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Meanwhile in Providence, here’s your average Wednesday afternoon for the cops…..
I’d like to see Kaepernick take a knee for that chick. Sometimes you just have to run naked through a public park in broad daylight.
The best part is she ran behind the fence, laid down, and began taking a nap.
Perfectly normal.
And the Providence Police didn’t even seem the least bit fazed by it. Could be worse though, it could’ve been Moby Trick doing it.
And you people thought New Bedford was bad. Don’t let the water fires fool you – this is the real Providence.
4 Comment(s)
Fake, the Abominable Ho Man’s picture & video sightings are blurred like the Bigfoot ones
The name is Phylis. Syphilis.
“Police were able to locate the naked perp by following a slime trail into the local park”
“Film at 11!”