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What you are about to witness is so Masshole it hurts. It’s an epic blowout featuring some Billerica baboon filmed at a Lowell convenience store, who apparently overstayed her welcome:
“I’m from Bill-ri-kah.”
”I don’t get W2’s for sucking D, I get paid under the table.”
Just your standard Monday night in Lowell. A gay clerk and a velociratchet in skull leggings, arguing over who gets paid for felating local men, and who does it because they love the taste of a basket lunch.
Very little context to this video was give. Something about her begging people for a cigarette (one can only assume Newport wun hunidz). Who knows. Whatever it was was obviously REALLY important. You can tell this chick stopped giving a shit about anything sometime around 9/11. I mean, she’s a white chick calling a guy who isn’t white a “bitch ass n word.” In public. That’s certainly gonna hurt her chances of getting into med school for sure.
The best part is how she proudly yells that she lives in Bill-Ri-Kah. Don’t get it twisted – she’s not some lowlife ghettopoon from Lowell. She’s way classier than that, as you can tell from the lack of W2’s. Plus she finished at the top of her class at Middlesex Community College. She only comes to Lowell to panhandle for free cigarettes before heading back to her section 8 roach lair right across the border.
Let’s be honest though, this chick has Lowell written all over her. When she says she lives in Billerica what she really means is, “I’m on my way to meeting up with a stranger who agreed to my services on backpage. He lives in Billerica.”
Some people have sent us an idea of who they think this chick is. But we’re not gonna publish unless we’re 100 percent. If you think you know who this is feel free to send us a name to turtleboysport@gmail.com so we can confirm.
6 Comment(s)
TB and me beatboxing in the hood.
TBS audience – this was Finn’s attempt at adding an original thought. No too bad, short, not sweet, but not too bad. He stills sucks Worcester-area dick, and is a major arm up the ass puppet, but hey, there is hope. Lets give him a clap or two. Even DiDi would love to see Finny advance.
Sure it’s a him? I love to keep you guessing.
Victoria Secret’s PINK huh? The irony is deafening…