All-Star Criminals

Bar/Restaurant Owner Trying To Get Laid Gives All Female Employees Paid Day Off For Not Making Equal Pay As Men At Job Where He Determines Their Salary

Bar/Restaurant Owner Trying To Get Laid Gives All Female Employees Paid Day Off For Not Making Equal Pay As Men At Job Where He Determines Their Salary

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Saw this headline and thought it was an Onion post. Turns out it was all too real:

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So let me get this straight. This guy is being treated like some sort of feministo hero because he is giving his female staff a paid day from his restaurant on account of the fact that they only make 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. But…….he’s their employer. So………yea. That makes sense.

Here’s an idea – if women aren’t making as much as men at your restaurant for “equal work”, then you might want to start paying them equally. Ya know, since you’re their employer. Because if they’re not making equal pay for equal work and he’s the guy who decides their salaries, then I’m pretty sure that means he’s violating the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Just sayin. Either that or these woman are already making the same amount and he’s just giving them the day off for their imaginary oppression. Either way, this was really well thought out. Definitely.

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Oh yea, and I guess we’re just supposed to ignore the fact that these women work in an industry where their salary is determined by tips. It’s also an industry where you’re a lot more likely to get generous tips if you possess a nice set of fun bags. So yea, if they’re making less money than men, which they’re not, it’s probably because they took half an hour to make a rum and coke.

Check out this idiot’s reasoning:

Don Mahaney, the owner of Scratch Food & Beverage, gave all of his female employees paid time off Wednesday in honor of International Women’s Day and the concurrent “A Day Without A Woman” strike. Mahaney told HuffPost that it was the least he could do to give back to the women who, in his words, “get the short end of the stick from the day they’re born.”


Oh good, he violated another wage law by offering a paid day off to employees entirely based on gender. Also known as “gender discrimination.” Very progressive. 

“It’s just one day of the year,” he said. “We owe it to them to recognize the basic fact that they get 80 cents to the dollar.” Women are also more likely to be the victims of sex trafficking, he added. “It’s a really unfair world.”

Yes, those poor white women in Pittsburgh who have the misfortune of bartending at your restaurant are victims of sex trafficking and the only way to make the world “fair” is to give them a paid day off. 


He credited his female bar manager, Mandi Crosby, with inspiring him to take charge after she requested the day off so she could attend outside events.

In other words, he wants to bang Mandi. And she “inspired” him by asking her boss for a paid day off from work. Very brave. 

“I thought there’s probably a lot of women out there who’d like to take the day off who can’t do so,” he said. “I thought my staff should not have to deal with any of that so if they want the day off they can have it.”

Yes, there are a lot of women out there who would like to get a paid day off. Just like there are men who would also like to have a paid day off. But, ya know, grownup world. If you want to see people of both genders sitting around all day collecting checks for doing nothing, you should take a field trip to Brockton sometime. You might never work again.

Crosby, who Mahaney said is one of seven women among the restaurant’s 11-person staff, applauded his decision: “I think everyone I’ve talked to about it so far thinks it’s a really awesome idea, and super generous of the owner Don to really step forward and say this is how it always should be,” she told local station, WTAE.

The woman who was given a paid day off from a job where she makes equal pay for equal work is happy that she doesn’t have to work today. Shocking. 

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In the ladies’ absence, Mahaney said that local wellness program, Farm to Table Pittsburgh, will provide male bartenders to cover the women’s shifts, as the fundraiser will take place in the restaurant’s bar area.

So let me get this straight. The point of this was to show the world what a day without women looks like. So they hired a bunch of male replacements and everything went smoothly. Oops!!

Anyone with a brain can see that this was clearly a marketing scheme. They wanted free publicity and advertising from a left wing media outlet and they got it because the Huffington Post is run by simple minded mushheads who couldn’t see through this scheme. Now by the looks of their Facebook page the restaurant is gonna be flooded with angry chicks in pussy hats who will give them their business out of spite.

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It’s genius actually. The fact that feministos can be so easily manipulated by a guy who’s basically admitting that he pays women less than men shows you just how mindless anyone who buys into this nonsense really is.

Plus, it’s one of these restaurants:

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Newsflash – just because you threw five pieces of fruit on a plate and Sponge Bob Squarepants blew his load all over it, doesn’t make it a meal.

Anyway, this guy is obviously just trying to get laid. Shoutout to all the businesses out there who take it on the chin every day and cut into their profit margins by paying men 24 percent more than women in order to prove a point. You the real MVP.



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15 Comment(s)
  • Cocomom
    March 10, 2017 at 3:18 pm

    Oh God, I hate liberals.

  • Jean
    March 9, 2017 at 8:02 pm

    Don is banging Mandi. So this is comical that he was “inspired” by her. He just wanted to give her more special treatment.

