Brockton Man Wins $1 Million Lottery And Probably Should Get The Hell Out of Brockton

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So some guy from Brockton named Hank just won $1 million:

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That man looks like he could be Rocky Marciano’s older brother. The one that became a catholic priest before leaving to pursue a long career tending bar at the Polish club.

Since this is Brockton the comments after this announcement on the Brockton Enterprise Facebook page were so Brockton it hurts. Most people were encouraging him to get the fuck out of the “City of Champions” now that he had the means to:

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Other people had more ingenious schemes in the works:

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Ahhhh Brockton, my hometown. In what other city would you see this – a man wins a million bucks and instead of congratulating him, people’s first reaction is to tell him to leave town before he gets robbed. Sad part is I can’t disagree with them. Hank, grab that cake and hop on the first train to anywhere before the dope fiends find your address.

The best part was his plans for the future:

Durden chose to receive his prize in a one-time cash payment of about $460,000, after taxes. He told lottery officials he will use the money to buy a condominium, make the remaining payments on his car and take a trip to Canada. 

It’s been a pretty shitty winter. So most people who won a million bucks would probably fly to Florida, or Mexico, or anywhere without piles of white shit. Not Hank though. Hank’s driving his beater to Canada. God bless you Hank.

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1 Comment(s)
  • Yes
    March 1, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    Add a second poll question to ask “Which city is worse”, and of course have the comparison points be Worcester and Brockton. We all know the answer already though.

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