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Wild story out of Ashburnham where John R. Briggs Elementary School Principal Andrea McGrath hired her 64 year old husband James to be a janitor, and he’s since been accused of raping an 18 year old employee multiple times. Try to follow along….
The principal of John R. Briggs Elementary School told her husband his conduct toward an 18-year-old district employee was inappropriate. But the warning failed to stop James McGrath, 64, from allegedly raping the employee in a classroom and later in a utility closet at the elementary school, according to court documents obtained by the Sentinel and Enterprise. According to police, McGrath had four sexual encounters with the alleged victim. McGrath, of 112 Main St., was arraigned in Winchendon District Court last week on 10 charges including multiple counts of indecent assault and battery and rape.
McGrath was released from custody after posting $2,500 cash bail or $25,000 surety bond and is due back in court for a pretrial hearing on June 1, according to court documents. According to police reports filed with the court, the alleged victim told a social worker in early May that McGrath, who was known to her and worked as a part-time school custodian, made repeated, unwanted sexual advances toward her and that they were escalating. Police said the alleged victim is a high-school graduate who worked in the elementary school’s extended-day program.
Not looking good so far for Jimmy Thunderpants.
The woman told the social worker that McGrath and his wife, Briggs Principal Andrea McGrath, had occasion to be in the same room with the victim sometime before Easter. She said she became uncomfortable when McGrath started rubbing her leg, according to a police report. Principal McGrath noticed her husband’s behavior, the alleged victim said, and she pulled her husband aside and told him his conduct was inappropriate, the police report said.
Wait…..what? They were all in a room together and the janitor starts rubbing her leg out of the blue in front of his wife? And her response was “that’s not appropriate Jimmy.” Best wife ever.
The warning, however, went unheeded according to the woman’s allegations made in the police report. In two subsequent instances, on April 1 (Easter Sunday) and April 12, McGrath allegedly sexually assaulted the woman at the Ashburnham home McGrath shared with his wife. After the second assault, the woman warned McGrath that he had overstepped “defined boundaries” that existed between them, according to police.
So let me get this straight. The 18 year old victim is at the McGrath home on Easter Sunday. Perfectly normal thing for an 18 year old to do on the weekend – hang out with her senior citizen boss and her janitor husband. He sexually assaults her without the wife noticing, then she comes back to the house 11 days later, gets sexually assaulted again, and calmly tells him that he “overstepped defined boundaries.”
Da fuq?
What am I missing here? Why would you go back to a house where you were raped 11 days earlier? Are these old people the funnest geriatrics in the history of mankind? Why would you be there at all in the first place? And this has to be the most calm and collected rape victim of all time. I’ve never been raped before, but I would imagine that I wouldn’t tell my attacker that he had “overstepped defined boundaries.” I mean, what were the boundaries? No raping? Did that boundary really need to be defined?
Nearly two weeks later, at 4:50 p.m., on April 23, McGrath asked the victim to come to a classroom in an elementary school that he was cleaning, according to a police report. Police say McGrath proceeded to rape her inside the classroom, the court documents show.
Ummmm……newsflash – when the guy who allegedly raped you twice in the last month asks you to come to a vacant classroom he’s cleaning, DON’T GO!! High probability that he’s trying to do the nonconsensual horizontal mambo. Did she try to leave? Dude is a HARD 64 years old.
Not to minimize rape, but if you’ve already been sexually assaulted by this dude twice, why would you go into a room with him the third time? At the very least be prepared to kick him in the balls, because you know there’s a high probability that he’s not inviting you in there to help him wash the windows.
After that assault, the alleged victim told police McGrath “started to talk normal” about his wife “like nothing had happened.” It caused the woman to question whether her alleged assailant had morals, according to the police report.
Oh I see. It wasn’t until he “started to talk normally like nothing had happened” that he realized her three time rapist lacked morals. The rapes didn’t give that away already.
The final reported assault occurred on May 1, when McGrath was at the elementary school working a custodial shift. The victim told police she encountered McGrath near a stairwell, again about 4:50 p.m.
OK, why was the victim in school at 4:50? What time does this school close? And please, please tell me she ran far away as soon as she saw him…..
McGrath took her hand in his, which made the victim uncomfortable because children were around, according to the police report. The victim told police McGrath led her into a utility closet and raped her. Police said security-camera footage taken at the school shows McGrath and the woman walking toward the utility closet.
