This is Stephenie with 3 E’s Serrano.
Her Facebook profile shows that she has a litter of crotch fruits and is from Portland, Maine, but as you can see from the pajama pants glamour photos, she’s well known in Fall River slop bucket circles.
Fast forward two months later and she’s driving around Assonet on Route 79 last night, when this happened:
Thanks to the power of Ring the stranger who lives in this house was able to see exactly why she woke up this morning and found this on her front lawn:
Me thinks she took the word Assonet a little too seriously.
Girlfriend was really working it too. Switching up positions and making sure every last ounce of butt burrito exited her oval orifice.
Again, this wasn’t a revenge dumping either. She had absolutely no idea who lived in this house. She was just driving along, felt the urge to fire out a couple cocoa canoes, and instead of finding a McDonald’s she just dropped trough and left her mark on a stranger’s lawn.
In fairness, she readily admits to be the “crazy one.”
And she just redefined what “real shit 100 emoji” really means.
Anyway, instead of leaving she actually stayed there until 3 AM when someone else came and picked her up, and she wisely left her car behind.
Which made it easy to trace the orangastank’s plates.
And finally the homeowner decided to get their revenge by giving her back her rectal rockets…..on her windshield.
This is why we need a wall around Fall River and New Bedford.
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69 Comment(s)
Oh ya and turtle boy im not sure you did your full research on trash like me. You obviously didn’t think the people that u are bashing would be capable of anything else besides what you report on. But you going to have a great surprise coming your way..lmao the jokes on me in this one but it it won’t be funny what you have in store for you well for me it will be..1 bs don’t fuck with people who you have no idea what their capable of love. You sit here and talk about how people are trash yet you sit behind your keyboard looking like a gremlin begging for donations. Crying over getting kicked off Facebook like you doing the world good or something. I’ve gave back to my community and im not talking about community service im talking about getting people help and betting myself and empowering others. In an apocalypse keyboard thugs like you would be the first to bitch hide im their closets
I actually was drunk here and my car broke down. I apologize for this. Gall got lots of jokes I see but I honestly didn’t remember this. But hey im in Florida now making a 100,000 a year running my own company housecleaning. So happy im not in Massachusetts anymore seeing all yall have to do is rash people and make assumptions. Yea i shit on a lawn and ya it was wrong but all these comments ridiculing me, when none of yall know me means nothing to me. Honestly the only person who deserves an explanation or reaction is the home owner and all tall comments bashing me are funny to me because your life’s that miserable where you have nothing else better to do than worry about the next person. I have a good heart and id help anyone I made a mistake I can live with that, but yall being complete assholes and no life is far safer than the shit that came out mine..
This is the best shit ive seen in a while no pun intended just hilarious you gotta be a real queef box to do some shit like that fall river is a cess pool of people
Stellina rodriguez is this name this shitter is going by on facebook now lets blow her up again and make her famous
says the man who overdosed on fetynall who wouldn’t leave my house and slept on my closet in the hallway vouse I kicked you out for eating all my food and stealing my phone. Priceless. I didnt want to be with you so u. I changed my life and your still doing the same shit selling drugs and living with a fag lol
Lmfao…I love that they picked it up and threw it on her car. I’m laughing sooo hard this is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Also, that’s some pretty soft shit for a junkie. She must be a cocaine addict because usually dope fiends are constipated, and when they finally shit, it’s hard as a rock. Just saying. Lmao
F’ing drugs. TBS example #3,287 of an attractive young girl who destroyed her life. Try to put the poo poo aside for a minute. Before she hit bottom she was blonde, cute, and slim with a sweet rack. Now she pushes out loafs on lawns. I’m amazed she didn’t get back in her car and kill herself in a crash later that night. What could have been.
At least she wiped the shit off her whore ass. I thought she was going to drop a niglet there at first and abandon it.
She created an Obama family in one shit
I’m fukn dying. I have seen it all!!
This reminds me of the South Park episode when Mr. Mackey is trying to find out who dropped a deuce in the urinal.
Y, do your thing!
She needs to eat more fiber.
I hear that’s Francis Sidebottom’s mom/sister/wife.
Also how in the blue fuck is that name pronounced “Steven-ee”?
Fucking inbred.
Wow !
Just. Fucking. Wow.
Just when you thought it was safe to walk across the lawn barefoot……
Fucking savages !
This grubby mutt obviously doesn’t believe in chemical fertilization. Sorry girl, most of us in the 21st Century don’t practice the ancient art of fertilizing our lawn with human excreta. Keep your disease ridden filth to yourself.
What a POS. Literally.
