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So this nice little boy in Framingham named Preston was celebrating his 4th birthday tonight at Papa Gino’s on Route 9. Here he is posing for a picture with his new favorite Bruins hat on:
When they were getting their pizza Preston took his hat off and put it at the bench near the front counter. He then got carried away in the birthday festivities like any normal 4 year old would, and started going to town on pizza and presents. When they went to go look for the hat after the party it was gone. They searched high and low for it with the assistance of Papa Gino’s employees. It was gone.
Well before they left they decided to watch a video tape of Preston opening his presents to see if there were any clues. And what do ya know? Some local jackwagon in the background clearly stole his hat and hid it while Preston was distracted with his birthday presents:
Did you see it? He comes back from stealing the hat while the kid is busy opening presents, and he throws it towards the back of his booth so no will notice it:
Then later on he even checks the the hat out to see what size it is:
I got bad news for this poopsmooch – it’s a kid’s size hat so it won’t fit you. Ya know, because you stole from a kid. On his birthday. Notice the black and yellow on the hat. It’s clearly the same hat from the picture. So yea, if anyone in the Framingham area recognizes this man in the yellow:
Please let us know. We’d love to find out what his name is. Sure, it’s just a hat, but it’s the principle that matters here. Who steals from a nice little boy on his birthday like that? Complete scumbag move. If you know this dooshnozzle or his slugpump, receding hairline friend on the cell phone, please message Turtleboy or post it on our Facebook page or in the comments or whatever. We’ll make sure the family finds out. Papa Gino’s says the name he gave was Frank and he paid cash. Then again I can’t remember the last time I used my real name ordering food anywhere, but maybe that’s just me. I have to admit, this waste of space looks like a Frank. No offense Frank.
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23 Comment(s)
You have to follow the street code of no snitchin’! That’s the most important rule to follow in a civilized society. I’m sure you don’t follow any other rules, but you definitely have principles…good for you idiot!! Maybe if you know this coward, instead of snitchin’ on him, you could walk up to him, and punch the coward in the face! That would be much more noble and honorable!!
If I were to drop this guy’s name (which I will not do), then I’d be a snitch. Is it really worth being looked down upon as a snitch just to turn a guy in for taking a hat that can easily be purchased again for an insignificant amount? Nah…
Spoken like a true nigga ,Your already looked down on I’m sure,but ya know keep it real as the nigga would say.
No – you’d be a civilized human being.
This no snitching BS is for pussies with no balls and a guilty conscience.
The stop snitching movement is just an off-shoot of the fuck the police movement. Aka, they fall under the Black Lives Matter movement.
So, basically, go fuck yourself. I hope you get stabbed in the dick and nobody snitches on your assailant.
Clearly this clown in the yellow shirt will take the hat over to some hoe that is the baby mamma of his off spring and make a big deal of giving the hat to little Shaquan. Oh let me get a selfie with my little man styling in his Bruins lid.
The Kleptomania is strong with that one.
First a question. Is that what an average 4-year-old sounds like? I couldn’t make out a word.
Now a statement, the guy even looks around to make sure no one saw him lifting the hat. What an ass.
Don’t be an ass. Some kids have speech delays or disorders. My son has Apraxia of Speech, is 3, and doesn’t have any words. Stop being so insensitive.
Answered my question. Thank you.
That yes, an average four-year-old does NOT sound like that?
Stop being a dick.
Just to clarify, my comment was directed at Practical who seems to have an issue with the young child’s speech patterns. That was a dickish question to ask.
Will you be filing an internet lawsuit soon?
This argument reminds of me of Scott the Giant from South Park
Obviously, no one ever taught Mr. Yellowman that if it ain’t yours, don’t touch it. People who have been raised by wolves act better.
Somebody must know who has that hoodie !!!
How ignorant and disrespectful could you be to steal a 4 year olds hat for his birthday!?!? I want to buy him a new hat…you got an address or contact info for this little boy and his family?!
What an absolute shitbird!! Doesn’t get much lower than that. What kind of pussy of a man steals from an innocent, happy, defenseless child on his birthday??? It’s too bad he wasn’t caught in the act, and choke-slammed to the ground, like he deserves!!
“Man Turtleboy that is racist man. I’m oppressed and it’s cracker’s fault man. BLM because I got caught man!…..”
You know that is what the BLM fraudulent asshats will think. Except for the “I got caught part.”
Neither one of those clowns could name one single player on the Bruins past or present. They were simply distracted by the Black and yellow which is the colors they be reppin’.
I really hope you’ve had a vasectomy. If not, I’ll be happy to give you a ride to get it done.
And why doesn’t the kid just white privilege up a new hat? Little cis het shitlord.