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Colrain Genius Shoots Two Bears For No Reason And Doesn’t Report It Because There Are No Rules In Colrain

Colrain Genius Shoots Two Bears For No Reason And Doesn’t Report It Because There Are No Rules In Colrain

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There’s only like, 1,500 people that live in Colrain, and we feel like we know at least half of them by name. Because somehow Colrainians have a magical ability to make the news for some shit that could only possibly happen in Colrain. Here’s today’s Colrainian of the day:

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You bet your biscuits he shot a bear and its cub and never bothered following the rules. Rules are for city slickers!!


Look, Turtleboy is not a hunter. We have no beef with hunters and we know that hunting is necessary. But we live in a civilized society and there are certain rules and regulations we need to follow.

Well, unless you live in Colrain. Because the whole town of Colrain is nothing more than a rundown YOLO village with no cell phone service or dentists.

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I guess I can sympathize with him though. Because when every house in your town looks like this:

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Sometimes you just gotta get drunk on moonshine and shoot some bears in your backyard.


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Tattoos Massachusetts

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3 Comment(s)
  • Wabbitt
    March 4, 2016 at 7:15 pm

    Come on, officer! He was just bear-ly over the limit!

  • Jafreese
    March 4, 2016 at 7:31 am

    The people in this town are un-bear-able

  • BobnMic
    March 3, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    They killed Yogi and Boo Boo? WTF? What over a pic-a-nic basket? Come on.

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