Oh for fuck’s sake. She walked into a freaking closet with him, freely on her own accord? Gee whiz, I wonder what was gonna happen in there?
Look, rape is a sensitive topic. I am fully aware that not all rape involves a violent struggle. I’m also aware that now we are NEVER supposed to question alleged victims. But nothing about this story makes any sense at all. On the other hand, I have a hard time believing the cops would make an arrest of such a public family like this unless they had something on the guy. I’m not saying the girl wasn’t raped, but good luck to her testifying against Jimmy Thurpants at trial. His lawyer is gonna have a field day with this one.
35 Comment(s)
The article never says it was at their house. Never says she went back to their house. It does however say they had occasion to be in the same room BEFORE easter Also that it occurred in classroom and closet.
Please read the articles before making up nonsense
Maybe you should read it first. I can’t read or write but if I could…
The warning, however, went unheeded according to the woman’s allegations made in the police report. In two subsequent instances, on April 1 (Easter Sunday) and April 12, McGrath allegedly sexually assaulted the woman at the Ashburnham home McGrath shared with his wife. After the second assault, the woman warned McGrath that he had overstepped “defined boundaries” that existed between them, according to police.
I cannot read either but I copied and pasted this from the article maybe there is something in it that pertains.
TB great lines in there, so much of it doesn’t make sense, no sense at all.
She’s an 18 yo chic just hanging with her sexually aggressive 64 year old co-worker and his wife who is her boss and school principal, at their house on Easter Sunday. One thing led to another and next thing you know he is raping her again and the wife was…. I don’t know, just didn’t notice the rape or raping.
The next time he was calling her into an empty room at work with nobody around and raping her again then taking her by the hand into a closet for more raping…. wtf. Is this story from the onion?
Almost sounds like she is a relative or a special needs or had some level of relationship with him that isn’t disclosed which would make her a retard, no 18 yo female needs to be with a 64 yo man unless he has Bill Gates money. Which brings up the Bill Cosby angle… dunno there is so much weird shit in the world I would have never guessed goes on.
Some how the turtlegram didnt mention his wife was the principal Just an honest oversight I am sure
Best blog title of all time
Whew! I was thinking the “wife” was also a male. What was I thinking?!
Todays writing tip. When you start a paragraph:
“Not to minimize rape, but…” its not going to end well.
Did I miss something here – or was there no mention of a rape kit, evidence collection (clothes, undergarments containing his/her dna, fingerprints in closet – anything indicating a struggle), a written “warning”” or any type of disciplinary docmentation, restraining order?
I abhore rapists – they are truly scum of society. What’s equally abhorrent is any woman falsely claiming rape, assault, etc. You bring back women’s movement tenfold. I totally understand women who are afraid to come forward because of personal and/or professional retaliation – but this stinks to high heaven.
Unless it comes back that this woman was “dull” (aka certifiably unable to make adult decisions), I think she’s full of shit. She worked at a school – i’m not quite sure that’s the case.
You “bring back” women’s rights fuckstain? Where the fuck were you edumacated – Roxbury? Think the term you are looking for is “set back”women’s rights. Look Finn, if you’re going to show us you’re all brainy and shyt, before u get fucked, you got to show you have some semblance of a brain you fucking retard. You may be thinking youre a Randle McMurphy, but you’re really a Charlie Cheswick mid stroke.
Hey Dummy,
If I made a typing error – I apologize. I saw that misuse and cursed that we can’t “edit” our posts.
However, If you misinterpreted the context of my response – you’re a moron.
Get Fucked,
Great movie. Doubt the poseur knows the characters you’re referencing – unless they’re showing it in Remedial English 001 over at the Adult Learning Center.
See, I figured out where Jimmy went wrong…
He should have gotten a custodial job with the Boston Globe. Then he could diddle and rape to his heart’s content and his bosses would have covered it up.
“Wild story out of Ashburnham where John R. Briggs Elementary School Principal Andrea McGrath hired her 64 year old husband James to be a janitor”
Serious question. Principals can hire? Maybe make recommendations, but they get to tell the municipality that person X is now on the payroll? I’m not buying that at all.
either Special Needs or a candidate for the House of Many Cums she is.
Welcome to Ashburnham!
If that Principal didn’t hire her husband, this wouldn’t have allegedly happened. Nepotism happens everywhere. You should investigate the Worcester Public Schools nepotism under Maureen Binienda. Oh, wait, you won’t because TB, a South High graduate loves her. TB doesn’t go after EVERYBODY, like he claims.
