Attleboro Sun: Two Attleboro residents face hate crimes charges for allegedly harassing a Jewish woman by throwing pornographic photos, Bibles and crucifixes among other items on her family’s lawn and throughout the family’s neighborhood. Taylor LeBlanc, 23, of 7 Jody Way, and Nathaniel R. Raymond, 23, of 169 Read St., in South Attleboro, pleaded innocent Friday in Attleboro District Court to a civil rights violation, criminal harassment and distributing obscene matter. The obscene items included photo-shopped photographs of religious and non-religious figures in sex acts, according to Assistant District Attorney Natasha Azevedo. The alleged incident happened on Nov. 10, according to the prosecutor. The defendants threw several items including coins, the obscene photos, Bibles and crucifixes on the lawn of the woman and her family and nearby homes, Azevedo said. The victim, who may have some type of intellectual disability, and her family, were targeted by the defendants because of their Jewish faith, the prosecutor told the judge. Authorities say the defendants know the woman, who is also in her 20s.
Looks like the only thing she hates besides mentally challenged Jewish women is exercise, and the only thing he hates more than mentally challenged Jewish women is personal hygiene.
This is really awful though. We can’t have these bigots going around throwing porno and crucifixes on a mentally challenged Jewish woman’s front lawn in order to send a message that her kind isn’t welcome here? These must be those racist poor boys Joe Biden was warning me about. Oh wait….
Turns out that this asshole is a card carrying SJW and black lives matter enthusiast who hates republicans, supports rapist Jacob Blake, and is quite proud of his high school participation trophy.
You would think that American History Gay Sex would be a little bit more empathetic towards marginalized groups, considering he’s a member of one himself.
But the real crime here is that this young Reimerite is also the world’s biggest Kesha fan, and seems to get his political news exclusively from her and Occupy Democrats.
Outlaw Kesha.
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76 Comment(s)
Nathan has a turtle pic, along with the Ke$Ha pics.
Ahhhh, Two Rich Spoiled White kids who owe their existence and life of leisure to Capitalism are Socialists.
The Squad has a place for these useful idiots
Occupy Democrats……LOL. Ya get some real knowledge reading that phony crap.
First they came for Bubbie.
Now this.
“The victim, who “MAY” have some type of intellectual disability, …”
Thats some top level journalism right there.
Straight from the Informative pages of the Attleboro Sun!!!
I am the victim of this!! The paper got things mixed up. I don’t have the intellectual disability. I work with people with different disabilities.
Nathan Raymond looks like a faggot Christian Slater had a fag baby with a faggot Michael Cera…
Kesha failed her pelvic exam.
When the vaccine is forced on me I want J&J first.Or then Pfizer, or lastly Moderna. I will insist on only being injected in the nutsack.
Hi Bob! How is your beautiful Trans doing? Ze is gorgeous!
Doing well.Thanks for asking!
4 out of 10 Americans do not want to get vaccinated.
The “progressive” left is about to make your life even more of a living hell.
And if you refuse to get vaccine you will not be able to travel.Financial
penalties will also be added. Thanks for voting (D) again New England!
Is everyone scared yet?? We might get 5 or 6 inches of snow thursday!!! OMG!
End of the world!! That never happens in New England! Get milk get bread!
We might not make it! Covid lockdown coming!! Beta panic porn.
5 to 6 inches ain’t nothing. Rumor has it that Kamala Harris got more than that from Willie Brown. Sucked her way to the tip or was it the top?
Aw geez.
My initial assessment is that some pretty fucked up shit has to happen to turn someone inside out like this.
I had a buddy who caught his dad pegging himself late one Saturday night. It messed him up. He started meat gazing at the pisser, and soon enough he started pegging himself while he ate cereal and watched cartoons. I caught him diggin in his asshole for Might Mouse one day.
This kid mustuh been fucked out by every pedo in the complex…like jar of mayonnaise by second grade.
At what age did you first take it up the ass?
