We found Fupacho Grande’s Facebook page (the illegal immigrant laardvark who lost her mind and tried to take a MAGA hat off of a Trump supporter’s head) and it’s pretty amazing.
Rosianne Santos goes by Rosei Desir on the Facebook machine (at least she did before she might’ve deactivated or blocked us). She’s from Vineyard Haven, on Martha’s Vineyard, and she might be lying but she says she went to high school in England.
Remember her quote after being arrested:
“I had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that I couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself,” she said. “He’s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK?”
She’s been discriminated so many times in her life and was bullied by a red hat with white lettering. It must be so hard to come to Martha’s Vineyard on a visa in 1994 and then never leave. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Vineyard during summer’s of my 20’s. There’s a bunch of Brazilian chicks that migrate there to work for the summer. And most of them are REALLY fun (like, Bob Kraft fun), not like this cheesehog. However, they know that once the summer is over they gotta go back to Brazil because….laws.
Not Fupacho Grande though. She got comfortable and didn’t feel like leaving this country, despite all the discrimination and bullying she’s faced. Let’s look what the life of an oppressed illegal immigrant in America looks like.
There’s trips to the country club.
And more jewelry
Trips to Starbucks in the Mercedes
Michael Kors bags
Night time cruises on yachts
Meanwhile, the guy she assaulted is a 23 year old dude who just finished a hard day’s work. He’s wearing a MAGA hat because he, like many gainfully employed blue collar folk, supports the President. The woman who was so triggered by his hat that she was willing to get arrested (again) and risk deportation, is a glutton donkey who has had the life of luxury and whines that she’s being discriminated against because of a hat. You could not possibly paint a more accurate microcosm of 2019 American society than what happened in Falmouth between these two.
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81 Comment(s)
She’s doesn’t represent a brasilian people. Fat old whole
dean wormer to flounder “fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son”
dean womer to Rosiane “fat, drunk, stupid, illegal and assaulting people is no way to go through life, you ratchet”
We’ll see how smug she looks after ICE breaks down her door sends her where she belongs, Brazil.
It wont happen. They’ll let the knob slobbing smut stay. The system is so fukd up.
Yeah it’s sort of like if you let someone walk through your driveway for several years then put a fence up, they can go to court and say you still have to let them walk through the “easement” because you were stupid enough to let them do it for so many years. This is the same thing. If you let them stay here for decades they can say they have a right to stay because we were stupid.
If you truly looked into the situation as of Tuesday the 26th she was already detained by ICE and has a date to appear in front of an immigration judge. No need to call ICE but there might be a need to read up before posting.
She’s doesn’t represent brasilian peoples. Stupid old fat whore
If I had my way, this young lass would get 10 wacks on her ample behind with my Sabbath Stick!
that snout on her is god awful.
I want her to smear her red sauce all over my wet burrito.
You know she’s gonna claim DACA and won’t get deported, especially in this state.
Would. Her employer in the black and white dress too.
Do you have any idea what it costs to keep up with the hair and nails? Never mind the clothes, jewelry, shoes, Mercedes?
Girl’s got at least one sugah-daddy.
That’s a Man Baby!!!
He/she has grandmas high cheek bones, no doubt part Native American.
(OMG she has coffee at Starbucks? She must be rich AF!)
No you wouldn’t.
I’m surprised that she’s still working the Vinyard. I can see maybe Laconia or Watkins Glenn but the Vinyard?
On top of everything else, are we completely sure this isn’t a tranny situation?
Sperm bank whore, with gnarly looking hands and legs. This one has more diseases than they have names for. She is a true Chancre Sore on America. She wouldn’t know class if it hit her on her FAAAATTTT Ass with a banjo, which is at least 2 axe handles wide. This woman is so fat, I bet she smells fat especially on a hot August day in an enclosed area. Fish anyone???
