Easton Woman Selling Her Jackhammer Joy Toy On Craig’s List Because It’s Too Big For Her
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Well this was an interesting find on Craig’s List this weekend:
I hate when that happens. I hate when I order a ten speed dildo with six mode reaming technology and soft realistic penis tip for her pleasure, and they send the wrong size. Just to make it clear, she did NOT order the BBC. This was a mistake on the part of the salesman at the adult toy party. Unfortunately they have a strict no refund policy, so this poor lady is reduced to selling it second hand on Craig’s list. We’ve all been there before!
Here’s my question – how does she know it was too big? It even says, “soft realistic penis tip.” Plus it’s water proof so she easily could’ve lubed that puppy up for a test drive. I’m thinking she probably tested the product first. I could be wrong. But no way I’m paying $50 for a used eskimo popsicle. Although I do think the most underrated part about this gift is the fact that it comes with a complementary index finger to complete the shocker.
I dunno if I believe her to be honest. I mean, it’s got some length to it, but the girth looks to be fairly average. Unless this is first time, I’m calling shenanigans on this one.
Either way, if you want it, you better call her up before it’s too late. Easton is right next to Brockton, so I would imagine the market for an oversized muff canoe is pretty crowded.
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15 Comment(s)
she probably couldnt even feel it. she could be my neighbor. everyone in the neighborhood knows when she uses her sex toy when our lights start dimming in the house. shes getting a generator for her new toy for christmas so we dont lose power during christmas dinner.
I bet she used it and is unsatisfied. She prolly needs the 110 AC plug it into the wall model. My wife prefers the air compressor model. The same tow behind the dump truck compressor thats used for jack hammers. If you are on a budget you can fashion up a device that will work pretty good with a Sawzall.
No problem, just have to lube the bad boy really good.
“six mode reaming technology” FTW
Is there enough bleach in North America??
it shocked me too 😀
Take a whiff.
Does it smell like the dumpster at Red Lobster?
How much for that ? Since the election my battery powered boyfriend has been working overtime to try and fill that void in my life
I have one of those in purple.
Will she show if it still works? perhaps a demonstration? I bet I could fit it in her, just jab it right in the pussy.
Are batteries included?
Hmmm… there’s a market for pre-used dildos? Why aren’t I investing in this?!?!
Hey Patti… Sup
I have something for you that is nice and small and will fit anywhere
Hay girl, dont give up till you try some penut oil on it first, you wouldnt believe the size of some things i made go that shoulda never fit!
…although i now have permanent analgape.
who? who would downvote perma analgape?