Remember that awful story back in April about the veteran/burn victim who in Marlborough who lost both legs in a freak backyard fire, and whose house was targeted by two junkies who robbed him three times because they knew he was in the hospital?
Yea, we have kind of a happy ending – Joseph Migliaccio is dead.
Some people might say it’s cruel to celebrate the death of a junkie because he’s a person too, and blah, blah, blah.
Not me. This is sweet, sweet Karma. Only someone who is pure evil could do something like that to an elderly burn victim who just lost both legs. At the end of the day the world is a safer place without Joseph Migliaccio in it.
Cumpty Dumpty has a case of the sadz and isn’t missing out on a chance to get some drug money out of his passing though.
According to her she sat with his dead body for three hours, hoping he’d pull a zombie Jesus.
Translation – he overdosed and I had to get rid of the stash before I called the cops.
I love happy endings.
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51 Comment(s)
Don’t forget Cumpty Dumpty also participated in the robbery of the veteran. There she is on the victim’s surveillance video. Pure human garbage. Immortalized forever in the digital bowels of the internet, retrievable in a nanosecond every time she tries to deny it. She probably spent the three hours trying to find a place where she could pawn the body for a few dollars.
Merrimack has been bringing the heat lately.
Thanks for the fire stories, Queen!
You can’t get any lower than burglarizing someone’s house while they are in the hospital, especially someone who served his country. This is what justice should look like.
The fat cunt looks like she just shot a bag of dope
After all this time the Defense attorney still tying it up in court with continuances each time they go to court because they’re not ready. Now that the shit bag Joey is gone I’m sure they’re going to continue or even more. I’m going to guess that they’ll say they can’t prosecute this case because little shithead Joey is dead.
Notice the footage shows these slugpumps stealing a flat screen tv. Yo. It’s not 2006. Flat screen TVs are ubiquitous. I can get a 4K 65” for like $400 delivered via Best Buy or amazon.
Fucking junkies doing junkie shit.
If someone wants to steal my 10 year old plasma your gonna see a naked man holding a machete. I don’t know what’s more terrifying (you can ask my gf) seeing me naked with a machete looking for a fight or just being naked in general. We’ve been through this process. I intimidate my gf packs the heat.
die you junkie pigs, suffer you selfish assholes
I just assumed the State of MA would give him a proper burial on the taxpayers dime? I mean they paid for food, clothing, housing, medical treatment, Marlboro Reds, rehab, needles, methadone, lawyers, narcan, cell phones and pretty much everything else he ever had in his life so why not finish the job? Might as well thrown in a nice headstone too.
Karma ….
This is probably the first time in years his dick has been hard, fuckin’ junky thief.
You would know
Hello, junky fat girl
Hey is she selling the tv he stole?
Umm he’s not using it anymore.
Just askin’
Hold up… He died at 2:47am… She sat with his dead body for 3 hrs. So was he pronounced dead at 2:47 by an official or doctor? Or was that the time she watched him die and just fucking sat there? And what is this obsession these days of posting a dead body?
Someone reading this is for sure a junkie looking for love. Go find her! Ha. Ha. Haaaaaaaaaa.
Now if we can all pitch in 25 cents to a GFM for this pig, I’m sure it’d be enough dope for her to meet Joseph in Hell…
Eww. No. Not even with Finn’s dick.
What, you wouldn’t take a slob job from that fuckin hoowah?
Isn’t that your sister?
WeRFucked – I read your negative comments in the post about the fallen hero fight fighter in Worcester. i”m not from the area, but this was a guy that saved your own people. You’re a complete loser. I refrained from posting because I didn’t want to ruin the thread with more negativity. You’re just a fucking troll. GTFO – seriously.
I believe in angels. Angels of retribution and vengeance sometimes make their presence felt in this world. 🙂
He probably just overdosed and is now in full withdrawal in the hospital.. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if this was just a money grab scam. Who TF posts a pic of their love with a tube down his throat..dead. Seems kinda twisted and over dramatic.. I mean if he really didn’t get revived by the Narcan fairy and really did pass that is at the very least a pretty morbid pic to be posting everywhere …
At least now he can’t reproduce. I’m sure Mama FatAss already has a handful of brown ones anyway.
Q: Why doesn’t anyone ever proofread the blogs before publishing them?
“Some people might say it’s cruel to celebrate the death of anyone, no matter how deplorable they are. I am not one of these people.”
Nor am I! Let’s have a party! Joey – tell Satan I said “hello”.
Get Fucked,
I hear the Grinch saying : “Boooo hoo hoo hoo hooooo”
throw his junky ass carcass into a dumpster. No need for 4k. easy peasy Japaneasy
Now let’s hope she spikes a hot load herself, so she can join him in Hell !
Proper funeral?
You could probably hold the Wake in a phone booth.
There is a reason he “has no family”.
Because he burned all of his junkie bridges behind him.
Hopefully she is next.
So she sat there for 3 hours and didn’t try to revive him or call for medical help? That’s the best story she can come up with? What a piece of shit.
she needed time to hide the drugs
The 1st 2 hours she was passed out next to him. The 3rd hour was used for sobering up and hiding the stash.
I’ll bet big bucks you are 100% correct
So shocking
I have a spare tree chipper they can use.
dont wory Sarah there is another junkbox out there who will gladly plug your stench trench
Later you junkie faggot. They must have traded their state supplied narcan for clean needles
STFU, racist Dickwad.
Looks like we found an hispanic reader. Sorry I offended you, Juan. I will let you come mow my lawn as a peace offering.
One less Warren voter
Actually in this state after you die you turn into 2 Warren votes
Good riddance. Another useless junkbox gone. Bring back darwinism. Lace narcan with fentanyl.
The junkies are already doing fentanyl since their tolerance is up. Lace the Narcan with carfentanil. That shit makes fentanyl look like dollar store baking soda.
Purdue raises chickens, Pardue makes junkies.
Finally the disease did what it was suppossed to do.
Anyone gonna point out her shirt in the pic says “karma”?
Karma for him hogging most of the baggie for himself.
More pieces of shit like him should go in the head and eat a gun.
You’re right, but only after you do, gunny.
Good news for once.
“Joey has no family”
Sure he does, they just broke off from him because he a junkie thief that I’m sure robbed his family blind.
Three hours. Exactly. Making sure the drugs were well hidden.
Follow his path sweetie. Take a hot dose and join him.
JFK died on Nov. 22.