Breaking news – Clarence Woods Emerson, our official Turtleboy page on Facebook, has been suspended for 30 days without a reason given.
We went 6 months though, which is a new record, so I’m surprised it took this long.
While serving the suspension you can find us the Philip V Prentiss Facebook page which you can like and follow by clicking here. You do not need to friend request him, all you have to do is follow. We cannot message anyone back on Clarence Woods Emerson, and I’m sure many will not see this blog, so spread the word to let them know.
Now is also a good a time as any to get you all to follow all of our channels.
We have 3,876 followers on our YouTube channel, which is subpar. Please subscribe to that page by clicking here so you never miss a live broadcast, because we’re done with Facebook Live.
We have 6,910 followers on the @TBSporty Twitter account. No one from Turtleboy has any control over that page since we’re all blacklisted. If you DM @TBSporty they don’t write blogs, so just email instead. Would love to get TBSporty to 10,000 followers so we can maintain our presence on that platform, so click here to follow.
On Facebook our personal pages get suspended a lot, so follow all 4 of them just in case. Clarence was just about to pass the 20,000 follower mark too, so follow him here.
Follow Terrance Collie here.
Follow Tommy B. Rider here.
And of course follow our newest page Turtleboy Sports Super Terrific Happy Page by clicking here.
13 Comment(s)
This is a re-tread.
All the comments are from a week before when you first published this article.
What happened to suing Facebook?
Totally unrelated, but can you please not let this, from the T&G, pass by:
“Cara Berg Powers, one of the first-time candidates, said she would have pulled her daughter out of the school department’s subsequent sex ed proposal. “If I had that (curriculum) at 10, I wouldn’t have told my mother about my sexual assault.””
Isn’t Berg-Powers the one with the brothers who plead guilty to possessing child porn while living in their (the brothers and Cara Berg-Power) mother’s basement?
This is too weird…well, maybe not for the Worcester SJW crowd.
The Walter V Prentice link isn’t working, but you can cut and paste.
Oh you were banned by FB again?
Blacklisted. Ever wonder why they call it Black listed?
Lighten up Walter
Walt the only hate speech is you Liberal whiny asses.If you are not protesting some stupid butt hurt thing that doesn’t really exist such as Trump built cages (Obama did that)Cops are racist(no the left are the racist )Collusion(yea the DNC and they’re paid for dossier) and the most famous the right hates Immigrants (no we hate people who come here illegally)
Another conspiracy theorist white trash bigot. Come to Naples and I will shut you up real quick
no surprise since all of your content is hate speech written by cis genders
Let me guess… fag? Porch monkey? All of the above? You belong in an oven.
white & pan. Nice try tho bigot
So edgy. So brave.