
Early Voting Is Just A Way For Corrupt Politicians To Give More People Rides To The Polls And Free Shit

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MassliveFor the first time in Massachusetts, voters can cast their ballots before election day. If you’re registered to vote in Worcester, you have a chance to vote early in the state and presidential election from Monday through Nov. 4. Election day is Nov. 8. There are five polling locations for early voting in the city. One site will be open each weekday from 8:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. through early voting, except on Friday, Nov. 4, when locations close at 5 p.m. All five early voting locations will be open this weekend, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. One site will be open each weekday from 8:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. through early voting, except on Friday, Nov. 4, when locations close at 5 p.m. All five early voting locations will be open this weekend, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The early voting locations are:

  1. The Unitarian Universalist Church
  2. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Recreation Center
  3. Worcester Senior Center
  4. Clark University, Higgins Center
  5. Worcester State University, May Street Building

You can search online to find out when and where to vote early. Voters can also cast a ballot by mail by sending an early ballot application to the city or town election official, who will then mail a ballot.

Question – why are we begging people to vote who clearly don’t want to vote? Do you morons like the two candidates we have for the Presidency right now? You know why Hillary and Trump are our two choices? Because nudniks decided to vote. This is what happens when we encourage jagoffs to become civically engaged. Our government should be run by smart people who are elected by smarter people. I like when voter turnout is low because it means the only people who showed up are the ones who care. But instead we MUST find ways to make the simple process of voting even simpler for the simple minded.

Why is this even necessary? Was there a demand for this? We have a process for casting ballots if you can’t vote on election day. It’s called an “absentee ballot.” But apparently that’s not enough to entice the deadbeats to do their civic duty. Because the Kevin Ksen rape van only has so many miles in it if all the voting takes place on one day. That’s what these people do – they arrange rides for slug rakes who don’t care enough on their own to show up and vote, and they drive them to the polls. And on the way over what do you think the topic of conversation is in the car? A quick crash course on the importance of voting for the person whose campaign funds are paying for the gas and donuts.

Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with helping poor people, or the disadvantaged who REALLY want to vote but can’t make it down on election day, is a moron. This is about machine politics. The longer the election process the more bums and elderly they can pick up and vote how the machine tells them to vote. Look no further than McGovern Crime Family Lieutenant Mayor Joe Petty:


Do you think he would be encouraging people to go the polls if he wasn’t confident they weren’t gonna vote for his guys? Of course not. He wants you to show up and vote for his woman-beating friend Moses Dixon. Because the more information that comes out, the worse his candidate is gonna look. He wants you to give him a buzz and let him know where he can find 10 more idiots who can be coaxed into voting for Dan Donahue, Hillary Clinton, and Jim McGovern for a donut and a free ride to the polls. If you’re too lazy to show up on election day, then just don’t vote. There’s nothing wrong with not voting if you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.


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13 Comment(s)
  • Wormtown Refugee
    October 25, 2016 at 7:51 am

    Sad to say, but the Fresolo crime syndicate will exploit this fully. Watch for John “Dick Pic” Fresolo to round up the morons, idiots, etc. Worcester gets what it deserves, astonishing. And sad.

  • Wwy
    October 25, 2016 at 12:47 am

    The Jewish owned American media already voted for all of you,we have a criminal married to a rapist running for president,the U.S.S.R had better elections than our past six. Putin runs the world not the kikes in America thank god.

  • White Lives Matter
    October 24, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    Can we please tell black people that Election Day is on a Thursday this year?

  • Wabbitt
    October 24, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    If anything this doesn’t help the worthless welfare addicts – it helps people with jobs. I work between 50 and 60 hours a week, and some days I’m burned out and just want to go pass out after a long day. Early voting means I can go on my day off. It means my coworker who works two full time jobs can vote on Wednesday when she’s off from one of them.

    The shitheads who are too lazy to vote? They still won’t bother. Too much work.

  • Independent Thinker
    October 24, 2016 at 6:04 pm

    Election day is always the second Tuesday in November. If you cannot make it that day, or if you are afraid that you might not make it to the polls, you can request an absentee ballot. This early voting needs to stop.

    And there is nothing racist or discriminatory about having to show a valid ID when you vote. When I go to my town clerk’s office to request an absentee ballot, I have to show my driver’s license.

    Remember, vote early and often, and remember who gave you the free cider on the way to the polls!

  • Sal Monella
    October 24, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    Two years ago I sat on an airplane out of Las Vegas and a Business Agent for the Teamsters was sitting next to me. He had just attended a convention where Nancy Pelosi was the featured speaker. He was pumped up!

    He bragged to me how they went to Nursing Homes, took van loads of the elderly to vote and has assistants at the polling places to help them vote. He claimed to have helped direct a couple hundred extra votes for Obama. I asked why not give them a choice for whom to vote? Because we drove them there was his answer! He claimed there were hundreds of Union workers doing this.

    You cannot deny the existence of widespread vote fraud. Both parties commit it but the Democrats have perfected it. They take the mentally disabled too, register them and make them cast their votes for Democrats.

    Vote Trump or someone else out of protest. Don’t be a tool.

    • True Reality Speaks
      True Reality Speaks
      October 24, 2016 at 6:05 pm

      You’d think the Libs would be happy just to continue gerrymandering the Districts to keep the Democrats in. Nahh – cheating and lying is a competitive sport and getting away with it a badge of honor to these scumbags.

      • True Reality Speaks
        Mirror Mirror
        October 24, 2016 at 6:08 pm

        The ends justify the means with the Liberal brownshirts. And the lemmings lap it up and ask for more!

        • Realist
          October 24, 2016 at 8:28 pm

          Brilliant comment Mirror, You obviously have your fingers on the pulse of society!

          • True Reality Speaks
            Mirror Mirror
            October 25, 2016 at 6:22 pm

            Not exactly brilliant, but I can understand your affinity for trying to brown nose your intellectual superiors.

            I knew one of you drones would see themselves in that post. Libs are so predictable.

  • Chris
    October 24, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    Wear a red shirt or jacket to the polls if you vote early for Trump! (I just hope the vote will count on the official tally!)

    Are they going to do this next year for the city election where only 10% of the registered voters in Worcester actually bother to exercise their right to chose who will run the city?

  • Light of My Life
    October 24, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    Wait until you see the bill for all of this. Overtime, Poll workers for 2 weeks, all kinds of costs that the towns are on the hook for.

  • Publius
    October 24, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    Trump supporters can vote early. This is going to hurt challengers to the smaller offices. State Rep etc. Few campaigns will have the resources to heavily staff ten or more days.

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