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Brockton Enterprise: A 21-year-old Brockton man was arrested and charged with beating up a senior citizen during a road rage attack in Easton. Joseph Rivard, 21, of Brockton, is being accused of punching a man 50 years older than him repeatedly in the face during a road rage incident that was reported on Washington Street in Easton around noon on Wednesday. The victim was a 71-year-old man from Medford. Easton police said they responded to the North Easton Savings Bank parking lot at 547 Washington St. for an assault in progress. At the scene, police said the senior citizen from Medford and several witnesses told investigators that Rivard punched the 71-year-old in the face several times following a road rage incident. Right before that, Easton police said Rivard was trying to pass the victim’s vehicle while traveling west from an intersection on Belmont Street, where the two cars made contact with each other, causing minor damage.
“During the investigation, officers learned that Rivard had attempted to pass the victims vehicle while both were traveling westbound on Belmont Street and the vehicles made contact,” wrote Deputy Police Chief Keith Boone, in a statement describing the incident. “Angry that the victim did not immediately pull over, Rivard pursued the vehicle into the bank parking lot, where the victim and witnesses reported Rivard ‘jumped’ from his vehicle and began banging on the the victims vehicle with his fists.”
After the senior citizen driver got out of his vehicle, he was met with a flurry of punches from the 21-year-old, Easton police said. The senior citizen was able to fight back, and landed at least one blow, police said.
“When the victim stepped out of his vehicle Rivard began punching him in the face several times,” Boone wrote. “Defending himself, the victim fought back to stop Rivard from attacking him.”
Rivard was charged with assault and battery on a person over age 60, along with disturbing the peace. According to a police report about the incident, Rivard had an eight-inch knife with him, and a witness who observed the incident said Rivard reached in the area of the weapon, while making a threatening comment. The witness told police that he pulled his vehicle over after observing the assault and tried to break it up.
“As (the witness) was pulling over, he noticed (Rivard) punch (the victim) and strike him in the head multiple times,” the Easton police report states. “When (the witness) started yelling to break up the fight, he heard (Rivard) state, ‘I have something for you,’ and then (Rivard) walked over to his vehicle and was reaching near the front seat for something. It should be noted that Officer Webster would locate an eight-inch kitchen knife wedged between the driver’s seat and the center console.”
The police report listed the 71-year-old victim as Leon Monnin, a clinical psychologist with an office on Belmont Street in Brockton. The Enterprise reached out to Monnin to see if he wanted to comment on the incident, but did not hear back as of deadline for this story. Rivard claimed that Monnin committed a hit and run, and that Monnin assaulted him first.
That pubestache though.
If Brockton had a face, that would be it.
Joey Rivard has obviously been working out a lot in case he ever runs into a 71 year old man in Easton who looks at him the wrong way.
Seeing as he does most of his shopping at Wiggers R Us, he’s a big fan of Jordan’s and Henny.
I guess he likes to assault the elderly since he seems to dress like them as well.
Just no.
The pubestache, the unearned sense of self confidence, and his proclivity for attacking the elderly in parking lots was something I was willing to look past. The bootleg Sperry’s and high socks are unforgivable. As is this.
Kill yourself. (Not really, but kind of)
And he might be the only person left in America who still owns and rocks Champion brand clothing.
Even though the only thing he’s the champion of is riding chub.
I gotta admit, the guy he assaulted sounds like a warrior. He wasn’t taking this pasteurized pussy’s bullshit and made sure he at least got a punch in. I was kind of shocked when I Googled the doctor’s name and found out that he’s a card carrying, pink pussy hat wearing member of the resistance.
Of course it wouldn’t be a party if the fam didn’t show up to pull a free muh boi.
“The guy punched my brother first.” Except……
Yea, it looks like he swung first. At a man 50 years his elder. Gangsta!
Of course his brother somehow managed to be an even dirtier collection ballsack trimmings and crisco.
Good lord, can someone please tell these crotch critters that that does not qualify as a goatee? His face looks like my front lawn when I come back from a vacation. I can smell the stench of failure and bacon grease from here.
And you’ll never guess who his favorite sportball program is.
Flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat with the sticker still on it. This scrotum nugget was born to be on Turtleboy. I’m surprised it took this long.
Then out of nowhere Rivard #3 showed up with a classic ratchet burn .
