to be a never ending supply of assholes who don’t mind beating the shit out of little kids. They are the lowest of the low. But perhaps the only thing worse than them are mothers who don’t protect their children from them. I just don’t understand how anyone who calls themselves a mother can go out of their way to protect the monster who beat their kid this badly.

Chantal Nguyen deserves to spend a long, long time in jail. She should obviously lose custody of her child permanently so he can have the chance to be brought up in a home with parents who give a shit about his well being. We can’t stop women like this from reproducing:

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But we certainly have the right to take their children away from them if they are intentionally putting them in danger. And we should have the right to tie her tubes so she doesn’t unfairly bring any more human life into this world to be abused and violated.

What disgusts me even more was this, which we got from her Facebook page right before she took it down:

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This human garbage was allowed to work in healthcare and graduated from a school where the President of the United States was the graduation speaker. It’s insane to think that someone who was paid to preserve life was actively endangering the only life in the world that should’ve mattered to her.

DCF is on the clock now. We’ve seen time and time again with Ava Conway, Jack Loiselle, and Bell Bond, that the system right now isn’t working. Charlie Baker has a chance to show that he’s actually going to fix this epidemic of violence against children. It’s time to take these kids away from the horrors they have to live in and put them in a loving environment that they deserve.

Here’s another thing – everything our society is doing right now is contributing to this. We give these people free everything and all it does encourage them to reproduce. We’ve been teaching sex ed in school for how long now? And kids are still fucking like rabbits and getting knocked up like hot cakes. All of these policies have failed miserably and the problems persist.

The only positive I can take out of this story is that it’s yet another example of the fine work that teachers in the Worcester Public Schools do. The teachers at Wawecus Road School should be honored like a cop or a firefighter would if they saved someone’s life. Because there’s a good chance they did just that by blowing the whistle on this one.

Anyone who says teachers are paid too much is a moron. Because we don’t just pay them to teach our kids how to read and write anymore. We pay them to be the caretakers for children who don’t have any support system at home. Because unfortunately tons of kids from Worcester and all over the state don’t have people looking out for them at home. So teachers have to be extra vigilant and the fact that these teachers noticed something was wrong and did something about it is a testament to the fine work that teachers do each and every day.

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20 Comment(s)
  • Stk3
    December 5, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    I wonder if DCF actually took the child or if they only obtained legal custody and therefore the little boy would be left with those monsters still having physical custody! This is actually a pretty common practise with DCF.

  • Jessup
    October 19, 2015 at 11:54 am

    She’s about as Nguyen as the Pope is Heisenburg.

    “We give these people free everything and all it does encourage them to reproduce” is a spot on comment. When I adopted internationally, one of the first questions the DOJ asked me was why I didn’t adopt from my own country. Through an interpreter, I said that MY COUNTRY makes it TOO EASY for people who shouldn’t have children to keep their kids.”

    Essentially, they are a paycheck.

  • MammaBear
    October 17, 2015 at 4:46 pm

    This is part of what I’m so angry about….DCF needs to get it together and go after people who are actually abusing their kids. My kids were never abused. In fact they were loved and very very well cared for.

  • Publius
    October 15, 2015 at 9:13 pm

    The ghetto, er Worcester is full of this….Joe Petty’s Worcester.

  • ninja turtleboy
    October 15, 2015 at 7:10 pm

    what an ugly duck faced bitxh. poor cutie child I wish the best for him

  • Patti guertin
    October 15, 2015 at 4:54 pm

    Piece of shit! She deserves the death penalty. Because posing for selfies in Facebook is so much more important than the well being of ur kid! I hope she gets jumped somewhere and taught a lesson!

  • typical white person
    October 15, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    No, leave the picture of the kid. We hear these stories all the time, and to the general public, they are nameless, faceless stories. The picture of the kid makes it real. It makes you think “Jesus, how could anybody beat the crap out of a kid like that? The poor, defenseless kid. And WTF was Mommie dearest doing? She never heard anything? She never saw anything? She lays down with the creep who DID THIS TO HER KID? FOR THE MONEY? WHAT DOES THAT MAKE HER?! AN UNFIT WHORE!!!” She needs to be imprisoned and sterilized, and the same with the loving BF.