Question. If a dude gets a blowjob from chick that has facial, cheek, lip and tongue piercings, is their a hazard that the dudes hot dog could get sliced up from the installed hardware? I am not sure, just curious because from the looks of it, seems like it could be dangerous. Anyone know?
Do pirates with hooks for hands get poked when they wipe their ass? Inquiring minds must know!
Bull ring in the nose. What exactly is that for?
Religious harassment is bad enough, but a mentally challenged person?
Can we just work these two over with a sockful of quarters and call it good?
Dog filter
Damn! I go on a spiritual retreat to my cabin and do some hunting, and I come back to a bunch of whining and betas arguing about who the fake and real whateverthefuc is. On top of this Unc lost in court, twice? And he’s showing gay porn on live? WTF.
And who in the flying fuc is Jaja and why is he/she important here?
Oh, and get a job, or a chic, Spic Tormentor, you post way too much here.
Oh, and this dude, is it a dude?
Spiritual retreat?
You and Billy Bob bum wrapping each other over a log while you squeal like a pig?
Go smoke that corn cob pipe
Imagine getting a whiff of fattys cunt on a hot august day
Like Chelsea creek at low tide
Who really fucking cares anymore. I have been crying all day because i don’t know what we’re going to do. They made it official Biden is President. It’s like I can’t function I’m so upset I’m lost and afraid for our future. The whole world is doomed and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.
Be aware that the electoral votes are going to be counted by the Congress in early January. When the counting is done, members can “object” to the count. If a Senator and Representative objects, then Congress must decided whether to accept the electoral votes, or to instead have an alternate method of counting the will of the states. And that “will of the states” is then based on the will of the senators and representatives.
Just shut up already about this! Who gives a shit anymore? Just let it go and move on to your next emergency. The Senate is not going to do shit.
God, you are just as bad as that troll.
Wait a minute, I thought Joe Biden was running for SENATE? I thought he was elected SENATOR on SUPER THURSDAY. That’s what Dementia Joe said… Now I am confused… JOE AND THE HOE 2020
This is KAMALA HARRIS. Joe, believe whatever the fuck it is you want. Cuz I will be President. You can be Senator or the checkers team captain at the local dementia care facility for all that I care. I sucked my way to the top. I earned this. Now get the fuck out of my way, it’s a WOMAN’s WORLD. VAGINA POWER!
Hope they’re chaged with felonies.
This is KAMALA HARRIS. Joe, believe whatever the fuck it is you want. Cuz I will be President. You can be Senator or the checkers team captain at the local dementia care facility for all that I care. I sucked my way to the top. I earned this. Now get the fuck out of my way, it’s a WOMAN’s WORLD. VAGINA POWER!
I know I am going to get flak on this, but this kid legit looks like a younger version of Aidan. Like no joke. I went back to look at some of TB’s youtube stuff, and he really does!
Don’t kill the messenger here, just making an observation.
Not seeing it. Like, at all. Maybe it’s that they look so different.
He must be racist, all white people look the same.
A 2nd observation: I bet you have pink flamingo hair like that Peckerhead.
Let me guess, you think Kamala Harris looks like someone with a wrinkled ass put a wig on and walked backwards, ass up. Right? If so, then you might have an observation with merit.
Attleboro? Nah he’s definitely from Gay Head.
At this point, aliens are probably driving right past Earth in their spaceships and locking their doors too.
Aliens, if they exist, might have visited Earth. When they saw the bullshit going on, especially in areas with high concentrations of stupid ass people like liberals, the aliens probably said, get back on the space ship and lets get the fuck out of here now, WARP SPEED!
23?? These morons are 23 years old? That’s shit you would do when you’re 15. I’m thinking their victim isn’t the only one with an ‘intellectual disability’ losers
Is 23 their AGE or IQ? Please specify!
Fruitloop and Fraulein arent gonna cut it in the fields so we ll just stack them with the rest of the “resistance” in neat piles until the pits are finished. Ohhh wellll.
