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Worcester Police Facebook Page: On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at approximately 6:11 PM a Worcester police officer was in a foot pursuit of a male suspect on Chino Avenue. While chasing after the suspect the officer was struck by a motor vehicle. The officer was struck by the front of a 2013 Mitsubishi Outlander, the force of the impact caused the officer to go up onto the hood and smash into the windshield. The officer rolled off of the windshield and landed onto the ground.
The officer was conscious and alert but did receive injuries to his right side that involved his leg, chest and head. Emergency personnel responded to the scene and provided medical care before he was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. The officer, a 9 year veteran of the police department, was released later in the evening.
The WPD Crash Reconstruction Unit responded to the scene and took over the investigation. Investigators interviewed the male operator who remained at the scene for the duration of the investigation.
Preliminary investigation indicated that the officer had made contact with a 16-year-old male that was known to him to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The officer spotted the male by the Worcester Arts Magnet School located on Saint Nicholas Avenue. The warrant was for Assault and Battery and Vandalizing Property. The suspect noticed the officer and ran. The officer chased after him. The officer called out over the police radio that he was in a foot pursuit and provided his direction of travel. During the foot chase the two ended up on Chino Avenue, the male suspect ran across the street nearly getting hit himself with the officer right behind him. The officer was unable to avoid the vehicle. The suspect was able to continue on and fled the scene. The suspect was subsequently caught at approximately 9:30 PM at his home on Dorchester Street. The suspect was arrested on the warrant and additionally charged with Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the Peace, Resisting Arrest, Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon and two Counts of Trespassing. The juvenile was aware that the officer was struck by the vehicle during the chase; he showed no remorse and stated that “that’s what he gets for chasing me.”
See that right there? That’s the mentality of the Michael Brown generation. Running from the police is OK. If someone gets hurt then it’s not their fault. Because they have a right to commit crimes and then run away and refuse to cooperate with the police. Next time maybe the cop will put a bullet in him, because the kid is obviously worthless and will never, ever be a contributing member of society. Don’t worry though, the kid is white so there won’t be any protests, blockades, or hashtags.
What a little piece of shit this kid is. That’s what he gets for chasing me? Yea, why would he do his job? He should’ve let the little hood rat get away. Cops shouldn’t chase bad guys with outstanding warrants.
How does a kid get like this? One word – parenting. If your kid grows up to do something like this then you have completely failed as a parent. Whatever you do, don’t announce to the whole world on Facebook that this is your kid:
Hey lady, your best is worthless. Losers are always whining about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen. No one cares that you claim that you “tried hard.” You either fail or succeed as a parent. And if your kid has outstanding warrants and laughs at a cop who he nearly got killed, then you failed as a parent. I’m sorry, but I’m just so sick of the excuses. If you reproduce first and bring your kid into a world filled with revolving boyfriends, junk food, and a lack of consequences for poor behavior, then you’re not “doing the best you can.”
This kid is 16. He’s probably still in middle school and obviously gives zero fucks about law and order. If this is the way he treats cops imagine how he treats teachers, who don’t have badges or guns. And there are STILL morons in this city who don’t think we should have cops in schools. Morons like Gordon Davis, Nancy Smith, Natalie O’Hayre, and Chris “Tin-Tin Buffet” Robarge who whine about the school to prison pipeline.
Hey idiots, I got news for you – kids that end up in prison don’t get there because of cops in schools. They get there because they’re assholes raised by other assholes and have no morals. They were raised to believe that the well being of others is insignificant. And yes, they are savages. Remember when disgraced Mosaic CEO Brenda Jenkins said this about Turtleboy:
“We have local bloggers that are actually putting derogatory statements about minority children and calling them savages,” Jenkins said. “How offensive is that? And some Worcester Public School teachers are supporting this kind of garbage.”
I dare anyone to say that this kid is not a savage. He barely qualifies as a human being. He found out that he nearly killed a man, who more than likely has a family that loves him, and the only thing this turdlinger can say is “that’s what he gets.” We need armed police officers on shitstains like this at all times to make sure they don’t hurt normal kids and teachers. Don’t like it? Too bad. Remember the elections in November? We won. You lost. And this is why.
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31 Comment(s)
So if the police knew where to apprehend this young boy, why would they chase him risking their own lives? And why is his mother parenting have to do with anything? You raise a kid one way and he becomes his own person and look the other way. She cares about her child that’s why she felt the need to come on the post and defend herself as the parent. This is sad
Kittykicker, nailed it.
LMAO, Bryan. You are extremely funny. I hope you’re working on a stand up routine.
“Assume the responsibility that comes with it”…? Maybe the little turd should have assumed the responsibility of obeying a police officer…and stopped running!!! We as citizens have the legal and moral obligation to obey a lawful order of the police. Whether it is while running from the police on foot, in a car or on a dirt bike or 4-wheeler, any resulting injury or damage should be the direct legal and financial responsibility of the shitbird that initiated the evasion or attempted evasion!! I would have to guess the clown’s mother would certainly have sued the WPD if it was her son who had been struck by the SUV!!!! Hector’s number on speed dial?
