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We had a good chuckle at this one from one of our sponsors, Mr. Berries:
Mr. Berrie’s is a local business that makes high school boxer briefs. Women dig boxer briefs, so if you’re a woman whose husband or boyfriend is still wearing boxer shorts (like Mrs. Turtleboy) then check out and LIKE Mr. Berries’ Facebook page and get your husband the gift of boxer briefs for Christmas. They are strong supporters of the TBS Revolution.
Luckily the guy who claims that he was Bella Bond’s sperm donor has stayed out of the news for a few weeks now. But unfortunately, Joe Amoroso has resurfaced after an audit of DCF led to the conclusion that DCF was too quick to end contact with Bella’s family in 2013. As soon as he heard this Juicebag Joe saw an opportunity to jump in friend of the cameras again took it:
Nice chinstrap asshole.
“I’m angry. I’m furious. I’m sad. I’m grieving big time,” Bella’s biological father, Joe Amoroso, said. “I really do believe that if they had spent more time I believe she would have been alive. She would have been safer in a foster home or with a stranger. My biggest regret is not coming here sooner. Just leave everything behind and come here for my daughter.”
How is the media letting him get away this STILL??? WCVB has listed him as Bella’s biological father. Based on what? His word for it? Bella’s Mom was a Goddamn PROSTITUTE. That means half the Statehouse could be the father.
“I’m grieving big time.” No you’re not. That’s impossible. Turtleboy knew Bella Bond as much as this guy did. Turtleboy met her the exact same amount of times that he did. Turtleboy had the same amount of involvement in her life. We’re saddened by this, but we’re certainly not grieving because we didn’t know her. And neither did Joe Amoroso.
“I really do believe that if they had spent more time I believe she would have been alive.” Hey moron, you know who could’ve spent more time with her? YOU!!! Where the hell were you? Oh yea, down in Florida “finding yourself” and “getting your shit together.” Because parents have the luxury of doing that.
“She would have been safer in a foster home or with a stranger.” So what? How does that excuse what you did? You know where she would’ve been safest? With her father. But you weren’t there because you’re a selfish prick who never loved her and never will.
And that comment about his biggest regret was not coming sooner is the biggest pile of fooey I’ve ever heard. If you wanted to come, you would’ve come. But you didn’t want to. You don’t regret not coming because you never loved this girl you claim is your daughter but never met. Oh no, you’re perfectly satisfied with the way things worked out. The media has turned you into the victim and you’re delusional enough to think that we can’t see right through your bullshit. That’s why as soon as this went on the news the first thing you did is go to your Facebook page and show off to all your idiot supporters:
How has no one kicked this guy’s ass yet? Anyone notice that he actually RENAMED this girl and got it printed on his hat?
“In loving memory of Bella Amoroso.” The nerve of this guy. She was alive for almost three years and he literally made ZERO attempt to be part of her life. He never met her. She was a stranger to him. If he’s telling the truth then his only tie to her was the deposit that he left in Bella’s birth mother in a tent during Occupy Boston. And he has the NERVE to not only pretend like he cares, but to RENAME her and make hats??? To make matters worse this is the headstone he got for her:
Could DCF have done a better job? I dunno. Ask people who work for DCF how easy their jobs are. It sounds to me like these situations aren’t nearly as black and white as people make them out to be. Giving the state the power to take a kid away from a family isn’t exactly an easy task. And quite frankly, I dunno how many people out there would want to give the state that much power. What happens if you are a “free range” parent and let your 11 year old kid walk to the playground two blocks away? In Maryland you get reported to DCF for that and your kids get taken away.
DCF is obviously in need of major oversight, but the thing that people won’t admit is that it’s gonna cost money. Saying we need reform is one thing, but paying for extra social workers so we can reduce caseloads for overworked workers is a totally different ballgame. Let’s see if people are willing to put their money where their mouth is.
Like we said a million times, obviously this guy is a huge waste of space, but the mainstream media is almost equally to blame. They’re the ones who keep feeding into his bullshit. They’re the ones that fail to call him out on it. Sure they probably get a shitload of clicks over it, but you can do that AND call him what he is at the same time – a drifter who banged Bella’s Mom in a tent, alleges to be Bella’s father, has no proof of it, renamed her anyway, and takes zero responsibility for her death.
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12 Comment(s)
do you know that Joey Amoroso is in Dedham Jail for beating the shit out of his wife?
Bill Gilman seems like the kind of guy that would like his own post…thus that 1 like up there, lol
Someone needs to donate a mouth full of sperm to this guys yap and shut him the hell up. What a waste of space and oxygen this moron is.
Want this POS to go away??? Stop asking him for comments! Stop following him and giving hi one moment of time!! Ignore him like he did his daughter. Every time his name or face or comments are brought to light he is heard from.
There are so many more aspects of Bella’s life that could be put to good use. Let’s help others and prevent loosing more babies…
What a tool with his hat on backwards. Don’t you call someone Joey when they are in grade school? Dope needs to grow up.
Bil Gilman, your a fool if you believe this fraud (self proclaimed father), that never spent one day of his life with the deceased girl is truly grieving. Spare us your defense of this loser.
I detest this a$$hole. He never had anything to do with Bella when she was alive. GUARANTEE he never paid a cent in child support. Joe needs to STFU, because most people are sick of his lies.
And I hope Joe reads this: you are a disgusting individual and should be ashamed of yourself.
” saw an opportunity to jump in friend of the cameras again took it”
What does that even mean?
I sincerely hope my above comments get downvoted so I can see how hypocritical this crowd is.
Make fun of Watkins for replacing “wants” with “once,” exempt TB when using “friend” instead of “front” and screwing up the sentence almost as badly as Watkins would have LOL
I’ll remain a reader and enjoy what is tenable, and humorous/intelligent. But I don’t pull any punches. get over it.
Turtle youre not a parent (at least im hoping you havent procreated) so you dont have a clue what youre talking about.
The guy acknowledges he screwed up. No he’s sure not father of the year. But parents grieve for children who die in miscarriages. Dont assume he doesnt have actual feelings.
Yes. No doubt.
A lot of parents think they will always have “more time” to get into their children’s lives.
But your holier than thou act is wearing really really thin.
Youre not the smartest person in the room. You dont know more about sports than everyone else. You sure dont know a lick about being a parent.
Try showing some compassion … or ANY human qualities.
Oh get off your high horse. Joe Amoroso is a loser who never knew the girl and now he’s profiting off of her death. And you’re cheering him on. The fact of the matter is that he knew Bella was dead and did NOTHING. A “loving father” would have made a beeline for the police to turn in mommy of the year and her meth head boyfriend for murder. But not Joe – he needed “family time” before she got caught.
Stop enabling this jackoff. People like you are actually worse than the hippies.
I’m a parent, and this asshat never gave a shit about this poor soul. He’s as complicit as the crackwhore “mother”. All he’s interested in is a big payday when he sues DCF.
He’s a media whore, piece of shit, and that’s all.