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We’ve seen a lot of punches thrown at Trump rallies this campaign season, but this is by far the most bizarre and confusing of all of them:
Fight breaks out at Tucson rallyALERT: A man in an American flag shirt told a Tucson newspaper he was there protesting #DonaldTrump and was attacked by someone at the rally today. [WARNING: Graphic Content] Read more: http://bit.ly/1MuNXRd
Posted by FOX 10 Phoenix on Saturday, March 19, 2016
Alright first of all, the guy in the American flag shirt was accompanied by this woman:
LOL. The ol “wear a KKK hood to a Trump rally and pretend like you’re one of them” protester trick. See, how come stuff like this doesn’t make the headlines? If this person were in fact a Trump supporter it would be front page news. But it’s not. It’s more than likely a Hillary or Bernie supporter, and this white woman gets a free pass for wearing a Klansmen hood because she’s just pretending to be a Trump supporter? Makes sense.
Anyway, I LOVE that this white guy was knocked out by a black Trump supporter. Talk about a popsicle headache. I thought Trump and all his supporters were racists? But, but, but…..I’m so confused now. All I know is this man right here,
is sick and tired of being told that only racist rednecks want Trump to be President. He’s sick and tired of all these honkie Prius drivers telling him that he can’t support Trump because he’s a black man. We don’t condone violence at Turtleboy Sports but we get the frustration.
The bottom line is we love every minute of this stuff. It’s fantastic theater. And at this point if you’re going into a Trump rally for the sole purpose of shutting it down, no one is gonna feel bad for you if you get your ass kicked. It’s like going to North Korea and stealing a bar of soap. You know what’s going to happen. This is gonna go down as the election where if you don’t like the other guy you just kick the shit out of his supporters. There are no more rules. There is no more etiquette. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
And as much shit as Trump is getting, the other side is equally at fault. They’re wearing KKK hoods at his rallies. They’re disrupting his rallies but not Ted Cruz despite the fact that Cruz is a million times more conservative. The Muslim woman who stood up at his rally a few months back with an “I come in peace” shirt did it the right way. If you’re gonna get kicked out, at least make sure you’re getting kicked out for nothing. Then people like Turtleboy can sympathize with you. But if you’re wearing a Goddamn Klansmen hood and trying to shut down a political rally just because you don’t like the candidate, then you can go fuck yourself.
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8 Comment(s)
The $15 an hour crowd is too funny trying to label more stuff racist. Stupid too.The more you protest the stronger Trump gets. The more support he gets. We are no Trump people by any means so it is alarming to see these “protests” back firing.
So Turtle supports the KKK. Explains a lot.
Bogus headline TB – the guy getting the beat down wasn’t wearing the hood…at least not in this video.
It would be more interesting to know what was on the sign Mr.Got Beat Down was carrying.
Also, how do we know for sure who was a supporter and who was a protester?
I Love Turtleboy and I’ve always loved what you stand for, but your flagrant Trump digital handjobs are getting hard to stomach.
This sounds like it was written by a 16-year-old.
Oh, and maybe you want to Google, “Chris Rock on OJ Simpson.”
How do you know who the “fake KkK” person is supporting?!? Unless they came out and said it, this whole article is all assumptions. There are no facts here.
I’m an active Klan member (and proud Turtle rider) and I support Trump!
I’m assuming the KKK bitch was supporting Trump based on all the David Duke endorsement bullshit that happened in late February and maybe the Black guy got pissed for that stupid hood she was wearing? Trying to make sense of it. That’s my best guess.
Anyway I am a conservative but anybody wearing a KKK hood and those among them should get an ass beating. This is 2016 for God sake. Grow the fuck up!