Well I think it’s just dandy. You still don’t have the sliver of insight of a fingernail trimming about the human condition, based on your rhetoric, level of judgement and holier than thou blathering. Cops should learn to use the skills of a first grader and look both ways before crossing the street. And if they take the chance and put on that badge, assume the responsibility that comes with it – and they love it, then they shouldn’t whine when they make a bad judgement and are held accountable…
When you allow your kids to hang out with so called friends, you are setting your kid up for stupid shit tike this. Keep them off the street and make sure to keep them innocent as long as possible. Show them that their life matters to you, do things with them. If you bring up your kids to respect themselves, they just might respect their elders and law enforcement. Yes, there will be kids that might stray, but, as a parent, it is your duty to keep them in line. So sick of hearing about these teens getting out of control, knowing that a child’s failure falls on the parents. Parents need to own up to their childrens behaviors…they are what you mold them to be.
“Losers are always whining about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.”
The Rock is an under appreciated film
And some dirtbag lawyer will help them sue for emotional distress…. Doing the best she can, huh, did she bring him straight to headquarters and turn him in ??? Did he even tell her ??? Bad parenting is the problem here. She hasn’t taught him anything about personal reponsibility, what she waiting for ?? Another punk waiting to die in some alley.
Thanks Alex knight. I knew that too.Dam
Hope all your kids don’t face such brutality.
Please don’t start with the bullshit this early. I haven’t had my coffee yet.
Punk ass bitch needs his ass kicked,just out of principal. Hope the cop is ok.
*principle (I completely agree with you, let’s just try not to give the liberals any ground to stand on
Maybe this dumb f*** needs tough love from Baltimore riot mom. That might scare the Lil punk straight.
Ghetto thugs wrecked the City, thanks Mayor Petty, President Barrack Hussien Obama and all tbe “progressive” enablers.
” The suspect was subsequently caught at approximately 9:30 PM at his home on Dorchester Street.”
Least shocking part of this story – Dorchester St.
From the pics on her Facebook I can’t tell if she’s his mother or if they are dating.
If that is her son in that picture (on FB)…EWWWWWWWWWW.
(and lay off of the herb, people).
” Don’t worry though, the kid is white so there won’t be any protests, blockades, or hashtags.”
BTW, if that person in the FB px with mom is the kid, he ain’t white. He is “of color.”
No, that’s not him. That’s her husband.
That’s his mother,she is a good person. Remember kids go behind there parents back and do things to get themselves in trouble and always someone has to blame the parents. We all grow up and get into mischief. My mom raised me pretty well and I don’t blame her for what I did as a adult. You don’t know what that mother has been through the past couple of weeks. Find out before you speak. But sorry for the officer getting hurt and I think he should of stopped running(the kid) to see if he was hurt. Another thing you don’t know is that the mother was looking for him for 2 weeks to get him to turn himself in. She went through a lot.
Well, a little search shows me her husband is also a criminal. Assault and Battery back in November. Im sorry but in my opinion, a good mother and woman doesn’t marry a criminal. She doesn’t have children with a man who gets arrested.
“Show me who you are when I meet your company” someone said that to me as a teenager, and I never forgot it. I live by it now. If she’s married to a loser, she’s not that far off.
If this dumbass and his mommy ever vote it would be for Obama and Bernie Claus for free shit. Parasites that waste air.
I’m usually on joke or vulgar mode but this just makes me sad. I hope the officer is okay, any word yet? Sigh… I give officers so much credit, I couldn’t do their job. I have been listening to the Worcester police scanner for about 3 years now, it lingers on an app in my phone in the background. the things they deal with are insane.
I don’t know I cant imagine risking my life everyday and dealing with scum. Prayers for the officer and family. 🙁
Worcester Police should be comedians. They say the darnedest things. Listening to them is better than watching TV. Especially with all the characters running around Worcester streets.
Great entertainment!
I don’t see it as entertainment. I don’t really hear them act unprofessional either. You must be listening to something different. This is their job. They leave their house everyday, kiss their family members… and then have to deal with assholes most of the time.
I couldn’t do it. I don’t have that patience. I seriously curse most people out in my brain when they talk to me. I have learned to do it with a smile, I have done well so far.
The officer was discharged from the hospital according to the article, hopefully just bumps and bruises. As for professionalism, police, nurses, and teachers all learned to do it with a smile even when it pains them to do so.
Good to know. I don’t know how I skipped that part in the article.
I do the smile in a professional setting frequently. I also use it it on personal level as well. Mostly when 1 or 2 moms at my childs school talk to me to be nosy instead of nice! It really is painful. Lol
You asked whether the officer is okay. Try actually reading TB’s blog for detail, once in a while, before posting stupid shit questions. It’s all in there, for the rest of us. Reading is fundamental….even for lawyers. The accompanying Facebook link also explains that the cop was released later on Sunday night. You didn’t open that, either, did you?
Why are you following me around on here? Did I make you angry or something?
This next step may be hard for you… slightly ease your body upwards and I will thrust my hips hard enough to get you the fuck off my imaginary dick.