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Last night the Worcester City Council finally got around to talking about the elephant in the room – the audit of Mosaic that proved that they have been defrauding the taxpayers and not paying their employees for years now. Of course we know that the reason they never paid them is because no one ever actually had their blood pressure tested there, which was conditional upon receiving the grant. Because who in their right mind would do THOUSANDS of dollars in labor, NEVER get paid, and just be cool with it? No one. They just wanted the money because Gordon Davis ran out of cardboard.
Anyway, the way the audit was conducted was bullshit. City Auditor Robert Stearns, who was appointed by Joe Petty and Ed Augustus one month before Mike Gaffney was sworn in as a city councilor, is not really independent. He works for the machine. They gave him a job. It was his duty to come back with a headline that read, “No fraud found,” even if massive amounts of fraud were found. Because legally speaking their is a difference between fraud and criminal fraud. Mosaic was only guilty of the former.
Anyway, Stearns is a real piece of work. Konnie Lukes started grilling him about the audit and why he didn’t investigate whether or not anyone got their blood pressure tested at Mosaic. The first lawyer from My Cousin Vinny could’ve given a better answer than this clown show:
LOL. Yea, that’s the guy who we paid to investigate himself. More money well spent!!
It’s nice to see that Councilor Michael Gaffney isn’t gonna be pushed around anymore though. He’s clearly been emboldened by his strong second place finish in the at-large race, as can be seen by his “no fucks given” annihilation of Mosaic Cultural Complex. The City Council has been purposely delaying discussion about the fact that the Mosaic audit proved that they were not paying their employees and had no paperwork to prove that ANYONE got their blood pressure tested there. Gaffney starts railing them at the 1:09:30 mark of this video.
- They were supposed to have six classes on health treatment by June of 2013 and they were found to be non-compliant by the auditor
- They were required to provide 40 clients by August 13, they provided 9, with only 2 participants, neither of whom had their blood pressure tested.
- They provided no hypertension treatment until October of 2015, after they were audited.
- They never paid their employees. On May of 2014 they asked for reimbursement for money they never actually paid their employees. This is fraud.
- They were out of compliance with federal and state wage laws, which is pretty messed up considering the battles that were fought for fair wage laws by organized labor.
- They were out of compliance for tax certification (not registered as a non-profit) and they were having checks made out to them, instead of their fiscal agent, which is illegal.
It was great to see an elected representative actually call these people out as what they are – FRAUDS:
Watching him list all the services that Mosaic was required to provide but did not was fantastic television:
Then he kind of lost it and you could tell how frustrated he is by the fact that he’s working with a bunch of people who clearly don’t give a shit that these hucksters are siphoning money away from schools and other organizations who could actually put the money to good use:
So how could the City Council justify this blatant fraud? How can they continue to write these crooks checks? Simple – they were just “experimenting” with the money to see what would happen. No big deal according to Fast Eddy:
Sometimes the grants work, and sometimes it turns out you’re paying people to blockade Kelley Square. Win some, lose some. In the mean time we’ll just keep writing them checks, because Brenda Jenkins is chummy with Jim McGovern and ultimately none of us up here can get elected without the blessings of the McGovern Crime Family.
And as for all you people who doubt that anyone actually had their blood pressure tested there, Fast Eddy has news for you – “There’s no question they did the work”:
Yup, nothing to see her. There’s no question they did the work. Sure, they have no time sheets, which is the reason they weren’t initially paid. Sure they have no payroll records to prove that anyone ever had their blood pressure there. Sure the audit didn’t provide a single name of anyone who went there for health services. But none of that matters, because there’s “no question they did the work.”
Here’s a direct quote from Eddy last night (with one typo at the end where it is supposed to say, “paid” instead of “done”):
Translation – “Mosaic is run by incompetent morons who submitted requests for reimbursement for payment of their employees, but we didn’t give it to them because they didn’t have any proof that anyone did any work. This isn’t fraud – it’s just attempted fraud. That’s when we realized that we were giving money to people who have absolutely no fucking clue what they are doing. Naturally then we decided we needed to “figure something out to get these folks paid,” because Brenda Jenkins, Mike Jerry, RBG, Keesha LaTulippe, and Nate Pickens cannot survive without sucking off the public’s tit. And obviously cutting off funding for them was not an option.”
Then of course we had to hear from the Mosaic Mafia Boss – Her Holiness Sarai “Ti-Ti Ho” Rivera. Naturally the first thing she had to do was point out that she’s Puerto Rican and no one else is:
Then she wanted to talk about the head of the NAACP Patricia Yancy, a black woman who last month said that she was embarrassed that an organization that is supposed to be helping black men is such a massive clusterfuck. Sarai apparently doesn’t care for her because she doesn’t hang around “her circles”:
Yea, Pat Yancy is out there trying to advance the cause of people of color. What does she know about anything? If she really wanted to help she’d be down at Mosaic knitting shit with RBG and planning the next protest.