There’s a lawn in scituate that needs fertilizing
This must be what all that SJW talk regarding COLONialism is all about.
Reminds me of the airline commercial ‘wanna get away” How embarrassing, even for a seasoned ratchet.
Stephfeces Shitrrano
Shitting on a neighbors lawn is better than killing him for barbecuing. You never get between a black man and his BBQ RIBS Yo.
Thank you so much for this, I am that homeowner and I appreciate you so much right now!
Oh cathy you minx! Putting the shit on her windshield is epic! Brava my dear! Brava!
Where else can we go for shit like this? Only Turtleboy.
The comment section is alive & well. Thank you for making me laugh.
Arrrgh! Jack the monkey used to leave caramel surprises all over the poop deck of the”Pearl” before me crew broke him in properly. Mes thinks Jack never pulled out his own shit unless in anger
I wish I was that regular
Seriously? Someone down voted regular bowl movements? Ahahahaha
For the record, I up-voted, always enjoy your comments.
I myself carried my empty cereal vessel to the sink when I was done with breakfast. I certainly hope you have a better sense of humor about typo’s than the humorless soul who scorched me in the latest Tibbetts comments.
I play victim even though I am a passive aggressive shithead who gets his panties in a bunch over typos. I dont have much going for me in life and this is how I get off
Woooohhhh! That’s the grossing thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”
Look man I aint falling for no bananna in da tail pipe.
This bitch is koo koo for cocoa puffs like me. She shit brown so I will not prosecute
Ugh…was going to say something, but afraid I might get reported.
Sucks…was funny to. Maybe.
The homeowner should have rubbed her nose in it.
Stephenie is determined to be the future Mayor of this SanFrancisco of the East. They plan to license the great California city’s Free Needle program so that people who voluntarily inject poison into their veins don’t get any diseases from it. And their legendary Poop Patrol App from Itunes.
Shitsville USA. Keep re-electing the Democrats.
Unc, you need to screenshot the original Facebook video and upload it to YouTube before it gets taken down and lost forever.
Let out the pitbull…
Considering it’s her ass crack: “Release the Kraken!!!!!”
A video meld of that scene in the movie and then a cut to the “Dump” would be pretty funny.
Mark Antony in Act 3, Scene 1, line 273 of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “Cry ‘Havoc!,’ and let slip the dogs of war.”
Which Marlon Brando said as Mark Antony in the movie “Julius Caesar” , 1953.
The ratchet name and pronunciation has now officially left the hood. What’s with this “pronounced STEE-ven-ee?” Reminds me of the wacko who was upset that an airline gate agent teheed at the name Abcde, which mom said was supposed to be pronounced like “AB-sid-ee.” Or “KVIIIlyn” pronounced “CAIT-lyn.”
Now, dumping in a front yard? What’s so hard about at least ducking behind a tree? I bet this won’t be the first wacky thing to be recorded by Ring. I bet we’ll be seeing more of these on Ridiculousness.
When Randall sees this he’s going to have a spasm…
Orgspasm, yes.
Thank you SSTG! Cant Express my gratitude enough for this article. You are the light of my life ♡ If I had to see her shit in my newsfeed all morning, at least it was for a good cause.
Easily makes TB All Time Top Ten posts. -No Shit.
Number One THEN…..and number two NOW!
It is what it is.
On to Cincinnati.
A new low on turtoo boy
What a nasty bitch
And the SHITS just keep on comin’
This girl’s poop cutter was working overtime squeezing-out those snickers bars.
What’s w/all the crazy today? Ho-Lee-Fuk!
Gott in himmel! Zis shiesavideo is WUNDEBAR!
I knew that turtleboy would be logging (pun intended) a spike in German ip addresses over this.
Thats some messed up shit. Assonet doorbell cam is the new Russian dash cam video. Personally, I like homeowners solution but maybe add a banana to the tailpipe. What an absolute animal, deserved it. Nice bum tho.
The difference between Stephenie and Maude is that Maude is still full of shit.
From the look of her pellets, it looks like she needs more fiber in her diet.
Or fewer opiates
Cocoa Canoe? LOL!
Yeah, I’ve got to put that in memory bank. I wonder if MassLive would catch on or would it be over their heads in the comment section?
Oh, my! This beautiful, empowered woman obviously has ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome. She just couldn’t hold it any longer, and had to do what needed to be done.
It was thoughtful of the homeowner to return her property, though. The homeowner leaving it on her windshield so that she wouldn’t miss it was a very nice gesture.
definitely wouldn’t
Literally had her Ass-On-it.
When ya gotta go, ya gotta go…