This is 39 year old Ramsey Clayter from Gardner.
He coaches AAU basketball and according to the Turtlegram he was arrested on January 7 and charged with three counts of aggravated rape of a minor – a 15 year old girl who played on one of his teams.
The girl was 15 at the time. She told police she was driven to Clayter’s home after being told she had to sign a waiver related to the team, according to police reports filed with court documents. After they arrived, he took her to his bedroom, where the rape reportedly occurred. The victim told police that Clayter continued to send her Snapchat social media messages every day. She was encouraged by friends to report the incident to authorities.
Again, this arrest happened three weeks ago according to the Turtlegram. Yet by the looks of his Facebook page he’s been going to middle school and high school basketball games.
And posting videos of talks he gave at Mount Wachusett College on why drug addiction is a disease.
Ya see, Ramsey has a long and documented history with drugs. In 2014 he got busted selling heroin. Three years before that he was selling cocaine. But he’s a reformed junkie drug dealer now so Mount Wachusett Community College apparently hired him to teach a the school and run a recovery program called The Link.
But somehow AAU can’t do a basic background search and will hire anyone to coach kids in their program. Probably because he cleans up nicely, is politically active, and presents himself as a model of reform.
Oh, and after being arrested for raping a 15 year old he went and ranted about how bad Donald Trump was for….Ukraine…or something.
Pedophiles agree – Adam Schiff is awesome!
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
Yes, but I don’t kiss 15 year olds with it, so there’s that.
This episode of The Turtleboy Live show is brought to you by the good folks over at Garage Doors Plus in Quincy, and our new friends at APC Roofing in Charlton. Like APC Roofing in Charlton on Facebook by clicking here, and be automatically entered to win a Blink XT2 security camera system that comes with 3 cameras, 2-way audio and is wireless for easy installation!! There’s nothing they like more than helping their customers protect their home with a quality roof installation.
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39 Comment(s)
Word is his 2014 arrest in florida was for violating probation. He gave a false identity to police but they saw through it and wait for it…. he was caught with a minor that he transported across state lines. No record of that because he copped a plea by snitching on a drug dealer back home. A snitch and a pedo! Guy should do well in jail.
I feel bad for the local politician that you posted a picture of.. someone asks for a picture then post it in their FB and you use that Picture which could potentially hurt Them.. the guy this dirtbag is next to is a great community guy and because of this shit bag his picture is posted online as someone that might associate with him.. I have known the coach(skumbag) since HS and he was a loser then and still is
Can somebody tell him that sticking his teeth out like Fire Marshall Bill is NOT smiling? Ugly fucker.
Startled Pancake is my hero with the Madballs ad.
Even better – read the newspaper article copied above…how about the Worc Voke carpentry teacher who said he was used alcohol, pot, cocaine, heroin because using drugs, “wasn’t a choice.” He also added, “We’ve got to stop judging…”
“But he’s a reformed junkie drug dealer now so Mount Wachusett Community College apparently hired him to teach a the school and run a recovery program called The Link.”
That is because there is such a shortage of reformed junkie drug dealers that…oh wait, never mind.
Like many hispanics, this douche is a pedophile. I’m sure many of the white bread parents fawned all over their pet beaner and eagerly listened to his bullshit tales from the hood and bragged about their actually knowing a real life beaner/jail bitch who heroically rose from the ashes to become “more than a coach” to all their equally gullible cocktail friends.
Fucking Hicks, stick with your own kind and don’t be afraid to confront anyone who gives off the vibes or is too alien to your own neighbors and friends.
Why is every other fucking story just filled to the brim with spectacularly ugly people????
This one isn’t the ugliest, but JFC he looks like a damm MadBall.
It’s amazing how many skels hate hate hate Trump and publicize it on social media. It’s like they’re trying to put a halo on themselves to distract people from the scum lurking within. Some cumrag last year hit my parked car and drove off. I tracked him down with security cam footage. Then looked at his FB page. Sure enough, despises Trump.
After we pay for his next trip through the criminal justice system he’ll end up with some 20 hour a week government gig complete pension and a car going around giving talks about how he moved past his rape addiction.
