According to a leaked memo from the Mass Municipal Association to Charlie Baker, he will be announcing tomorrow that pretty much no businesses will be “allowed” to open up.
Don’t worry though, you can go to church, as long as you don’t sit near other people there. Oh, and construction projects will be good to go, because everyone knows construction workers have immunity from the virus. Not small businesses though.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you have a business, just open it. Stop being pussies. Stop letting these assholes destroy everything you’ve built. The government doesn’t “allow” you to open your business. They had no authority to close your business in the first place. Every single time people have fought back against the government they have won. The golf course owners got Charlie Baker to cave. The Wisconsin Supreme Court said the lockdown was unconstitutional. A judge in Texas ruled that Shelley Luther couldn’t be thrown in jail for refusing to shut down her salon. I know people who opened their businesses two weeks ago and nothing has happened.
Just open your fucking business. Stop being slaves to the government. Stop being pussies. If everyone does it they will be powerless to stop you. If you don’t, and accept Charlie Baker as your master then you deserve to be a slave and lose everything. Eventually you have to stand up for yourself.
Oh, and Team Lockdown thinks Baker is going TOO FAR by allowing churches and manufacturers to open up.
Charlie Baker is going to reopen Massachusetts prematurely, and the consequences will harm low and middle income communities. But, he knows the Democratic Party and the media will be fairly silent about it, so he will make a corporate decision to gamble with people's lives https://t.co/oAPguDe5yl
— mohammed missouri (@hammodimissouri) May 18, 2020
Charlie Baker cares more about his CEO friends' wallets than about workers' lives. #mapoli https://t.co/CqiTPokyg2
— Jonathan "Boo and Vote" Cohn (@JonathanCohn) May 18, 2020
This guy lists his pronouns in his bio and works for Jamie “Captain Planet” Eldridge.
Nuff said.
Coronabros like him are not serious people. The minute they mention lives being lost is the minute you can tune them out completely. No lives will be lost to this. Not one. It’s just a bunch of assholes who are making bank off the lockdown and don’t wanna go back work. They use fear and hysteria to get their way because the facts and data don’t back them up. Nothing they say is grounded in science, none of them own businesses or have ever contributed, and none of them is missing a paycheck over this. Most importantly, there is no date before November 3 that would suit them for “opening up.”
I’m back on the Gerry Callahan Podcast tomorrow and I’m sure both he and I will have strong takes on this one. Click here to like the GCP Facebook page and tune in live tomorrow morning around 8.
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37 Comment(s)
I get it you would rather rule the dumb then ever fuction anywhere normal people. it’s really sad and pathedic but hay that’s you man sad and pathetic I get it big fish tiny pond comfy life good luck it will never last but what ever …….
Unc please stop posting about politics and covid. Seriously it’s just getting annoying I come on turtleboy to see articles about ratchets not gov Baker. If I wanted to see him I’d watch the 5 o’clock news….
I say we take all these bottles and cans we can’t reedeem and dump them on Tall Deval’s lawn in SwampChuck!
Responsible business owners will follow the regulations that have been put in place to protect public health. If you ignore them and violate the law, you deserve to be fined, boycotted, and put out of business.
Does the illegal alien spic who violates the law by invading Massachusetts have to follow the law?
Yeah, definitely re-open against orders and have your Health and Liquor license taken away by the state like Sunday River Brew Pub in Maine. If you’re not a restaurant/bar, but another small business, I’m sure you’re not registered or licensed at all by the State and they’ll have a really hard time revoking your license(s) to operate as well. Good advice!
Look, everyone knows that the virus can’t survive or be transmitted in Home Depot, Target, the grocery store, medical cannabis dispensaries, gas stations, Walmart or liquor stores. The ‘Rona only survives and can be transmitted in restaurants, hair salons and barber shops and mom and pop stores. It’s science.
T-shirt masks are a 100% effective barrier to stopping Covid 19. N95’s shouldn’t be worn, I’m Science Charlie Guy and I said so.
Gun stores and golf courses use to transmit the C19, but ever since we put out that DPH memo, it killed the virus in its tracks in those businesses. Remember comrades;
The New Normal.
If we don’t see progress in any step we will lockdown until further notice and return to the previous step, indefinitely. No worries citizens, all of us government employees will always get paid while you’re out of work and jobs and ruined businesses. I’m Charlie Baker Science Guy.
