I can’t believe how many smart people fell for that really dumb Facebook hoax on Monday.
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I just wanna take a moment to sit back and laugh at all the poor schmucks who fell for this thing yesterday:
Come on people. You gotta be better than that. Here’s a pro-tip for all people using Facebook – nothing is private. Ever. Doesn’t matter how many privacy settings you’ve got or how many people you’re friends with. Just assume that everything you put on Facebook will be accessible to every person who has ever lived for the rest of time. Oh yea, and lots of those “friends” aren’t really your friends. They just wanna watch your marriage go up in flames from the privacy of their own home.
I mean, no offense but I don’t know how anyone who has survived this long without being eaten by wolves can repost something like this and think it’s going to protect them from anything. You know who you should talk to about intellectual property law? A lawyer. That might be a good start. Here’s an idea if you wanna keep something private – don’t write it on the Internet. Boom. Privacy solved.
Look, I genuinely felt bad for the people who were sharing this message the other day. A lot of them were people I respect and think highly of, and there were a LOT of them. This is how Nigerian princes steal all your money people. Because you see something on the Internet and assume it’s true. It’s the same reason so many people believed that West Boylston Mom who was lying about her son helping out the special needs student who soiled himself. So yea, if you were one of those people why don’t you take a lap around the building and think about how you’ve embarrassed your friends and family. Next time you wanna clarify if something is real or not, come see Turtleboy. We’ll clear it up for you.
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7 Comment(s)
Anyone who uses Facebook for any reason whatsoever is a floater. You’ve given up all your privacy. Every single statement you make is parsed for words, profiled and ready to be either sold to the highest bidder or persecuted by the IRS, DHS or other agency.
You are truly stupid if you believe otherwise, sheeple.
You forgot the Decepicons.
All I really use Facebook for is to read Turtleboy and play Words With Friends.
I HEREBY GIVE MY PERMISSION to the Police, CSIS, the FBI and CIA, the RCMP, the Swiss Guard, the Priory of Scion, the inhabitants of Middle Earth, Agents Mulder and Scully, the Goonies, ALL the Storm Troopers and Darth Vader, the Mad Hatter, Chuck Norris, S.H.I.E.L.D, The Avengers, The Illuminati, The Men in Black, X-Men, Ghost Busters, The Justice League, Gandalf and Dumbledore, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Great Pumpkin, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, The Tooth Fairy, The Krampus, and all the members of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Black Sabbath, Voltron, The Groovy Ghoulies, the Thunder Cats, Dr. Who, Hart to Hart, Mystery inc. (Scooby Doo), James Garner, Angela Landsbury, the WWF, the EPA, and even Magnum P.I., He-Man, Jay and Silent Bob, Cheech & Chong, Neo, Blade, and the Boondock Saints, hell even the A-team to view all the amazing and interesting things I publish on Facebook.
I’M AWARE that my PRIVACY ENDED the very day that I created a profile on Facebook, I know that whatever I post can (and usually does) get shared, tagged, copied, and posted elsewhere because I’m THAT fascinating. If I don’t want anyone else to have it, then I don’t post it!
You forgot about the Teletubbies
And the Freemasons and the Knights Templar.