Heather Philip’s sperm donor Jorge Zambrano was killed by state troopers after he gutlessly killed Police Officer Ron Tarentino. Now she’s banging a new drug dealer and making her kids live with them.
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Anyone recognize any names from this latest Worcester Police Department press release?
Oh yea, Heather Philip – cop killer Jorge Zambrano’s girlfriend. The same woman who aided and abetted him so that he could murder Auburn Police Officer Ron Tarentino.
The reject stripper who couldn’t make any tips taking off her clothes so she got demoted to bartender. Usually we just laugh at the people we blog about, but we truly despise this gutter guzzler. Couldn’t wish worse things upon her.
The fact that she’s not in jail is insane. Five days before her car was towed because Jorge was caught driving it without a license, she went and got it towed out of the lot. Then she gave it right back to him. She stayed with him despite the fact that he beat the shit out of her routinely. She bailed him out of jail. She allowed this animal around her kids.
And obviously she has learned nothing from the experience because she’s just moved onto another gangster drug dealing sperm donor. And just like with Jorge, she’s allowing her kids to be around this. Because her desire for gangsta wangsta comes before the needs of her children. Fuck her and everything she stands for. Plus, this guy’s name is Gino. Anyone who’s named Gino is probably gonna be a meth head. It’s their destiny.
If these losers wanna be drug dealing addicts then let them. Hopefully they expire so the world can be done with them. But to bring kids into their fucked up and demented world? That’s simply unforgivable. Dude had guns in the apartment. I’m sure they were legally registered too. What kind of animal allows her kid to be around unregistered drugs and guns? Again. It’s not an isolated incident. It’s a pattern. If this broad ever gets to see her kids again then DCF is useless. She had one shot to be a mother. She blew it when she allowed a cop killer around her kids. Then what happens after he gets his head blown off by state troopers? She goes right back and finds another wannabe Tony Montana, jumps his bone, and brings her kids into this toxic environment.
Hey Heather, your ex-boyfriend is dead because he’s a punk. No one misses him.
But please, tell me more about how the police are the problem.
Hope you get hit by a bus. Girl, bye.
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35 Comment(s)
I love her. She is an amazing and beautiful woman. Everyone has thier own shit and everyone especially this strong ass Bitch right here deserves forgiveness. We all make mistakes.
I wonder if they Vape? Vaping is cool.
I would hit that, with my niece in the room.
Maybe fucking killers with kids around makes her hot?
Gypsy scum.
Thats a little harsh what have you got against trash bags T
Wow 7 grams of coke and 2 whole grams of crack….he must have been a big time drug dealer……Oh and the kid was asleep in the other room….Isn’t that where a child should be if your having sex? You definitely need an award for this story…..Oh they dont give dumbass awards for this kind of thing
Why wasn’t he in school?
who goes to school at 930 am on a Tuesday anyway
That detail slipped right past me.
Parental rights should be permanently extinquished today before weekend starts. Then Early better not plea this out. Too bad this gutter slug didnt “resist”.
Bret Killoran Smokes Mids
We need to enforce existing gun laws instead of calling for gun bans. Furthermore, if you commit a crime with a gun, there should be an automatic death sentence.
For those who are really concerned about the heroin epidemic who cry about the poor, helpless addicts, executing all drug dealers will solve the problem, and the wall will greatly reduce the flow of drugs across the border.
U do know that it is the government that is allowing all the illegal drugs into the country right. So let start with the politics first. U speak such foolish statement. Uneducated fools
Mother of the year…
This raggedy ass hoe is just going to keep right on doing this shit until she dies. I feel sorry for the kid who has to grow up in an environment like this.
Agreed. This coked up cunt is a waste of space. Hope they can place the kid with a decent family.
Waiting now for the follow up blog on her minions posting about what a good mom she is, how it’s a setup by the cops and “name out yo mouf / yo, dont judge”. They’re out there, I can smell em.
I think that could be a flat brim bulls hat in the 1st picture
What a couple of Maura Healey voters. Hopefully, DCF does not return the child. But then again, this is Massachusetts.
This plummer doesn’t even to deserve getting hit by a bus…Aiding and abetting a cop killer. I’m not a violent or sick dude, but I wish her every fuckin’ disease ever…Gonorrhea, diphtheria, diarrhea, vaginal itch,bleeding gums, gangrene, diabetes, swine flu,throat,bone,brain and lung cancer, melanoma, hives, VD and herpes. Fuck You piece of shit. I have family that wears the uniform and every day I have to think about how safe they are on the job because you fuckity fucker fuck and your DEAD slimebag and the like think nothing of shooting someone who is only trying to protect normal people..Rot in Hell soon to be swamped by many diseases bitch!! (phew…better).
Then you’ve got Dee Poreir or however you spell her name on your blog chatting away with Jorge Satan Zambrano’s picture on her profile. Totally normal….Auburn isn’t looking.
What about papa Gino’s
Also, she is that hood rat girl that “prostitutes” herself for drugs. I know from a personal experience that involved her.
Why ? were you involve with the prostitution as well that you are talk trash
What in the fucking fuck are you trying to say???
The Alpha Fux is strong with this one.
Sadly her brother just died about a week ago and they didn’t even name her in his obituary. Just said that he left a sister from worcester.
Not gonna lie. Looks alone = wood but would not because RT74. Fuck her. DIAF
Wow, to call her a trash bag is an insult to trash bags…
No surprise, low-life don’t change for the better. Just stay vermin-like.
Hey are Geno and Bret Killoran related? They both enjoy robbing people with weapons.
Geno kicked in a door and shot at myself and an old friend because someone was screwing his ex gf. (He has been out of jail for 6 ‘months at this point)while he was locked up. They pulled him over shortly after with the illegal gun in his possession.Went to the grand jury to testify against him. Never heard another word about it. This was 2007… dig around on Geno. His dad is connected in the courts and at the WPD. In fucking believable to read his name in anything other than a jail rape
I am Gino’s uncle.
And I bet they’ll get off with probation and then get custody of the kid back. Throw these people into the goddamn ocean.
1. She is a trashy, worthless, despicable piece of shit.
2. She does look really pretty in some of her pictures, you’d think she would try to be with a nice guy for her child if nothing else… Alas,
3. See number 1.
Vaginal sore of Worcester cty