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Last week we published this blog about Gina “Fleestone Light” Giovangelo, who once killed a woman in a wheelchair during a hit and run in 2010, fled the courthouse when she said she was going to smoke a cigarette, and ended up being found by the Wareham police in the woods behind a motel.
She went to jail where she became besties with another junkbox who nearly killed someone while operating under the influence.
Then she got out of jail early, but went right back in 2014 when she didn’t show up for a drug test, took off her GPS tracker, and went on a shoplifting spree.
She got out 6 months later and started firing out fuck trophies from her baby cannon.
She now has 2 raw dog reminders and claimed to have turned her life around in Webduh cuz of Jesus and shit.
This last a couple years until this past summer when she became a fugitive from justice after being pulled over in Yarmouth and giving the cop a fake name because her license is suspended for 15 years because she killed a woman in 2010.
She ended up turning herself in, but must’ve gotten out on cheap bail (it’s not like she’s proven that she’s a threat to run or anything like that) because she was begging for free baby clothes on wealthy town Facebook pages.
Because, of course she’s pregnant with her third child. Why wouldn’t she be? Things are clearly going great for her.
Oh, and it turns out she’s pretty much been hitting up yard sale pages in every town where she hasn’t burned a bridge yet.
Living in Mattapan while looking for free clothes in Sturbridge. Sounds like someone’s planning a getaway to New York! Except she doesn’t have a license. LOL. Just kidding, we all know that’s not gonna stop her.
Then this happened yesterday:
Oh yea! Fleestone Light is on the run again…..
A Barnstable Superior Court judge issued a no-bail warrant for Gina Giovangelo on Monday after she allegedly tested positive for heroin and then left the inpatient drug treatment program to which she had been released. Giovangelo’s family posted her $3,500 bail Oct. 9, and she was ordered to be released directly into the program in Boston for expectant mothers.
Giovangelo, 26, of Webster, is eight months pregnant and had been in jail since Aug. 9, when she turned herself in on a warrant requested by Yarmouth police officers for allegedly lying about her identity during a traffic stop Aug. 3 and driving on a license suspended for vehicular homicide. Probation Officer Doug MacKie said Monday that Giovangelo, who was wearing a GPS ankle bracelet, had not been monitored since Saturday, when the device ran out of battery power.
Oh good, Mommy and Daddy bailed her out of jail and put her in a program for junkie Moms right near Meth Mile. What could possibly go wrong?
16 Comment(s)
Maybe if you got half hour facts right you would have a creditable story but this is worse then Facebook drama. I noticed the only comments you kept were some dirty mans mouth talking about her lady parts. What class turtle boy. This whole sites a joke. Do people really follow you?
Suboxone doesn’t do it so those with “the disease” mix with bars and Bennies (Xanax or klonopin and Gabapentin).
Damn she looked good when straight. Those eyes. What fools didn’t wear condoms, though?
Looking for Ally the blowho? You can find her employed AT DTA, with the rest of them whose daddies are in power.
A tragic waste of good pussy. She actually got hotter ( and her tits got bigger ) as she aged. She never had a real man in her life….
She got her tits done before the murder. Got a bunch of cash from accident /insurance payout.
Money well spent….
She shit on me last night and i sent her packing from Cape Cod’s elbow.
Funny thing is she got pregnant to avoid going to jail. She lost the last one after dcf showed up and couldn’t explain why some of her klonopin/xanax whatever it was went “missing”. She was on the methadone clinic in southbridge and just couldnt stop using despite getting knocked up on purpose. She’s the type to wear that dark ass kylie jenner lipstick but forget to shower of brush her hair. You can ask me how i could possibly know this. Short answer, I rented an apartment to my brother and this is the type of trash that got him evicted. I met her TWICE and she confided in me all of this. Only a matter of time until she became tb famous. She has zero redeemable qualities.
I wouldn’t say zero
Man what a shame. That bitch was a hot piece of ass in some of her photos.Feminists won’t like this, but any woman receiving assistance should be given iud’s. Their baby daddy’s vasectomies. And for all those people bitching about drug dealers being in prison when they feel they shouldn’t, this is why. You don’t sell dope to a pregnant bitch, of course she didn’t buy it. She traded her pussy because she’s already pregnant, and tyrone dumped a nut in her and a baggie on her belly
Looks like a dead heat in a zeppelin race.
Top 3 in the 2018 ratchet pageant.
I think I’m in love
The battery on the transponder died? I hope I’m wrong but I’m thinking some sinister Julie Corey shit may have gone down.
I hope for the children’s sake they go into a good foster home or are somewhere safe. And I really hope when the baby is born it’s taken away so fast she has no time to even hold it.
Why the fuck would a judge let out someone to smoke a cigarette, if they are in the custody of the state?
Because it’s Cape fucking Cod, and we have a judicial system as soft as church music…