Brockton Fupabeast Who Hid Murdered BF’s Body In Closet Posted On Brockton Hub In June That There Were Ghosts Or Burglars In The Apartment
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Trash Live: A 33-year-old Brockton woman will be arraigned Monday in court in connection with the death of her boyfriend who was found dead inside a closet on Friday. State police arrested Kathryn Podgurski on Saturday and charged her with one count of accessory after the fact in connection with the killing of her 44-year-old boyfriend Joseph Shaw. Shaw had been reported missing by his family on July 17. On Friday, at around 10:30 p.m., Podgurski flagged down Brockton Police and directed officers to her third-floor apartment at 42 Green St. in Brockton. Shaw’s body was found in a closet. “It was apparent to police that Shaw had been deceased for some period of time,” the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office said. “There were multiple, severe stab wounds to the victim consistent with a homicide.”
According to other sources like CBS Boston, these two were NOT boyfriend and girlfriend, and the apartment was his, not her’s. Which kind of makes sense because as ratchet as this wildequeef is, I have a hard time believing she lived in an apartment that had a dead body in the close for a week.
Either way, how dumb do you have to be to call the cops and tell them there’s a dead body of someone you more than likely killed in a closet? You might as well have written a confession. I’ve never murdered anyone before, but I would assume you either dump the body or let the cops find it on their own. Whatever you do, do NOT lead them directly to the body. Because they will ask followup questions like, “how did you know there was a dead body in that closet?” And it’s gonna be difficult for you to answer that question.
Wanna see something really fucked up? Check out what she posted on the Brockton Hub on June 16:
And yes, his body was found on Green Street, in the cultural renaissance section of the City of Champions. This is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen on the Internet. See what she’s doing here? She’s pretending she has family that moved into the Green Street apartment, and making up a story about hearing movement coming from the apartment where his dead body would eventually be found. Probably the REAL killers were doing it. She’s been plotting this since at least June 16.
Then she throws in the part about asking who died in the building. Because if I am reading this correctly, plan B is to blame it on ghosts? Ghosts killed Joseph Shaw and rearranged his furniture. That way when the cops eventually find a dead body there no one will be surprised.
She had people on the Brockton Hub going with their theories about closets with false walls and hidden passages:
Then she started pretending that her sister was crazy for hearing these ghosts and/or burglarizing crackheads:
She claims she told her sister she was being a drama queen:
She even interacted with Joseph Shaw ON THE POST!!
Later on she started to convince people that her cousin was crazy. There was no one breaking into her apartment, and it was more than likely a ghost. Even ask her brother in law Pastor Mike Thomas:
Of course lying is what Kathryn Podgurski is best at. She was arrested a couple years ago for check forgery and larceny:
Wow. Just wow. Who said the Brockton Hub Facebook page was just a gossip ratchet rag? This is OBVIOUSLY evidence that can be used against the defendant in court. It might prove that her actions were premeditated, and totally changes what she can be charged with. Looks like this fupabeast is gonna be in jail for a long, long time.
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4 Comment(s)
Thirty-three? I would have guessed around fifty-five.
Based on prison movies, she will fit right in.
I don’t get it.
If a tree falls in the woods with no one to hear – does it make a sound?