I had Mindy Robinson on to talk about the Bill Pulte drama that we’ve both been covering. The video came out shitty due to fupa computer (I’m getting a new one soon, enough of this bullshit), but the audio was fine. You can listen on YouTube or Soundcloud. But at the 30 minute mark of the video we had a special guest caller who appeared in a blog earlier in the day – Can’t Jemima.
Her real name is Stephanie Northrop the Westerly woman who shit on the cops because they arrested her sex offender roommate outside of her house while her sex offender boyfriend was in jail. Then a few days later she was asking the cops for help after she lost her wallet because it had her medical marijuana card in it.
Can’t Jemima: “You are a piece of shit douchebag, and you have your head up your ass so fuckin far that all you can see is the bullshit that spews out of your ignorant cum guzzling mouth.”
Me: Do you have any thoughts on Bill Pulte?
Can’t Jemima: All I have is thoughts about you being a piece of shit scumbag cock sucker.
Me: “I’m going to get demonetized.”
Can’t Jemima: “I don’t give a fuck. You’re a cum guzzling fucking cock sucker.”
Me: “I’m a swallower so get it right.”
Can’t Jemima: “You’re a faggot too.”
God I love her.
I had to answer during the interview because she called like 7-8 times. With any luck she’ll come on the show tomorrow. She then began messaging me before Desk Girl made her triumphant return and got her to fill out “the form.”
Subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here so you don’t miss tomorrow’s episode at 9 PM. Should be a doozy.
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32 Comment(s)
So, so, SO glad Desk Girl is back!
The Employee of the Month Award goes to Desk Girl…
She must want the finest chiba.
She a Deuce Diva too?
Very funny conversation. What is up with the flat brimmed Bulls hats? Any flat brimmed hat is messed up, but why always bulls?
Clarence Woods Emerson, of East Domicile, West Virginia, lives in a mobile home to avoid detection, as a recognized Facebook pornographer and double dumb guzzler of blog ink. Miss Northrop would be wise to get the Fapu app, allowing her to track Clarence’s mailing address in real time on Google maps. Good Luck Staphanie!
Such a refined, classy lady is our Miss Jemima. And also dumb as a fucking brick. 😀
That fat pig will see her feet lopped off from diabetes before she ever wins her lawsuit. She would be better served by saving her money for a wheelchair once she becomes footless.
I’m so glad Abi is back. I know she was having IBS problems (that was my favorite line she used when she had to “excuse” herself). She has *never* failed to get these morons to fill out the “forms” in their entirety.
Favorite Question : “[…] Do you or anyone you know own a flat-brimmed Bulls hate”? Yes.
I love you Desk Girl!
Can’t Jemima! Best one yet…right up there with Failure Swift & Britney Smears!
That’s fucking amazingly ratchet and ignorant.
And yet she filled out “the form”.
I’d like Desk Girl’s name and address so I can send her some flowers and chocolate and summer sausage.
If they film a remake of Deliverance, she’ll be the first one cast
Yes, she can play the lake. Or the mountain what’s his face climbs to shoot the bad guy with the bow and arrow. She’s too fat to play Ned Beatty’s part. You could use her special fat shoes to play the trucks, maybe even roll up her special-made fat underpants like a twisted towel and use them to play the river the guy’s paddle their canoes down. Either way, there’s gotta be something you can use her mounds of extra fat for !!
Fat and gullible are lousy ways to go through life.
Guessing Can’t Jemima probably still doesn’t realize how badly she’s been played.
Ain’t liberal brainwashing grand? Not only does it breed numbskulls like her, but prideful, stubborn ones who don’t have the foggiest idea what’s going on right in front of their eyes.
Stupid is as stupid does.
What a great way to enjoy a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning.
I laud Stephanie for standing up to The Turtleboy. I concur with her critique and assessment of him. You go girlfriend!
I have been contemplating fencing in a part of my land to raise some pork chops on the hoof but this porcine creature has changed my mind. Eating Miss Piggy? No thanks. Stay classy, Ms Diabetes 2019.
Do you, or anyone in your immediate circle of friends, own a flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat? “Yes”
When she called in that was hilarious. Perfect timing!
What a fat dumb idiot. How the hell can someone be so clueless? LOL
Did anyone ever see the documentary, from NJ of course, called the Man Who’s Arms Exploded?
She looks like the thing who’s face exploded. Her puffed up roided up selfie looks like her face is about to explode.
If u just keep the gravy train going direct to mouth (DTM) it will fill it up fast. But everything has a limit. She can only take 120 gallons of gravy before all hell breaks loose. Pitchers and pitchers.
Pro tip: Never ever let an empty pitcher out of your sight. It’s like turning your back on an ocean.
You guys can’t fool me. That’s Josh isn’t it? Let’s see its hands , if it’s git idiotic tattoos then the jig is up
Desk girl is a riot. What’s even better is the interaction between the two of them. Well done TB
You could give Ms Horowitz a raise but she (my great great granddaughter) is quite well off…. ps she changed the spelling of last name.
That’s my great great grandniece Abi….
“That’s my great great grandniece Abi….”
mine too
A little disappointed that,
“Please rate the customer service you received from Abigail Horowitz (Desk Girl) with an emoji:”
wasn’t included.
Deskie is a feature that i always read.
Have you tabulated all the emojis? I’d like to see a rundown so that we can track the progression of quality in TurtleboySports.
Seriously when are these people going to stop with the lawsuit crap ? I’ll sue you for defamation ? it’s just ridiculous Are these people that stupid ? Oh yea they are The fact she answered the Chicago Bulls hat is just classic I love you guys.