FACKS!!! Only God can judge!
Here’s a fact Chris – your relative is a walking Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, extra cream, extra sugar, whose yogurt slinger is so tiny that he feels the need to assault 71 year old pink pussy hat wearing men, and when they fight back he has to go to his car to get a knife because he can’t handle someone 50 years older than him without a weapon.
32 Comment(s)
You don’t have a pubestache, it’s a great looking moustache. Join me in my lawsuit against Turtleboy!
It sounds like this seasoned citizen had it coming to him.
The last pic of him in the bulls hat is classic.
That’s not a goatee;
That’s a prison pussy.
Pink pussy hat votes for taxpayers to pay assholes like this kid not to work. All involved parties are douchebags. Sounds like karma all around to me
Theae most recent articles really make me wish the purge was real. Fucking useless mouth breathers, moungrels and morons. Taking up perfectly good space.
Was the old dude stopping at yellows and driving 15 under the speed limit with a blinker on? It makes a huge difference if that’s the case.Â
The ratchet rate would drop over night if they’re scourged and crucified publicly. Show a picture of one of these sacks of shit nailed to a big wooden cross screaming in agony on their FB machines and all the other ratchets will be too terrified to act ratchet. And if they aren’t terrorized into behaving like normal people after the first one, then keep crucifying them until they are. It’s the only language they’ll understand. The Romans got this shit. If Gaul acted up Caesar kept crucifying gauls until they shut the fuck up and sat the fuck down. Nothing makes people listen the fuck up like savage brutality.
Dude, take an artistic picture of me flexing.
Dem. Calves. Bro.
W. T. F.
can of wasp spray to the face, then deliver a blow from an oak maul handle across his shins.
fucking little faggot
Lost alot of sympathy when I saw that the victim is a shitlib.
Guy has likely defended scum trash like Joseph Rivard countless times.
Yep, no sympathy for aging commie scum. In fact, probably shoulda taken a few more haymakers just for good measure.
Marvelous Marvins ball bag has more muscle than these two combined. Brockton: city of pubes and douchebags
They can’t afford Dunkin’ Donuts. Just sayin.’ Otherwise, spot on.
Too bad the victim didn’t have a gun. In MA is bangin’ on the hood good enough for self defense?
The victim is one of those Pink knitted queef hat types who would take everyone’s guns away. To these fucks, anyone not completely laying on their left side is a Nazi, redneck, ultra right wing hate monger. So, the likelihood of grampa Soy-shart having a piece is extremely low.
Not defending the idiot shitboi but it wouldn’t surprise me if the guy might really have tried to take off.
Was probably driving like an aggravating and purposely obstructive cunt before the passing maneuver too.
Skinny little queer = Loser = Wears “Champion” brand = Walmart = Brockton = it all makes sense now.
Yo these two fuckin brothers piss me off. They want to get real I’ll get real! I’ll make them fuck me in the ass and and then I’ll clench my muscular buttocks on them and snap there dicks off. If the cops give me an okay to do it!
this fucking clown looks like someone gave him a fidel castro
What a punchable face!
Would love to make a straight on whole upper body into it wind up and knuckles to his upper lip contact hit and watch his head snap back as if he got rear ended by someone going 70 on I-90.
There would be no ‘knife-getting’, only a blanket being draped over his head.
Little punk.
Hey Police, let me know if I can get permission for this. Look the other way. Kid jumped off a building I guess. Not sure what happened to him. Contact the coroner.
Hit me up
Oh for fuck’s sake – why is it that the guy who acts the toughest is always some super thin douchebag that forgets “leg” day at the gym?? And then it’s always the super fat relative that comes to his defense.
He’s a blue jeans bodybuilder.
I don’t get…who wants to look like someone took a shit on their lip?
Plus, Henny is disgusting; there’s no chance in Hell anyone actually likes that shit, and they only drink it to be “cool”
Not to be “that guy” but champion has actually made a comeback. This is, by no means, a defense for this POS, though. Dude is a champion of shit stains IMO.
” If Brockton had a face ” Spot on!
And it would be wearing that same champion shirt!
Yeah we need to see the old guy to make a judgement.
shut up boy, you fucking idiot
Had an old neighbor couple that were the devil
If they ever swung at me I’d have ended it
Age don’t matter.   Who swung first?
Relax tough guy.