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Dianne Williamson is not happy about our farewell blog to her, in which we simply pointed out that her editors had been unfairly censoring her columns whenever she attempted to use Turtleboy as a source.
And boy did she let us know about it. She busted out all the stops. First she started with the name calling….
Then she played the “no one cares about Turtleboy anymore” card:
Followed by the “me and my friends are mad at you” card:
When that clearly was not working she did what arbiters of morals like her always do……
Oh snap!! She’s talking trash about Turtleboy Jr. and Turtle Princess now!! When they go low, we go high. And by “go high” we mean, tell you your children don’t love you.
Honestly Dianne, you might be prophetic. Right now they’re way too young to be ashamed of me. But down the line I’m willing to bet that I’ll make an inappropriate fart joke in public that will elicit a couple eye rolls during their formative years.
But wait, if Turtleboy is so irrelevant and nobody reads it, then why does she care?
I’m so confused right now. She quit her job because she didn’t like being censored. She’d been whining to us about it for years. Who gives a shit what their old boss thinks after they quit their job? Might wanna take it easy on the wine their Princess Di.
For whatever reason she seemed hellbent on standing up for her former hack editor Karen Webber, who routinely killed her columns when they didn’t tow the company line:
She has ethics and integrity?
The irony here is not lost on the turtle. Dianne built her career off of smearing other people. Which is fine, because we do the same thing. The difference is that we handle criticism in stride. But when Dianne gets criticized she starts hitting the bottle and telling Clarence that his kids don’t love him.
She wasn’t done……
What a sad, pathetic end to her career. Too bad, we were thinking about hiring her. And unlike the Turtlegram we’d actually give her a raise once in a while if she was good at her job.
As wise ol’ Grandpa Turtleboy told me, these are the ramblings of a celebrated nobody. Good riddance Dianne.
33 Comment(s)
disgusting niggerlover slut
Well. She’s not wrong really.
Definatley full of herself. She just ruined what she claims is a stellar 30 year career by showing her true colors as being a hypocrite and liar. Seems the lefties have all shown their true colors in the last year or so as hypocrites and corrupt little narcissists when they don’t get their way.
What’s ironic is that if they did their job as they should, they would all be making more money and have higher credibility ratings. But noooooo, they put their political ideology first instead of what is right and just. Typical socialist activists. Lol
I would like to see follow-ups on this story periodically.
Perhaps she can be confronted at the Worcester welfare office the 1st of every month when she goes to pick up her check for an impromptu interview to provide some updates from time to time…
Dianne it’s Saturday night sure your passes out by now … I know you start drinking early on Saturday’s get help there meeting tomorrow night try make it
Bump, bump, bump…….another one bites the dust.
Now we wait for the demise O Clive
I’m so glad that I stopped reading her years ago. Her writing was a waste of newsprint and ink.
She’s a dike cunt
The Telegrams loss is our win!!!
homeless cats of Worcester
( .)~
I am still giggling at the fact that her words are biting her now. That was a funny read. Wise man once told me don’t write things down that could ever come back at you. #facks
Especially since nothing gets deleted on the internet.
Let’s take the mask off and see who it is.
Dianne Williamson!!!!
I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids.
So said every sociopath to the Scooby-Doo team once they were caught
I tell my kids “say it forget it, write/post it regret it. The internet is forever.”
In the previous article, you portrayed her as “SLIGHTLY” sympathetic. Oh well, I guess that wasn’t true.
“Looking for validation”? If that photo isn’t photoshopped, what’s up with the tiara? Sure looks real.
I left out mentioning the 1st photo. “ME,ME,ME,MEME. Look a Morlock with an ass-crack!!!”
The Springfield Republican has Ron Chimelis. I don’t get the paper – paper so his stuff under his name may be there. But, he seems to have disappeared from MassLive. Funny though, since his disappearance, non by lined Editorial Opinion pieces have taken his place. Could be wrong but I haven’t seen his name in quite awhile.
Many times the comments are “Ron? Ron? Is that you?
At least they had a bit of common sense to make him publicly disappear even if he is still writing for them.
All I can say is Dianne is a horrible human being, who hurt many innocent people to advance her own agenda. Childless, unmarried, cold-hearted — and a mediocre writer at that. Yes, many people have indeed canceled their subscriptions and she got out before she was pushed out. Thank God for the new media so disgusting, biased and egomaniacal “columnists” like this no longer wield any influence. Scoff all you want, but look at the investigative journalism coming out of Turtleboy lately while lazy, entitled and vindictive dinosaurs like DW puke out anti-Trump slop and collect a fat paycheck. Good riddance. You’ll be remembered as a bitter glory-seeking hag, who damaged the lives of countless good people in order to feed your inflated ego and fat wallet.
She may not have been drunk but I hope she was because anyone sucked in that hard sober has a real problem that quitting drinking would not solve.
Atleast she didn’t reproduce!
Do do do dooo, dunna dunna dunna dunna dunna, do do do doooo, dunna dunna dunna dunna dunna, doo do dooo , dunna dunna dunna dunna dunna, dooooo dooooooooo, I like, I like, I like, i like turtle, do do doo doo, I like, I like, I like, I like turtle doo do do doooo, doo doooo I like, I like, i like, I like turtle,
I like, I like, i like, I like turtle do do doo, do doo.
See ya later d000000sssshhhhhhh
Maybe she can get a job at that free paper that is under the used car handout in the doorway at Stop & Shop. At least Walter “The Perv” Curd won’t be hitting on her.
Why would anyone text back and forth with you and expect it not to end up on the website?
She looks she had to give lesbians a try because the only men that ever hit on her sleep on sidewalks near the methadone clinic. Hopefully at her next job they’ll have a size 24 yellow vest so when she says hi to people at Walmart they’ll know she works there and is not someone who just wandered away from a short bus.
I’m not saying she’s fat, but I’ll bet she could dent a truck with her shadow.
Darn, I’m going to miss her taking photos and mocking hard working people (that are helping her out). Always taking the high road, Dianne!
Love the pussy photos, though!
Turtle boys a snitch!
You have to wonder if they threw her a going away party over at the T&G or a fucking Funeral?
Rosalie Tirella obviously was correct describing her years ago & had the last laugh too.
Adding yet another tombstone to the grave yard
The only more winning TB could do is expand. Come to Chicago. We love you here.
Who is this hideous looking woman? If she’s really had a “stellar 30 year career” why in the fuck so most people have not a clue who she is?
You know she’s threatened when all she can call you are silly names. She’s a joke.
Exposed….Disgraced and obviously embarrassed!!
Dianne, own what’s in black & white!!
Dianne secretly rides the Turtle and probably just needs to get stuffed out.
I’d stuff her out.