Is her employer still in business? When I actually had employees I got these letters from the IRS threatening to seize all my shit in five days if I didn’t pay the $25 balance on my FICA taxes. Who needs that shit? Illegals are the answer!
You can tell she’s a wanna be rich girl living a minimum wage lifestyle. Taking pictures of yachts she’s never stepped foot on as they would likely capsize from the weight if someone was foolish enough to let her aboard.
More than likely she’s a maid/house cleaner for some rich people being paid $10.00 an hour, driving the Benz to the dry cleaners and trying on the wife’s jewelry when they are away as she’s living above their garage. You can’t take some skank from a Sao Paulo slum and instill an ounce of class in her. Low life trash.
“She was later released from ICE custody and given a notice to appear before an immigration judge, according to a second, updated statement’
What’s the over/under on her actually showing up?.
Assault? What a bunch of fucking pussies you people are.
Some punk ass bitch seems to have been triggered. Make room in the safe space because this could require therapy puppies.
If they can call the sight of a red hat a sign of hate, oppression, bullying, racism then its only fair the other side gets to call being physically hassled when they’re minding their own business assault.
She’s a low class whore clearly as she’s only at the Michael Kors level and not Gucchi, Prada or LV material. Personally I wouldn’t even offer a cheap Coach knockoff from Chinatown for the privilege of getting smothered in her folds.
Too late for a wall the Jewish terrorists are already occupying the U.S.
The dude was studying for his hoisting license. Maybe be he could hoist the mountain gorilla on a plane to Ipenema.
That’s a man in drag… Good God. She’s looking like a guy.
Not surprised in the least she would say lie about attending a high school outside of the corpse strewn favela she really lived in. Lots of South American fence jumpers I know tell tales of owning 300 acre estates back home or having a PhD from a university nobody ever heard of yet they’re here working at Dunkin Donuts.
I have friends that live down there and they say when she gets on the ferry to the mainland her stink gets on first.
What the hell does this episode have to do with your stupid wall? She’s Brazilian, she didn’t climb over a fence in Mexico to get here you idiot
Hi Tinkerbell MAGA2020 bitches
Clearly what has happened with this woman is that after decades of having rich white guys stick their nose up her ass because they wanted to fuck her, all of that went to her head and she felt like she was practically royalty, and could do pretty much anything she wanted. On its face, the whole “I was bullied by his hat“ defense sounds like a ridiculous statement made by a desperate person, But I think she is trying to set up a discrimination defense. No doubt that whichever old coot she happens to be with at the moment will hire up a good lawyer and she will be fighting deportation, after all, she’s living La Vida Loca out there, why on earth would she ever want to leave?
In case you were wondering about the yacht: 164-foot Westport Boardwalk owned by Tilman Fertitta. Fertitta is chairman, president and CEO of Landry’s Restaurants, one of the largest privately owned restaurant, entertainment and gaming firms in the United States. His company owns eateries ranging from the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. to the Chart House, as well as operating the Golden Nugget casinos.
Thanks for the useless 411…. you fucking faggot!
get back in your mommy’s basement you half-wit piece of shit, if I want anything from you, I’ll grab you by the throat and shake it out of your empty head
so she stood on the dock near the boat and someone took her picture, big fucking deal, anyone can do that. Or maybe she makes the beds and cleans the toilets on the boat? Good bet the owner, with all he has isn’t messing around with that.
Standing near a thing is enough evidence for liberals to deplatform and temporarily imprison a conservative. When the illegal alien does it, so what, no big deal you guys, nothing to see here!
Basically, go fuck yourselves.
That golf course is Farm Neck, nice place.
I’m going to call potential shenanigans on the yacht pics.
Nice outside shots but how many skinny rap douches do you see posing in front of Lambos and other high rent shitboxes that they’ll never own, let alone ride in, during their pathetic and short lifetimes?
I bet a younger version of her was on the boat ripping rails while getting her ass cored like an apple by some group of horny, rich, old bankers at the time she took those pics.
