Food Stamp Frankie Explains To Naive Friend Why He’s Buying Food Stamps On Facebook Instead Of Just Buying Food With Cash
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Here’s your Food Stamp Friday baller of the week out of the Woo….
There’s two kind of people featured on Food Stamp Friday – hustlers and junkboxes. The junkboxes are always the sellers and the hustlers are almost always the buyers. The sellers are scumbags, but you can kind of understand where they’re coming from, because they’re desperate derelicts trying to get their next fix by selling their stamps for cash.
But the sellers are the people who prey on the junkboxes in order to get stamps at a discounted rate. Generally 40-50% is market value for these scavengers. But if you can find a skagbag who’s pathetic enough, you can talk them down to 25%!!
Food Stamp Frankie Cruz is a hustler. Buying food stamps off of desperate people is a science for him. He can buy $100 worth of stamps for $30, and then either buy $100 worth of food (only costing him $30) or flip them and sell them to someone for $50-60. This poor naive girl named Eileen obviously is new to the food stamp racket, and didn’t understand what was going on, so Food Stamp Frankie explained it to her:
Sorry guys, it’s her first time. But thanks for explaining your illegal fraud scheme step by step on Facebook. Wicked smart!!
Anyway, joke’s on the taxpayers because as usual we’re paying for this. Don’t worry though, with the money Food Stamp Frankie’s gonna save on grocery bills, he’ll finally be able to afford that air conditioner he’s been hoping for.
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4 Comment(s)
they should reopen Treblinka, Sorbibor, and Birkenau for these people
Is that a gun on the nightstand in the last picture?
“But the sellers are the people who prey on the junkboxes”
Used see that guy at all my old haunts. Hes a real spook.