Charlie does not want to discuss his plans to empty prisons to make room for barbers and salon owners. He is never going to answer why so many innocents died in state run nursing homes or why he turned the bankrupt and corrupt MBTA into a mobile homeless shelter.
“People get the government they deserve”
Atwater California declared itself a sanctuary city for business’s. Everything can open
Fake news turtledove!! Leaked memo? I dont think so. This memo was sent this weekend to all municipalities and local government oficiala.
I agree ! If you own a small business, open it ! Fuck them!.
Many small business owners have poured their life savings into opening and maintaining their businesses and livelihoods.
Who the fuck is Baker, or any politician, to tell anyone what they can or cannot do, as it relates to their businesses.
It’s called personal choice! And personal freedom.
If I own a small business ( hair salon, etc) and I take necessary precautions and I’m willing to take the minute risk of opening my business to people who also are willing to exercise their liberties to enter that business….who the FUCK is Baker to tell them they can’t!!
Is Baker going to pay their debts?? No !
Fuck him! Fuck the government! And fuck these “no open” asswipes!
Fuck ’em all !
You scared of the Commie Cold?? Then YOU curl up in your basement in a fetal position and don’t come out!
But YOU stay the fuck out of my life!
When you open your business to the public, you subject yourself to government rules and regulations. If you ignore them, you deserve whatever punishment comes your way. Baker is a Republican by the way.
Lets enforce the laws of the country and arrest criminal illegal alien invaders
Uncle, I can’t wait for your 7 part series on statewide medicare fraud, alerting the feds to investigate and arrest these criminals. Inflating the numbers, manufacturing a health crisis, putting millions into needless debt.
By the way, anyone heard from Biden lately? Anyone seen him? If the “lockdown” ends, he’ll have to find another reason to continue to hide.
The Local Board of Health will be in charge? Funny I don’t recall seeing candidates on my ballot for the “Board of Health Officials”..the shit show continues
Sad part about the shutdown. People are buying it.
…there is nothing else to buy, because nothing is open!
Shoild we expect you along side Callahan IN studio tomorrow?
How dare anyone question what our government says! Just shut up and listen! This is the “Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” the greatest state in the country! We are known for our educated leaders and institutions of higher learning. In simple language, our leaders are wicked smart, so we need to listen to them! Our best and brightest are chosen to work in the public’s best interests at all times. Most average people, simple people like me, are unable to fully fathom the wisdom of our wicked smart leaders. I find this post disrespectful of our superiors and government heroes. It’s the uppity people who don’t worship our government, the flag, our heroes in blue, members of our boards, councils, and tribunals, who are a danger to the rest of us. I believe that it’s time to start rounding up people who make wise cracks and don’t know their place in the world. Stop killing people with your ignorance, shut up, listen, and obey your leaders you stupid peons! Or we will put you all in cages where you belong! And be grateful for the “rights” and freedoms we allow!
Since when has drunken mahty ever been considered educated.
It is mindboggling that this barely literate bafoon is considered a leader at all. If he gets out of bed and remembers his right from left he considers it a successful day.
Who is this Marty Walsh? Who is he? I never heard of him.
A closet faggot with a drinking problem
I’m for anything that harms minorities and poofs. Hopefully we can kill some of them too with the gook flu.
What about the poofs?
But your mom loves us!
And we know how to spell – eat it bitch!
If your New Year’s resolution was to eat out less… congrats. You’re killin’ it.
Told you!
I was skeptical, but you were right, I’ll give you that.
They are operating in plain view.
How can you not see it.
Alcoholic Mahty closing Boston until Sept 1st and even that wont be the date. By then , people will be told to fear the 2nd wave and this will go on until the election.
Mr Parkers 5 point plan is stretching things out in lock step over the longterm as well. We are all being played as fools..
Time to stand up to the tyranny.
My real Moniker
Hi Daddy 🙂
I think Charlie is probably dragging his feet on opening the state to delay his son from going to jail.
Daddy taught you assplay and you acted out as you were taught.
Son please wear a mask so that you can complete your hat trick without identification.
I got your first sexual assault swept under the rug I know the urge is real son because right now I am giving it to Massachusetts right up the poop shute sans baby oil and the adrenaline rush is orgasmic
I had to take two fucking deep breathes before I posted this this.
I don’t even know where to start. This is a total commie takeover unlike anything I’ve seen in my life.
That’s all I have to say.