If she doesn’t get deported like she should, then it’s time for her to dive deep somewhere off the shelf.
Another real hate crime that msm won’t report about. Have they found the kid who assaulted the student at Berkeley yet? That’s a pretty clear video of an actual hate crime.
Yes they have.
Are they doing anything about him yet?
I don’t know.
I guy just came into my office wearing a straw boater in the style of Harold Lloyd.
Naturally I shot the cunt.
I hate when inanimate objects bully me
Ratchets never have normal eyebrows. First sign of a ratchet is the eyebrows, I’m telling ya
Build the wall and crime will fall!
She is from Brazil you idiot. Your dumb Woll would not of stopped her from getting here.
Build the wall and deport all these foreign scum and their supporters like our new group homosexual richybitch. Lynch that smollet fag also
Try using your feeble mind to think beyond the one-dimensional, you dipshit. A wall isn’t going to magically stop illegals from getting in, except perhaps for the ones as dumb as you. Ever heard of a shovel? A ladder? A boat? Okay, your smoke-break is over, get back to the frialayor, boy!
I know an illegal Brazilian and he actually did come through South America from Brazil.. twice.
Love the term “laardvark”… one of your better nicknames!
She looks like a different person in every single picture
Read it here, because this is true. Rosey was turning old man tricks. Seriously, she had this old dude puttin her up for years. He was like a little boy around her. She was much hotter about 10 years ago. She goes around humpin rich guys down around the ritzy areas, where people I know work, but none of us can actually live. She got quite the booze and cocaine appetite, at least she did back then. Was with a group and her at Grumpys about 7-8 years ago. I swear she jammed a solid 8 ball up that nose of hers. This old guy was giving her benjis like nothing. I wanted to go after that shit but my bud told me she only fucks wallets. My was sort of light back then, she was also starting to look a little ragged. From those photos she looks like she just got fat
ze/zir/zir/zirs/zirself – “Ze and hir” is the most popular form of gender-free pronoun in the online
For the record, she’s not from Vineyard Haven. She illegally overstayed her visa. She’s from Brazil. Hopefully she’s sent back and never returns.
AMEN !!!
If I looked like that I wouldn’t let anyone take any pictures of me. It’s amazing to me how vain these ratchets are to be posing all the time for pics.
If my dog was that ugly, I’d shave its ass and make it walk backwards
Ed Zachary!
Tchau lavagem…. Don’t let the door hit that big ass of yours on the way out. Oh and leave the jewelry, it’s all illegal…..
They still have shark fishing tournaments in the Vineyard don’t they? Just throwing that out there.
Someone could befriend her while on a boat out there.
Some might affectionately refer to her as “chum”.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
I think we’re going to need a bigger boat
Surely that thing was born a man in the slums of Brazil. Look at that square jaw. I am sure she/he/it is good at landscaping and house painting too, like all illegal Brazilians….
Brazilians speak Portuguese not Spanish if you should leave her a good bye message like adios amigos it just wouldn’t apply
If only she had shut the fuck up and worked at Dunkin Donuts, she would be allowed to stay. No she had to go all cray cray on a MAGA hat wearer. At Dunkin, she could have spit in his coffee and he would have been none wiser. Aye carumba!
She needs to go back.
I want to fuck that really good.
Only if it’s a trans. Assflap.
Apparently she found a rich old couple whose husband convinced his wife this tuna smelling chubby would make a good “domestic helper”. Well at least we know she is willing to put a dick with as many wrinkly rolls in it as her gut in her mouth so she doesn’t have to travel back to the cesspool Brazil each year.
Btw….. have any of you guys ever met a Brazilian woman who didn’t do anal?
I need girls like this. Ehere can I ginf them. Please dont ssy Florida.
You might try the Panhandle State.
Wasn’t she in that 2 girls one cup vid a few years back?
Brazil is to porn as Germany is to engineering, China is to counterfeiting, and liberals are to poverty.