Guys with the line sculpted beards where the line appears a good inch above the triple chin are funny.
How this guy has no chin, but three chins, at the same time. I’ll never understand
He wasn’t convicted. So at this point, it’s he said, she said.
Alot of these girls just want attention.
If he’s out on bail, why no conditions to stay-away from minors?
How was the girl dressed?
Some of these girls today are just asking for it.
We need to bring back dress codes.
You mean burkas…
Kobe Bryant raped a girl and he’s a fucking national hero.
But hey, this guy isn’t good at sports ball so yeah, fuck him.
Is he allowed to be around a school and/or children as part of his bail?
Did any of the parents of the girls on this doper’s team ever hear of Google? Holy Christ, you’re OK with someone like that guiding your kids and even worse being alone with him???
Rape is ok for dead basketball players on Sundays, but not for living basketball coaches on Wednesdays.
Dat white pussy be gold dawg
His facebook page is now plastered with this article LOL
Another per diddler with Trump derangement
“Be sure to like APC Roofers on Facebook and you’ll be entered to win a Mega XC2 home security system with three cameras. Psych, we just want your data so we can spam mail you and then break into your house while you’re not home. Though you probably should get a home security system since you live in Webster and it’s a sanctuary city for unemployable white trash pill poppers.”
WOW! Always been shocked by the audacity of the “recovered” types getting in everyone’s faces with their heroic recuvrreeee and 3 week certification of training diploma. Only they know shit, forget the Doctors n other liars. Just a wild guess was he ever deployed state side during the war on terrorism as a memba of national guard and now he has stories of teaching the Navy Seals and CIA?
Eyebrow Smily Face RAPIST, is a caricature of all these people. He raped a 15 year old girl and that hasn’t slowed him down, no shame no fear apparently no conditions of release. He’s filled with excitement about himself, Nixon, Trump, Adam Schiff, kissing his mom on the mouth. I’m waz a junky and an addict so listen to my wards of wizdumb, you stupid kids. This clown is a complete psycho, narcissistic, violent offender.
How does a multiple offender get to work with kids? No CORI? Off the record was he ever a police chief in Uxbridge or other masshole towns?
I’m shocked this guy doesn’t have tattoos all over his face like every other parasite in Gardner
ET’s lost little brother.
I predict he will never see jail time, probation and weekly drug screening, and counseling is what he’s gonna get. And that my friends, is a shame. Guys. A perv through and through. But Massachusetts courts seem to love these cases and always goes the “reform” route instead of prison for first timers. This guy needs a beating and left for dead.
Turtle boy should do a story on John Devine of Middleboro Google reviews of “Progressive Grower” and “Cape Cod Provisions”. He’s a cuckold husband using Google reviews to get back at his ex-wife for their divorce. Check it out and leave a positive review of the company and watch him freak out.
Thank you for your feedback, Ms. Devine.
How does a “cuck” husband end up with an ex wife? Either, he stopped being a cuck and didn’t want his wife fucking everyone anymore or she caught the feels for one of her bulls, therefore causing a seperation.
Honestly, unless you are just throwing around the cuck word without knowing what it means, it’s safe to say you’re 100% full of shit.
I can figure this out, so surely TB can as well. I’d tread carefully Ms. Devine, you sound like an aspiring reverse turtle doxing candidate. See you in a future article!
Jewish countries are disgusting.
I grew up on the jagged edge of the middle class. My pawpaw was a lowly janitor and my mama had to take a minimum wage job.
the missing link? i don’t think so, but reckon this silent fart has something missing from his genetic makeup, and certainly from his genetic toiletries, signing autographs every time he wipes his ass. i’ve to wonder if he will have that silly grin as he takes an anal pounding from a line of diseased inmates.
He looks like that dastardly dick sucker don lemon who likes to play with black holes.
Don Lemon and andeson cooper on that bastion of buggery cnn
Filthy Naker
More proof that Trump is correct
He looks like he’s transitioning.
Also why do pervs always seem to have the shifty shift eye bulge?
Could be they are cranked up on stimulants all wide eyed and ready to pounce