I don’t know about the nepotism thing, but Binienda is definitely a snake in the grass on a “professional” level. Likely learned it from being a government union member.
The part about the woman being part of the ‘Extended day Program’ at the Elementary School indicates that she’s special needs. My guess is that she isn’t fully aware of what’s going on around her. Unless she’s a sex-starved nympho, this makes these encounters even more creepy…
Hey Fred-FYI-The Extended Day Program is not part of the Special Ed Dept. It is an after school day care program for working parents. Enrolled students stay after school and are cared for until their parents come to pick them up and runs from the time school is dismissed until 6 p.m. The alleged victim worked within that program as an employee of the school district. Get your FACKS straight before making off the wall assumptions!
My bad… different community, different rules.
Thanks for the clarification
Settle down – he is only making assumptions we all thought. We still don’t know her full mental capacities – just because she works at the after-school extended program – doesn’t make her firing on all pistons. All we truly know is that she was kept on as an employee (in what capacity?? – nose wiper? project manager?, etc.).
Lighten Up,
Could you be more delusional about your place in life? Gawd – you must live a truly pathetic existence. You’re the TBS version of “Q” or Old Balls, searching for validation and relevance in the comments over at the T&G. Get over yourself – no one will miss you when you’re gone. When’s the last time someone commented, “Gee, whatever happened to BobnMic or Feisty.”
Wahhhhh – that made me cry. lolz – no it didn’t. I don’t have those feelz for you.
I’m not going anywhere! 🙂 And I’m glad that bothers you.
Suck My Dick,
She worked in the after-hours program.
This is a clear case of the 18 yr old being some fat ugly sea cow. She doesn’t get it no where, can’t even give it away in Worcester. Not even to @-wheels Charlie there who gives out Ice rocks for beaners. So she grabs it where she can, which apparently is some 64 yr old Rum Sot who’s married. Holy fuck, this guy got drunk nose or what? Those old timer Micks are usually hung like foucking horses, so he was probably slamming her with some military command sausage, which I am sure she loved every single hump, pump, thrust, and goo shower. But alas, she got greedy. Her other fat friendsa re probaly telling her, look Sea Biscuit, you could be dinging this guy for some Hamiltons (okay, maybe some 5er Lincolns,) you need to stop giving it away. So her cum coils are satiated, now she is greddy. But guess what, Andrea MickyG aint giving Jimmy boi his allownace anymore. She’s been too bsy paying off the past 4 fatties he’s stuck his pig stick into. So JimmyG sez, “No can do Southbridge Slew,” I gots no green for your far from lean. So what’s the next move? You got it – RAPE! That’s how this numb nuts walks into these compromising positions with Jimmy the Freak. It’s your classic High School Janitorial Sexcapade. This one was easy, even for us Pincha Stool Vishnuvians.
You Motorboating MuthaFucker.
Folks I did not do those things to that girl. She has mental issues. I have been very sensitive to her troubled life. As a matter of fact, she is the one who has tried to assault me. My wife has witnessed this behavior. We strongly feel I will be vindicated in the court process. Is there a office contact number for this webpage? I would like to discuss this article with the people who run this entity. I don’t see a phone number anywhere. Thank you, James
We reached out to the girl and she seemed pretty normal. Although she brought up the fact that she experimented with donkeys during a recent trip to Tijuana. We invited her to come to our office and she asked if it was handicap accessible, meaning if we had a ramp. This makes the story a little more concerning. Unfortunately, we don’t have a ramp so we are meeting her for an early dinner at Bull Mansion in Worcester if you want to drop in. She has pictures to share with us, some of her cat. I guess she has a beautiful Maine Coon Cat.
is there a follow up to your interview with the alleged victim in this case?
Hey Jimmy-
Good luck getting a phone number for TBS! Hahahaha!
You’re trying waaaaaaaay too hard kid….lol
TB is right, something stinks. She didnt report it. The wife knew. There on easter? Multiple times in the closet? Someones hiding something. Why would an 18 year old swap spit with a relic who looks like santa claus on the pipe? Whoever wrote this yarn should get a job with the clintons.
LOL “…Santa Claus on the pipe.” Great line!!! Definitely much funnier than those morons, Bubba, Finn, Deer Hunter, etc.