  • Stonethrower
    October 15, 2015 at 10:32 am

    But turtleboy is a known pedophile himself. Don’t throw stones if u live in a glass house.

    • GetFuct
      October 15, 2015 at 1:19 pm

      And your mother is a known whore…

  • juror seven
    October 15, 2015 at 6:30 am

    Her roommate, HA, HA. Nice way to say the guy she was shacking up with to use a term from the 50’s. The name says Vietnamese, her looks suggest that perhaps her mother was shacking up along the way when she came out of the womb.

  • October 15, 2015 at 12:02 am

    Ugly girl who laid with that.

  • wtatnuckgangsta
    October 14, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    I did CNA work and it wrecked me. It turns you into a human hater and I got out when I saw how hateful I was getting. They don’t care about people. People are money. They only care about state inspections and CNAs are paid minimum or close to minimum wage. I wanted to be a nurse and thought it would be good experience. All I got out of it was pressure turning me into a potential elder abuser and hateful of humans altogether. I snapped and got out and went back to tech and am headed to engineering hopefully. CNAs aren’t paid well and it takes NOTHING to become one. My CNA test was paid for by the nursing home I worked at. I was paid min wage until I took the test and then made 9/hour. I technically failed the test on all levels when it came to the non-written stuff but I was the cleanest of the girls and they pushed me through. My nerves got the best of me and I literally did a standard move that could pop a shoulder out of an old lady among other things. We were pressured to do that for speed in the actual job if state wasn’t around. So, yeah, this broad is a standard CNA. Might want to get grandma from the nursing home. She’s most definitely getting abused. Definitely.

    • BlackandWhite
      October 15, 2015 at 6:46 am

      What does your incessant whining about your min wage job have to do with this article??

    • techy911
      October 15, 2015 at 9:08 am

      The cna test doesnt take much intelligence to pass, I agree with you there. If that is what you really believe, then why did you supposedly fail and they “pushed” you “through”. You just sound like a hateful person who lacks common sense with zero patience. Being a cna is nursing, and one of the core beliefs of being a nurse is compassion. Thank you for leaving the field because you are the type of person and aide who gives the rest of us a bad name.

      And as for the pay, you obviously worked for a pretty shitty company. I have been a cna/pca for 5 years and am currently making $17/hr.

  • City Girl Worcester
    October 14, 2015 at 10:49 pm

    And what’s up with these photos. Instead of dressing and looking like trash, you should of been paying attention to the little one. Friggin ugly face bitch

    • JudyB
      October 15, 2015 at 12:15 am

      I know that it is already on social media, etc., but TB, can you please pull the picture of the little boy? Leave up the pictures of his mother, but come on, can we protect the victim a little?

      (I know, yes, we know who his mother is, where he attends school, etc., but putting his picture in the article just doesn’t seem right – after all, he’s 5…it is not as if he could consent to his mother putting him on FB. Err on the side of what might be best for the boy, TB.).

      • Adam
        October 15, 2015 at 8:29 am

        Agreed. Crop him out or at least blur him out of the photo. Otherwise great post.

  • City Girl Worcester
    October 14, 2015 at 10:46 pm

    We need (if it’s true) to post her roommates names. They have a child too!
    I hope that child is taken out of that home as well. What a piece of shit this bitch is. And if there are others involved. I’d love to bitch slap them too. They need a good ass kicking.
    Scumbags! Oh, where or who’s the daddy?

    • Cindy
      October 15, 2015 at 1:02 pm

      Shanetta Whetstone
      Anthony sodisrespectful
      Are the two she was living with, he was not just her roommate he was his side girlfriend.

    • Jessup
      October 19, 2015 at 11:57 am

      Daddy will show up at the funeral of the kid and carry a bible and do news interviews.

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