A Turtle Riding taxpaying parent of a Worcester Public Schools student got fired up when he read about the recent $65,000 that was given to Mosaic Cultural Complex while they are being audited by the city, and he sent us a fantastic email.
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Sometimes we get really good emails from Turtle Riders and we wanna share them with the world. If you ever have anything you get off your chest then send something over. We can’t guarantee it will be published, but we’ll always read it regardless. Today’s email comes from a Worcester parent who previously was apathetic about Joe Petty and politics in Worcester, but as a result of our steamy exposes on all the corruption and lies from our leaders, he’s had enough. What finally pushed him over the edge was when his daughter’s classroom teacher sent home requests for parents to send supplies in on the same day he read on Turtleboy Sports that Mosaic had received two more checks for $65,000……
While mosaic is getting 65k, I volunteered to bring in a pumpkin for the kids to carve and play doh, because the class cant afford that. Not that I dont want to do it, I will gladly help. It’s just a slap in the face that the city bends over to these special interest and non profits (whose CEOs make 6 figure salaries) and we cant afford regular shit for the kids. Who cares about kids!?!?
I own a home in Worcester. I maintain and improve my home within my means and ability. I pay my real estate taxes, water bill–I am revenue for the city. I have a small amount of disposable income, which I use at locally owned restaurants and shops in Worcester. I am a local business owner, providing a service to Worcester residents. I am not on welfare, food stamps, wic, ebt, etc. I am what Worcester needs to retain and attract.
I don’t care about hotels. I don’t care about 350 apartments downtown. What I care about is the school system. I am lucky enough to live in West Tatnuck, where my daughter can go to a good, clean, safe school in which the teachers and staff are invested in the childrens learning and development. But when she is getting ready to go to middle school, I will be moving my family out of Worcester. I will not be looking for a city with 350 vacant apartments. I will not be looking for a marble laden city square full of vagrants and drug addicts. I will not be looking for a city council who fights for a bums right to panhandle. I will be looking at cities and towns that invest in their schools. I will go there, pay taxes to that town, spend my money in that town, contribute to that town.
Auburn just built a new high school and middle school. South High doesn’t have walls.
So Joe Petty and Worcester planners continue to dump money into projects that will not attract what we need. Who is going to patronize these hotels and restaurants? Who is going to live in these apartments? Not me.
It’s powerful people pushing their investment projects on the city, making money hand over fist at the expense of the taxpayers and their children. And its going to be another failure because that is not what Worcester needs. Worcester needs to attract families and people that are looking to contribute, not people looking to take.
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11 Comment(s)
It’s a sad state of affairs when it comes to this: feeling like you have to leave the city when faced with middle school. My brother now scrapes together private school tuition every month to avoid putting his son in WPS. I taught in WPS. Many schools are sewers of incompetence; don’t even get me started. The fish rots from the head. Boone must go.
I do not like this blog. I will never move from Worcester. I love my city. MY CITY! Born, raised and worked a career here. I will never give in to the “Let’s go live in a town” fucking mentality. If it’s private schools you want then there are plenty of them here in Worcester. Oh and I love this idiot statement:
“Auburn just built a new high school and middle school. South High doesn’t have walls.” Who gives a flying fuck about Auburn? Are you serious? I mean come on already. And South High walls? What?
Joe Petty is a blowhard agreed. Much of the city council and the school committee as well I get it. But to raise the white flag and bail from Worcester is something I cannot sign off on.
Sorry. On to something more relevant please. Jeeeeze.
Bob I’m with you 100%
Many many move out in the middle school years.Many also take advantage of school choice or scrape together money for SPM or Holy Name. It may be too late for the Woo. Live in a town and take advantage of the City two miles down road, very appealing to alarmingly large numbers.
If you really want change, it’s going to take more than an email. If you feel that strongly, go do something. Voting and attending meetings seems far less of an undertaking that moving your entire family. Here’s to 351 vacant apartments.
Innocent question but, if your planning on moving out of here anyways. What’s the point of pushing to vote for Gaffney and kicking the other people out?
Well stated. I think the parent who wrote this should find out what the public comment policy/period is for school committee and city council meetings and read this letter aloud there! Get some friends and family to go along (for more of a presence) and/or let the turtle riders know when he/she will be there and hopefully a few will show up for support.
Princeton is nice.
That one line said it all…
“Auburn just built a new high school and middle school. South High doesn’t have walls.”
What is the email address for turtleboysports. maybe I am stupid but I have not been able to locate it on eh site
Scroll up. It is noted twice in the advertising sections.