Hoodrat Heroes

Fitchburg Thotty Dottie Starts $500 GoFundMe For 21st Birthday At Foxwoods, Pretends It’s A Joke After She Gets No Donations, Facebook Page Reveals She Went Full Ratchet Stew And Clearly Wasn’t Joking

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This is Brittany from Fitchburg.

She’s evidently turning 21 soon, which obviously could only mean one thing –

Start a $500 GoFundMe for a trip to Foxwoods! Sure, you could donate your hard earned money towards someone’s funeral expenses, or you could give it to this Burg Donkey so she can blow it on slots and watered down drinks.

Thotty Dottie initially shared the GFM on the ratchet magnet Facebook page known as Discussing Fitchburg Now, but quickly took it down when it failed to raise any money. She seemed surprised that people weren’t eager to donate to her cause.

At first I figured it might be some kind of joke. Surely no one would be naive enough to make a GFM so they could get drunk and waste money at the casino. But then I remembered something – the Fitchburg factor. And I realized that she was actually being serious.


“Youve seen how many people get so much money for dumb shit so why tf not.”

Yea, those aren’t the words of someone who is kidding. It’s the president of the thot patorl trying to justify her own ratchetness. You mad?

Plus, after taking a cursory look at her FB page it becomes all the more apparent that this was not intended to be satirical.

For instance, don’t be tagging her in your mixtapes.

If you find yourself in a position where you get tagged in a lot of bootleg rap videos then you’re well on your way to a lifetime full of Newport 100’s and failure.

Then there’s this.

If your biggest objection to a rival ratchet posting a video of themselves slobbering over a spam javelin is that they’re not felating it up to your lofty standards, you may want to readjust your priorities.

Guess what she does for work?

I’m not saying she’s a CNA, but 99% of people who become CNA’s do so because they want to wear pajamas to work. FACKS!

My favorite part is how she’s basically the ratchet Confucius of the group. Usually she posts something absurd in her native hoodbooger dialect, and immediately people ask how they can share it, as if it’s something deep and profound that moved them to their core.

Ain’t got no time for fraud bitches. I feel ya girl. #FreeThePunani

She definitely had some thirsty dudes looking to defend her honor as well. And they couldn’t stand the fact that she was being rightfully ridiculed in the Discussing Fitchburg Now Facebook group. Then the white knight of all white knights showed up.

Oh man, with a pose like that you’re not ever getting out of the friend zone guy.

Who is Turtleboy? Oh I know that one!!!


Brittany, consider yourself formally invited onto Turtleboy Live this weekend.

17 Comment(s)
  • Judge dread
    January 5, 2019 at 1:49 pm

    If she lived in Iran I bet she would take 3 lashes over 5 days of no internet. Narcism is so rampant people would rather be tied to the whipping posts than loose internet. Trust me I’m a judge. I’m all about the posts, one way trips to international waters, supporter of pig farms, etc.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    Mike Barnicle
    January 5, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    She should start a Go Fund Me for some grammar lessons.

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    You’re the GoFundMe police now? These people aren’t scamming anyone– who TF cares?

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    January 4, 2019 at 5:07 pm

    fuck that! it would cost her 20 to play with the taint

  • Nostrildamus
    January 4, 2019 at 5:05 pm

    I don’t see a very promising future for this young lady. I see by 30 she will already have 2 kids out of wedlock, a minimum of 3 tattoos where people can always see them thus relegating her to a life of shitty dead end jobs, and a pair of misdemeanors for DUI or drug possession that will guarantee that even if she one day decided to try and get a real career no real company will ever hire her.

  • Go Fund Yourself
    January 4, 2019 at 5:02 pm

    Dear Brittney,
    Fuck off.

  • Shoot That Wad
    January 4, 2019 at 3:12 pm

    She just needs to stop by Cum Guzzling Gulch on her way to Foxwoods and if she is any good she can make a lot more than 500 bucks.

  • WeAreFukd
    January 4, 2019 at 3:08 pm

    My N-word B-dog Marie doesn’t have a public FB anymore. Damn girl.

  • Let me up, I've had enough
    January 4, 2019 at 2:43 pm

    Dear Brittney –

    Let me provide you with some free advice to assist you with your cash dilemma.

    Forget the go-fund-me’s. You can make as much cash as you want. You just have to decide how much of your self-respect you want to sacrifice. A lot of money = a lot of self respect. A little money = a little bit of self respect. You have already proven yourself to be a classless hoodrat through your ghetto fabulous written word, so please do not think this is beneath you. You have in your possession the greatest cash cow known to man. A young, hot body. Set up a pay-pal account and sell nude photos. You can charge what you want, when you want. People will pay. Men. Women. Midgets. Trannys. Sex is sex. They will pay. The more clothes you take off and the more provocative the pose, the higher the price you can charge.

    You’re welcome. Now you can go to Foxwoods in your scrubs any time you want and you don’t have to wipe someone’s ass… unless you want to (wink wink). Who knows? Maybe this could be the beginning of the life you knew you were destined for involving no work, liquor, drugs, pornography, & sex.

    Good Luck girl… just remember – be your own pimp.

    • Stunt Penis
      January 5, 2019 at 9:15 am

      Best advice ever given on this blog.

      I would only add: stay off the smack. Worst thing you could do is get involved in drugs or alcohol. They will ruin your good looks and body. Think of your body and decent looks as a gift God has given you — it’s your one-time venture capital investment which, if you take care of it and invest it right, will lead you to the golden path of riches.

      Google Heidi Mattson.

  • Ray Patriarca
    Richard Morecox
    January 4, 2019 at 12:34 pm

    Not sure when that birthday bash is, but :
    If she hurrys up, she can make that $500 in $25 incriments. Hell, I’d even up it to $40 if she let’s me drop a few dollops on that make-up encrusted face !

  • John Galt
    January 4, 2019 at 12:24 pm

    I’m now taking reservations…come join me in Colorado.

  • Sick of these Ratchet Fucks
    January 4, 2019 at 11:53 am

    These. Fucking giant douches who want people to pay for their shit. Who the fuck pays for my shit? I DO! I go to fuck8bg work to make money for the shit I need or want! That’s a concept that escapes these fuckheads. They flash some ass shots. Bat their eyes, and think the moneys coming in. Another freeloading slut. Go strip down in Pawtucket. One night will pay for Foxwoods you douche!

  • Y
    January 4, 2019 at 11:35 am

    She put the story up on her FB wall, and was proud, but she took it down after about an hour.

  • vic1
    January 4, 2019 at 10:40 am

    I will definitely throw a couple of twenties on her as long as she promises to swallow

  • hank
    January 4, 2019 at 10:26 am

    Miss Wonder Bread thinks she’s some gangsta chola? Adorable. Sweetie, if you want cash you’re going to have to earn it the old fashioned way. Those dicks aren’t going to suck themselves….

  • Stunt Penis
    January 4, 2019 at 10:25 am

    I’ve got a way she can earn $10 towards her goal….

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