And of course it wouldn’t be a City Council meeting if Dicky Rushton didn’t blabber on and drool all over himself:
If that man can manage to not become destitute in America, then there is hope for everyone. And is it me or is Dicky’s head shaped like an ice cream cone?
The bottom line is that Mosaic was where both the Kelley Square and Lincoln Square blockades both began and ended. They provided the blessing and the food that came afterwards. It was the rallying point and ground zero for criminal activity. This alone disqualifies them from grant money because non-profits are not allowed to organize political rallies. Local MORONS like Steve Quist (hey Q, you are such a LOSER) will continue to vote for idiots like Petty and ignore these facts, because it’s easier to be a mindless, loud-mouthed blowhard than it is to examine the facts and truths that are presented to you. And you will continue to pay for it while your children’s schools remain underfunded, because the joke is always on you in Worcester.
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16 Comment(s)
said it before and worth repeating, “isn’t it fun to watch political hacks perform damage control”. One can sum it all up with this; Gaffney: “When I asked for the audit I heard there wasn’t any substance here, I blogged the comments for crying out loud. I heard the same thing tonight I heard in August. We still don’t know if the services were provided, that’s something coming back later. Heard about additional safeguards again tonight. People didn’t get paid for a year, services were not rendered. We were assured everything was alright. That was not the case. The same excuses given now are the same ones I head back in August.”
Thank God for Councilor’s Gaffney & Lukes….
The rest are complete clowns led by Petty & Augustus……what a joke and complete manipulation of fact.
Next thing to investigate… Ed Augustus’ hair piece!
Where is the AG?
You gotta hand it to politicians – they are great at making excuses for wasting the tax-payers’ money. The excuse making begins roughly at the 1:30:00 mark of the video.
Did the T&G report on this? This seems like the kind of information that should be shared with people who don’t happen to ride the turtle.
If Lukes and Gaffney are serious they should either push for a state or federal investigation, or resign. A person of integrity would not continue to serve on such a corrupt body. The whole idea of our city manager system is to hire a professional, outside executive not beholden to special interests. Instead, Worcester has hired a classic political hack who lives in a tony suburb of Boston. Low-affect Ed Augustus (who always looks like he is not quite over a hangover) is a reflexive, machine lapdog, who never mind running a city, couldn’t run a bath. He is happy to collect his outsized salary, live in Millis, repeat shopworn leftist platitudes, and attempt to dress well. Yes Ed, I think your growth spurts are over so you can have your suit sleeves shortened to show at least a quarter inch of shirt cuff so you don’t look like a refugee.
Purple: I think you’re wrong about the bath…
This audit has been long in the works, I am hopeful there will be follow up by the Administration. In the meantime, I must share my profound jealousy for the candor of Turtleboy. I am sincerely exhausted by the tip toeing and pc influence on discussing any and all issues….having an opinion and a position is necessary to a meaningful debate. Gaffney isn’t afraid of his opposition to the current status quo which is refreshing. Lets hope his mutant ninja shell is teflon! 🙂
If only some Federal agency could examine Non Profits and determine if they were above board.
Mat: There IS such a Federal agency, and they’re really really aggressive – you might know them by the letters IRS.
Fast Eddie gonna shut them down in January if they aren’t doin their grant given job….right. Loved it when Petty tried shutting Konnie up and she told him to f off…can’t wait til Tricky Dicky Rushton is outta there! Turn down the volume when he is on.
Refugee: Yes, but only if you promise to waste it on some socialistic, anti-American endeavor.
Dear Eddie:
May I please have $35,000 to experiment with? Thank you.
I could have sworn that our tax dollars were suppsed to be used on PUBLIC entities, like public schools, police, fire, public works. Why would one cent go to ANY private organization? How much money does the city give to Reliant Healhcare, who actually do take people’s blood pressure? How many tax dollars go towards the YMCA? Maybe an audit needs to be a lot wider to see where else my $ is being wasted and said audit should be done by the STATE Auditor.
Someone tell father Rivera Puerto Rico is a part of America,therefore she’s American,I know cults make up their own rules but the president of Puerto Rico is Obama. Any child can figure this out,but it’s funny how many people call a commonwealth of America a country. Cmon father Rivera priests should teach the truth,or is that a masters course on the computer for “priesthood”. No wonder her district schools score so low.