Fuck keeping this in County or Massachusetts State Court, way to easy for The Liberals to sweep this away. The JDL ( Jewish Defense League) needs to be brought up to date on this. This is absolutely a hate crime, they should be charged in Federal Court. Just because they are Liberals in Massachusetts and he is Queer and she’s a Fat Fag Hag, they will get Community service. Andrew Lelling should take over and make them an example, if some Right Wing Idiots did this in Massachusetts they would be hit with Federal Hate Crimes. Only problem is the Tiny Weird Little Faggot would LOVE prison
A Hanes grazer and an unf#uckable fat C#nt walk into a bar…
Were they held on bail? That little fudge packer!
I’m outta here bitches!
He wouldn’t sign off on a mass extermination and racial cleansing. Let’s get someone who will.
Mom did you pay my cell phone bill this month? My phone is saying account past due when I try to post BLM memes to the internet.
I wonder if this guy and gal have Obama Phones. Ya know, the phones taxpayers cover the expense of? RING RING RING, OBAMA PHONE!
Would you like fries with that? That’s the question these two dolts are qualified to ask on the job.
These two dick heads are proof that the education system in America is a complete failure. Pull a Ronald Reagan. Just like he did with air traffic controllers. Fire all current teachers and hire qualified people.
Good luck getting a job before you are 30, 31 with those 7 year criminal checks. Hope that gender studies or underwater basket weaving degree was worth it.
Before we give the Covid vaccine to the general public can we test it on these two shit for Brains? If there are serious side effects we will all know and not many people other than libtards will miss these two fuck heads.
LOL she’s triggered by the pro-rape crowd. I will ALWAYS be pro-rape and I will ALWAYS vote Republican. WE NEED A FULL AND COMPLETE LEGALIZATION OF RAPE! MAGA!
This chick NEVER has to worry about rape. No guy in his right mind would touch her. You’d have to have a grudge against your pecker to want to fuck that disgusting pig. They should put her picture up at weight loss centers and tell people to look at this fatass freak when you have a craving to eat.
These two are weirdos. The chicks gut hangs out farther than her tits and that dude looks like he has downs. Two liberal fucking retards.
Why are the gays always so bitter and angry?
All anti-Semites are pedos.
All votes matter? Even votes from dead people? And votes from those that voted twice both in person and mail in? However some votes didn’t matter. Mainly Trump votes that crooked post office carriers tossed in the dumpsters. Anyone with a brain knows this election was a fraud. These two idiots have no brains. Just like a lot of liberals.
If these two ever got a job (and that’s a BIG IF) they might be qualified to work in a hardware store. They know about drilling holes and installing screws, mainly in their faces. They could give homeowners advice on drilling and screwing. Side note – anyone have a really powerful magnet?
Who won the Hanukkah bowl game army or navy?
Yo Mama Won. A cream pie. Her snapper is dripping with semen.
If they were my kids they’d have a one day to get out order. Find their own place. No support. Let the real world hit them. They’d change but quick.
The real world they enter, sometime 10 years down the road, is going to a great follow up story…
My bets are on she being a baby mama drama case with three different donors, and he, bugged out and turned out, still in parents house, jonesing for suboxone.
Neither ever having a meaningful job, or extended outlook on the future…
I’ve seen it happen. Lazy no job liberal kids with tattoos, piercings, orange hair, lived with parents far too long. Parents finally had enough and kicked them out. Are now homeless, have been seen holding cardboard signs at intersections. Seen it. Karma is real.
Baggers on the side of the road. That’s the future for these two. In addition to whatever free shit the govt steals from our taxes and gives to these two useles specimens. I hope these libtards get tossed in the slammer for a while. The other inmates might drag them around by that shit attached to their faces.
Hate crime charges are the black belts of wokeness.
If Peter Pan and Frodo had a baby from butt banging.
What a fukin weird lookin kid!
I’m heading to 169 Read St. Attleboro!!!!!!
I’ll be there soon, Nathaniel, my little twink!!!!!!
Raised by wolves.
Violated by hamsters