  • Jean
    March 9, 2017 at 7:59 pm

    He is banging Mandi. From what I know they are an item. So she already gets special treatment over other employees.

  • Diane Woods emerson
    Sad and ashamed wtf
    March 9, 2017 at 12:05 pm

    These people make me sad that i have a magical vagina. I now would like a penis please

  • GeorgeWashington
    March 9, 2017 at 8:59 am

    Ugh. Stupid is stupid.

  • Woody
    March 9, 2017 at 7:07 am

    Did Caitlyn Jenner get an automatic pay cut the day that Bruce Jenner gave up his weenie?

    What? She got a new TV show and a medal?! Bruce had to train for years and sacrifice to get his gold medals and all Caitlyn had to do was put on a dress and some makeup??? NO FAIR!

  • Independent Thinker
    March 9, 2017 at 6:48 am

    Female porn stars make a lot more than their male props. Time for a protest.

    I wonder how the guys felt having to work extra to make up for those who took the day off. Kind of like being told that since you don’t have kids, you have to work extra to make up the time for the ones who went home because of early dismissal, or something like that.

  • Drylaw
    March 9, 2017 at 6:33 am

    That Sponge Bob line had me laughing so hard I was crying……….

  • Hughbo Mont
    March 9, 2017 at 6:07 am

    Oh cry me a fucking river…. In too many places today in the “business world”, if you are a white male you have to work a lot harder to get a promotion or raise than if you’re a minority or a woman. Big businesses have gone way too PC, and let’s not get into mostly hiring in “low cost countries”.

  • I Hate Stupid People
    March 9, 2017 at 1:27 am

    Because Everything changed on Jan 20, 2017 at 9:00am. I remember that’s the day the President said “Women are less than men and I agree, they should get paid less. Ya know what I’m gonna do tomorrow? I am gonna lower women’s wages so men make more” and he did. Oh wait I just woke up and realized NOTHING changed on Jan 20, 2017 and it hasn’t changed since this time last year or the year before or the year before that or even the year before that. Wait maybe the year before that….Nope I didn’t think so. Get a clue Trump isn’t at fault for ANY OF THIS. If anything he is going to try to FIX the problem. This is getting ridiculous now. What are they gonna protest next?

    • KimberlyS
      March 9, 2017 at 11:17 am

      This is the next planned protest. I could get behind protesting taxes, but that’s not what they’re actually going to be protesting:

      “Progressives are planning a series of demonstrations across 60 cities on April 15, describing the protest as the first major successor to the women’s marches that drew as many as 4 million people over inauguration weekend last month.

      The so-called Tax March — set to coincide with the annual IRS deadline — aims to pressure President Donald Trump and Congress over Trump’s unreleased tax returns, organizers said, citing reports this week on his team’s communication with Russian officials and long-standing questions about potential foreign conflicts of interest.

      A coalition of liberal groups is organizing the march, including Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution,, the Indivisible Project, Americans for Tax Fairness, the Center for Popular Democracy, and the American Federation of Teachers.

      Also involved are leaders from the Women’s March, the day of protests that turned out to be among the largest demonstrations in US history.”

  • oneopinion
    March 9, 2017 at 1:23 am

    Does a male who identifies as female also get the day off? Maybe guys should get in touch with their feminine side once a year.

  • Sterling Turtle Rider
    March 9, 2017 at 1:13 am

    First, the PC patrol used one of the most economically vulnerable groups as pawns in their crusade with their “no immigrants day” nonsense, and ended up getting a bunch of people fired… so they double down and go with women now? I wonder how many will get canned for taking an unapproved day off and they whine and try to sue… all because they can’t tell the difference between how the real world works and all of their imagined slights and grievances in fantasy land.

  • March 9, 2017 at 12:41 am

    To be fair TB, those small plates are usually at restaurants that serve 4 or 5 course meals. Believe it or not, after 4 or 5 of those plus a palate cleanser, you will be very full!

    Anyhow, this guy is definitely going to get loads of pussy from here on out. What a smart man, he used both of his heads for this one.

  • Sallie
    March 8, 2017 at 11:37 pm

    Oh wow! I mean, how progressive of him. Lmao, I bartended for some time. And to be quite honest, if a male bartender made more than me it was time to buy a new push up. Thats the biz. I would have never taken the day off…
    Paid day off =2.50 or less per hour. Unless he was one of the better owners and actually paid minimum wage(because that is so worth it?! F that noise!!) Or you are a shitty bartender and cant break minimum in an hour??????? Long story short… bartending can be a touch demeaning in and of itself. Embrace it or dont. Have fun and make $$$ or go into politics like the crazy whiny lady.

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